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Spinners you have our commitment and have had it for the past 10 years. When the site went down I personally answered all the concerns about subscription accounts. I was very fair with anyone who wrote in about extending their subscription time for the inconvenience. As for the gentlemen PMIK that is having problems downloading, that's a whole story in itself. I will contact him now about that as it seems something isn't quite adding up. PMIK's most recent download summary looks like this (below). No matter how you look at things 3.71GB of transfer is huge, that fact aside it's still 0% of our total transfers amount per month. Ideally handling customer service issues is easier and far less embarrassing when it's done here either through the support forum, via private message, or email as opposed to another site entirely. Ultimately we are here to be a benefit and a strong standing supporter of the community not anything else.


Total Transfer for PMIK 3.71GB
Percent of all transfers 0%
Total Downloads 23			





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3.71... Geez... I wonder what my stats are (*cough* Erik *cough*)

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3.71... Geez... I wonder what my stats are (*cough* Erik *cough*)


IDK but I can always look. :blink:


Total Transfer for Stary 1.66GB
Percent of all transfers 0%
Total Downloads 9

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Now you done it Erik.... :lol:

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Thanks for it Erik



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Now you done it Erik.... :lol:


Yeah I'm in between wanting to know and not wanting to bug Erik about it :lol:

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All of the reports I'm pulling are from the last 7 days, I generally don't pull complete histories unless there's a problem I have to address. Since our bandwidth resets each month I generally only care about our aggregate throughput both directions (in/out). So what I've reported for everyone is the last 7 days of activity, just to put things into perspective.


do me next!


Total Transfer for SkateZilla 44.44MB
Percent of all transfers 0%
Total Downloads 1


Yeah I'm in between wanting to know and not wanting to bug Erik about it :lol:


Total Transfer for Brain32 13.75MB
Percent of all transfers 0%
Total Downloads 2


If you guys want to know how you compare, here's our top downloader this week.



Total Transfer for usafphantom2 114.3GB
Percent of all transfers 4%
Total Downloads 1867

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Erik, is there a possibility to have our download statistics and history somewhere in our profiles, to help non-subscribers to track how many files they already downloaded and subscribers to keep track of whether or not they already downloaded the latest version and when (and also keep track of how much of a burden they are).

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Erik, is there a possibility to have our download statistics and history somewhere in our profiles, to help non-subscribers to track how many files they already downloaded and subscribers to keep track of whether or not they already downloaded the latest version and when (and also keep track of how much of a burden they are).


Stats are a possibility. History might be a little tougher because we'd have to store every download and continue to store them infinitely to make it worth having. This will ultimately end up being millions of records. Currently the download logs are rotated nightly so the maximum days of files we keep is 31 days. This helps to prevent having to store needless data conserving space and db usage. We already track and you already have the ability to "follow" a file which means you'll get a notification in your email or whatever you elect in your notification settings (inline, PM, email) when the file is changed or updated. Nobody is a burden unless they've purposely gone out of their way to be such. Don't worry about being a burden just be yourself.



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