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K-12 :P

Probably wouldnt have guessed without Gunrunners post




Yep :)

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The engine-cowlings gave it away as a Marchetti and the german markings gave the timeframe :blum:


I'm not good at picking weird aircraft, so I'll pass along to Gunrunner, who had the initial itch on his toe...

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I know what it is but since I've just had a go i'll let someone else field this one. :cool:




*Edit: beaten by a minute :P

Edited by fallenphoenix1986

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ok...for fun!

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LOL, I just read about that in the latest issue of Air & Space.


The "Rutland Reindeer" from No Highway in the Sky, 1951, with uber pilot actor Jimmy Stewart.

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Doing what if or could have beens.



Edited by MAKO69

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Well, what it is is obvious, it's one of MacDonnell F3H Demon proposed follow up, in a twin engine configuration, to address the issues with the original and that led to the Phantom, what the official designation if it ever got one though is beyond me...

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