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Austrian D.IIIOef "Hacks"

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Since there is no real D.IIIOef yet available for FE I went ahead and remade the skins from the Skunkworks D.IIIOef to the stock FE D.III. I like the use of the Bump mapping and the stock D.III is the proper airframe for the Oef. So what I did was remove both Spandau machine guns and all their parts from the main aircraft mesh via the DATA.INI. Then I removed the Spandaus from the cockpit via the Cockpit.INI. Stephen1918 has made a nice Schwarzlose machine gun as an add-on weapon so I added it to the D.III's Loadout and Data .INI's. I moved the position of the guns too to the forward engine compartment as was the original Oef D.III's.An added them to the cockpit as well. I also dropped them down into the cockpit and mounted the onto the support bar. The only issues with using the stock D.III for me were I cannot remove the Prop Spinner like it was done with some later versions of the Oef's. The lower fin trailing edge is vertical instead of angled. And there is somewhat of a hole where the Spandau guns used to be. I painted what I could to hide it. And also I cannot create the rounded nose like seen on the later Oef models. Here are some picks. I will be posting them soon. Need to touchup a bunch of things still. Note in the pictures the new gun barrels in the nose. The gun flashes match up too.




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Looks very good. :good: Looking forward to your posting.



Some day when Stephen1918 gets time, he will hopefully make some real Austrian Albatros D.III 53, 153, 253 series.

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maybe in the mean time somone could make a small plate to cover the machinegun holes. oreven make an engine cover that was seen on some. beyone my abilities but very cool work considering what little can be done to the model.

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One word - FANTASTIC! Release´m promptly! As I can remember, all the known skins are present. Awesome!!!!!

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