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Paul, looks like the S-3B is having the same problem with the JPG skins as some of the C-130s. The fix is easy enough.


How to do that? I have some other aircrafts skin converted to jpg that have same issue. (usually it happen in fuselage section).

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The easiest fix is to convert the skins back to BMP format.


Eric Howes

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I have uploaded Update #1 for ODS on SF2E. You can find it in the first post of this thread:




This update package includes all the fixes and updates from the four previously released Hotfixes plus a good number of new updates, included updated aircraft, ships, and other ground objects.


Eric Howes

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I corrected an error about the US Army Aviation AH-64A unit.I can't upload the US Army hymn because is too big.If someone want also the hymn ask me, and send it by message or e-mail.



Ice Man



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Ice Man:


If you're going to change the Nation in the main campaign .INI, you should also change it in the DATA.INI as well.


Eric Howes

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I'm having a little issue here with some tiles......I'm sure I've corrected this sort of thing before but for the life of me I cant remember how.....


Any suggestions???



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Problem sorted........I've changed the water shaders back to stock.......as it says in the readme..!

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