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Unofficial new Barmy Game - Hellshades "Hit or Miss?"

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BH,is that blood or hydraulic fluid all over the canopy?




Edited by Hauksbee

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Cranberry juice. The control tower told him a joke about an Englishmen and a bulldog just before take-off and it came out through his nose. :grin:

Edited by Hellshade

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In Bullethead's case, it could be "Bloody Mary Special"?


(special means here: HALF Wodka, half tomatoe juice, several splashes of Tabasco sauce, pepper and salt)

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In Bullethead's case, it could be "Bloody Mary Special"?


(special means here: HALF Wodka, half tomatoe juice, several splashes of Tabasco sauce, pepper and salt)


I stay away from tomato juice due to my acid reflux. However, I do make a drink called "Napalm", where you mix vodka, Karo syrup, and habanero juice. It sticks to the roof of your mouth and burns :).


But in that game, that's supposed to be blood. I imaged the #1 prop of the B26 clipped the top of my head :).

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1 out of 3.....good thing I'm not your stock broker

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We're back with a new edition of Hellshades "Hit or Miss?"


This time, I spot a hun above in the clouds and pull up to attack. He spots me at the same time and dives through the clouds directly at me. We open fire but is it a game of chicken that nobody wins? What happens when Huns dive from "Out of the Clouds"? Vol 5

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I'll say miss. The angle makes it look like a potential hit but actually you have enough room to sneak by.

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A miss, I think. It all depends on whether either of you are in any kind of a roll.


Roll = hit.

No roll = no hit.

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Hit or Miss Vol 5 "Out of the Clouds" video answer



Scary stuff but lady luck had the Hun roll his wings in just the right way.




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HPW was right about the roll. :good:

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A clear mess - ah - miss, I meant. :grin:

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Cool game you've got going Hellshade. I'm enjoying it! You must have a horseshoe hidden you know where!:wink2:



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