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maybe... just thinking out loud... we could try sort of open petition/question to TK regarding the plans for future?

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Limit AI to positive/negative G values in the data.ini, I'm sick and tired finding gun solution on a Flogger pulling -7G or seeing them evade missiles with *high negative/high positive G maneuvers* that would even kill an adult male Klingon warrior...


Well that is worrying if true - considering I can sustain 13G -14G in the J-6



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I think this possibly could be tweaked by adjusting AI values in aircradtobject.ini

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maybe... just thinking out loud... we could try sort of open petition/question to TK regarding the plans for future?


We could, but it would be a better use of time to back up Justin Biebers discography...allright, maybe i went too far this time

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Well that is worrying if true - considering I can sustain 13G -14G in the J-6


Well I didn't caught them pulling excessive positive load, the problem is they can pull as much negative as they can pull positive.

This is what some of us call "the drunken dolphin maneuver" when AI goes from level flight into a high negative load maneuver(really excessive, maximum) then abruptly pull into a high positive load maneuver again to the max.


This is how the chart would look:



Messing with the aircraftobject.ini or AI_DATA.ini or what's-it's-name might help but I think it can only decrease the whole elevator sensitivity instead of just preventing them to pull high negative load values...

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Does anybody other than TK really know how they(wingmen)work?Do the ones with higher Exp points,morale ect......employ their armament any better or follow orders better than the lower ones?Has anyone noticed any difference?

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If we can only have 2-3 planes in a release I vote for more of the absent enemy types! Or at least as DLC's! I dont think MikoyanGurevich or Sukoi would take TK to court?

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One of the factors is how long do they wait to shoot, rookies wont get as close as aces, neither will they notice you as easily and some other issues

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How about we make a wish list of stuff that would be easy to code?



But don't tell TK as he will say that list is very hard to code and costs heaps of money.


And if you do by mistake, then don't tell Stary you have told TK about the list...


And if you do tell Stary you just have to hope TK doesn't answer... :grin:

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But don't tell TK as he will say that list is very hard to code and costs heaps of money.


And if you do by mistake, then don't tell Stary you have told TK about the list...


And if you do tell Stary you just have to hope TK doesn't answer... :grin:


First rule of the list: you don't talk about the list. :biggrin:

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First rule of the list: you don't talk about the list. :biggrin:


Owwww..... Damn it!!!!!

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well, despite this seems pretty stopped while TWs priority is on Android (wouldn´t blame them if they left PCs if it is not profitable) i guess we can expect at least Exp3...just don´t know when...or even if, but hope is the last hing you loose, isn´t it?


About G limits, i don´t know how many Netzs i´ve broken up recovering (attempting) from supersonic bombing dives...the question would be...why do i keep diving supersonic? I would say "because i can" but facts disencourage it

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maybe... just thinking out loud... we could try sort of open petition/question to TK regarding the plans for future?


hey those of us in the states could do the White House petition page requesting something (AAR, newer F-16s something). won't get nothing from the White House but its free publicity for TK and might spur him to goin back to PC with a semi- national spotlight.

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I asked TK a few times about his plans for the future,

and he did not awnser.....

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I personally don't think even TK knows for sure where he is going.


Here are some of my personal observations:


1) The tech world is changing...constantly. Who would have thought just 5 years ago when the iPhone was introduced that Apple would become the dominant player in the mobile space (or computing in general)? Or that Palm, RIM, Nokia would all be on life support (or already dead)? 5 years...that's all it took to completely change the computing landscape.


2) Who also saw the PC having a resurgence in gaming relevance? In 2005/6, when the XBox 360 and PS3 were released, PC gaming was considered to be on a downhill slide. But 2 things around the same time contributed to the PC's resurgence - MMOs gained more traction, and digital distribution (ie Steam). And now with Free to Play titles like WOT and Minecraft raking in millions of dollars, PC gaming is as strong or stronger than ever.


I could name other examples of how advancing tech has disrupted traditional business models within a short time frame.


Here's my take away opinion: This all works against complex combat flight simulations.



The reasons include:


1) Graphics - We all like our eye candy.

2) The office - Unlike something like an FPS, where your near modeling is a forearm and an gun, a complex flight sim requires an entire office, plus all the stuff has to work in the office correctly.

3) Physics - Fluid dynamics...enough said.

4) Avionics - Yours, your wingmans', your weapons, their weapons.

5) AI - Takes advantage of their strengths but has real world limitations. Uses the avionics and physics in proper context.


In my opinion, modern air combat simulation (ie anything that uses the EM spectrum as a significant part of gameplay) is the most difficult programming that can be done for a commercial, publicly available product. It takes money, energy, and time...a lot of time the more detailed you get. Which works against the pressures of a modern, publishing timetable.


I think that unless something radically changes to make such things as a modern air combat simulation a lot easier and faster to program, that we have reached the zenith of the 10/10ths detail flight sim. I think the only way you will see future products like the level of DCS in terms of fidelity and AFM, will be only if the developers are willing to take a loss.


I personally think TK is experimenting with trying to keep his business agile and adapting to the changing market. I don't worry about length of time between releases for DLC. Unlike things like FPSes, where there are a thousand different alternatives...how many places allow you to fly a Mirage F-1 in a combat flight sim?


Hopefully I'm wrong. Hopefully there are enough people interested in something like DCS (due to so many other developers abandoning the market) that ED and 3rd party developers can create a wide variety of offerings to satisfy everyone.



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Flight simmers are also bound by larger displays, pedals and Track IR for now - which is still only the PC/Mac domains - which luckily will be widespread for years - due to the number out there and the fact they are the best things to work on. (Large screen and keyboard)


Its certainly difficult to see anyone developing a new flight sim engine and succeeding now - look how many years its taken TW to get the stable flight sim engine we all enjoy.


Thirdwire do at least have an engine built for a flight simulator - but in the same way hes porting it to mobile Operating systems, it doesnt take as much effort to modify it and release new PC versions.


DCS are basically doing the same thing now adding and improving to what they have already - and then you have FSX and Falcon 4.0 which are are being modified and improved on.


Maybe you could predict that future flight sims will all be based on a few flight sim engines - like all Operating systems are today.

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Maybe you could predict that future flight sims will all be based on a few flight sim engines - like all Operating systems are today.


Actually, that's not a bad idea. FPSes have done this sort of thing for years, licensing out their engines for other games.


Unity offers their engine for free (which TW and other games have used for mobile devices).


That could be something that could spark a flight sim renaissance...prime creators license their engines and rake in money that way. Smaller niche developers could make product for specific markets...which could cut down on costs if an engine doesn't need to be developed in house.


Of course, I have NO idea if something that is standard in the FPS world would work in the flight sim world.



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1) Graphics - We all like our eye candy.

2) The office - Unlike something like an FPS, where your near modeling is a forearm and an gun, a complex flight sim requires an entire office, plus all the stuff has to work in the office correctly.

3) Physics - Fluid dynamics...enough said.

4) Avionics - Yours, your wingmans', your weapons, their weapons.

5) AI - Takes advantage of their strengths but has real world limitations. Uses the avionics and physics in proper context.



GFX, D10 and DX11 Both are a Pain to code for, We love Our Eyecandy, but if you saw the RAW 3d Shapes without the Smoothing Shaders applied to it, you'd see how old some of the SF2 Meshes are.


Same as Above, if you saw the Meshes without Shaders, you'd be like WTF, only the front panel has any kind of detail, the side panels are straight up flat with textures.


I love SF2s FM. I cant say nothing bad about it,


Avionics... Same as above. ... They are a pain to code, especially with limited data on most aircraft.


AI, that problem would be solved by making it MP Oriented. then again, you got some idiots online that will be bigger problems than bad AI.



I personally think TK is experimenting with trying to keep his business agile and adapting to the changing market. I don't worry about length of time between releases for DLC. Unlike things like FPSes, where there are a thousand different alternatives...how many places allow you to fly a Mirage F-1 in a combat flight sim?


Hopefully I'm wrong. Hopefully there are enough people interested in something like DCS (due to so many other developers abandoning the market) that ED and 3rd party developers can create a wide variety of offerings to satisfy everyone.




Or Trying to Stay Afloat...

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Flexman was using a 3rd party engine to make his Combat Helo sim, but that thing has been on a development rollercoaster for some time now, who knows what will come of it if anything.

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Edited by Stary
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TW Store Certificate is outdated, and part of the store HTML is down for maintenance, ....

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That doesn't present a very good image. Also gives fuel to the "PC development on the back burner" rumors.

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That doesn't present a very good image.


True...it can give the impression of being unprofessional.


Also gives fuel to the "PC development on the back burner" rumors.


Maybe. It wouldn't make much sense if you think about it though. Even if he were to stop PC development right this second, there is no reason to not continue to sell what he's already created. All it costs are hosting fees.




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Naturally, but the facade of neglect is a powerful image, regardless of his actual intentions. When you think about it there's no logic to it being deliberate, but instinctual emotional reactions to things like that aren't usually tempered by logic. :grin:

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