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what is the speed limit for WOV/WOE

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i want to make some expirimental planes,


some of real or mock-ups of black project/test planes.


i wanna know what the limit is of the game.


in other words where does the game end mach 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or more?


and where can i find a readme or something who i can test the craft for the flight dynamics?


or who does it work with WOV/WOE?

in compare with FS2004?


i have some experience with fs2004 model making.


many thx if somebody can get me on my way.


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The Altitude limit is set in the flightengine.ini under







MaxHeight=50000.0 <--- here, it is in meters, mine is set to 50000 meters, because I also do some testing.

The default maximum altitude setting is 35000 meters.


My best regards, Kodiak.

Edited by Kodiak

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max speed limit: 300,000 kmps

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max speed limit: 300,000 kmps

total misinformation to hide fact that Einstein's papers were all made up :grin:

Michio Kaku FTW

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You can beat c by using skip waypoint -- that is hyperspace jump, or space warp. :good:


P, start with normal planes set to, say, 200 miles altitude. Very interesting -- rather simplistic -- what happens on the way down during re~entry.


Like K poasted, set max height to a million meters. The max height is an invisible game ceiling you need to push up first.



An old screenshot of my cirrus clouds taken from free cam view taken from a few hundred miles altitude. The terrain fogs out but you can still see a little land/sea border here, and a few of my contrails.




A pair of B-52s (if I recall, these are years old shots) taken from maybe 20 miles altitude. U-2 and A-12 pilots would write about seeing contrails far below.



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Lexx, your ideas beg for better engine and AI/GCI :good:

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well i saw that skunkworks for WoV/WOE/WOI have the sr-71


have anybody here flown that bird from them?


i am registrated there but i can't download i don't know why.. its freeware ..


i am now building the x-15 rocketplane.<the first one x-15A


i have made it in ac3d convert it to 3dmax..


but i can start all over again ecaus the polygen settings of ac3d :no: that was not a great idea from me hahah.


but i wanna know when i have finished again this time in 3dmax..


where i can find a proper engine for the bird within the game limits.


or can i make my own set of engines.


i am new to WOX series.


thats why i am asking these questions.



other off topic question :


what flying games besides WOX series.


are fun to fly or edit.. in the minds and eyes of you guys.?


my top 5 is


5 : fs 2004 <military style sucks, too much edit to have it turned in to a combat sim and airport to airport flying gets boring after some time

4: Falcon 4.0 < nice game lots of features , can do air refueling, support of awac.

but old graphics mainly the terrain tiles and cockpit is thus most of the times a blurry/blocky mesh.


3: WOX series. < sucks no air refueling i have a mod for it but i don't know how it works.. ingame i dont have it working.

2 LOMAC flaming cliffs 1. < nice game but very heavy with all those trees. too much rendering for my pc. but still great game.

only not the planes i like to fly... and most mods , well mods for wox are better to handle and untill now i dont find any issues

or conflicts with one or a other. in lomac i have.. also in falcon 4.0


1: there is no number one at the moment, every game that i know of have some issues that i dont like.

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3: WOX series. < sucks no air refueling i have a mod for it but i don't know how it works.. ingame i dont have it working.


i mean not that the game sucks but that it sucks that air refuel its not made in to the game

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max speed is Warp 9.9, until they re-scale the warp chart to 15 in 2234

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My model for x-15 ::




is there a tutorial for tweaking/finishing models for WOX,

and how to make the animations for it and cutting the cockpit/control surface etc.???

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is there a tutorial for tweaking/finishing models for WOX,

and how to make the animations for it and cutting the cockpit/control surface etc.???


tutorial for cutting and animations controle surface i have found.

is there something else i have to watch for??

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max speed limit: 300,000 kmps


well i ask this because in fs2004 you can get faster then mach 2.5

on your gauges but the grond dont move faster.. the game limit or better to say the screen limit is 2.5 mach in fs 2004..because of the rendering.

i want to know what the limit is within wox...


or did no body try this to find the absolute limit of the game;)

Edited by patriotDJ

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Frictional heating is only modeled for jet inlets, not airframes, so theoretically, given enough thrust, there's no limit.

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Frictional heating is only modeled for jet inlets, not airframes, so theoretically, given enough thrust, there's no limit.


thx thats the answer i was hoping


so i can make my x-15 go that fast like the real one...

that is what your saying??




better then FS 2004 or fsx.


o i remember is there a terrain with new york/washington in it??


i have the actual flight data of 3 of the flights during 09-11-2001..

if they did happen the way they claim how it to be happend...


i made a mod for fs 2004 in the past that did let you fly on auto pilot the actual path and speed

i did try to let the ai fly that path but it is damn hard to make that happen in fs 2004..

so you can try to intercept them before they hit there targets..

what Norad and USAF/US NAVY / and home land sercurity failed to do ..


a flew year ago a german pilot gets a heart attack and die while on auto pilot.

also the same squadron that intercepted last year tu-95 bear above the netherlands.

intercepted this plane.

because he did not answer air controle.

the f-16's escorted the plane above the wadden sea then the plane was out of fuel and crashed it in to the sea.

i mean to say every plane that dont id them self gets a escort or in worst case shot down.


and the best guarded air space in the world failed to react

or intercept..


i cant believe that for one moment..


i if somebody made that terrain please let me know i want fly there.

probly its more fun to fly such kind of missions in wings over X then in fs 2004 or many other sims

Edited by patriotDJ

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