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First Persuit Group N28's project

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These decals are a huge PITA for the cowl. But I'm getting there. Lots of ingame screenshots then back to Photoshop for a hair line touchup. Then back to game for a screenshot. Then back to Photoshop for another hairline touchup. Etc, etc. Argh!


Edited by quack74
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It may be a PITA, but your results are FANTASTIC !!!!! :air_kiss:

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Absolutely gorgeous! Are you using four decals on the cowl? I was going to suggest it, but figured you might have tried it.

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These are looking great Quack. The diamond cowl markings look fantastic and I love the squadron markings. Very impressive work!

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There are four decals on the cowl for the 95th Aero and only for A flight and C flights. B flights red and gold spiral is only Right side and left side. Lets just say so far there are 75 decal locations in the decals.INI and close to 700 decals in the decal folder of each of the 4 groups ( 94th, 95th, 27th, and 147th.) Naming these decals and getting them all to match up by number is going to take a few more days. As soon as I finish up with the 95th's cowl decals I'll finish the decals.

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There are four decals on the cowl for the 95th Aero and only for A flight and C flights. B flights red and gold spiral is only Right side and left side. Lets just say so far there are 75 decal locations in the decals.INI and close to 700 decals in the decal folder of each of the 4 groups ( 94th, 95th, 27th, and 147th.) Naming these decals and getting them all to match up by number is going to take a few more days. As soon as I finish up with the 95th's cowl decals I'll finish the decals.

I'm amazed you can still see, my friend. And I'm very glad I have this nice big hard drive now. :grin: I know it will be worth the wait, When it comes to your skins, patience is always rewarded.

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First pic is of 95th Aero "A" flight. I think it's done. Way too hard to get diamond perfectly wrapped around the forward cowl. And the other pic is what I have so far for each of 95's flights. A little touch up still needed but damn close.


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Ok, I think I'm done w the decaling. I'm just trying to fudge w the "C" flights blue cowl bands. From the top they flow smoothly but from the sides they have sharp bends that follow the contour of the cowl mesh. Pretty hard to fix. But other than that I'm done with creating the decals. Just need to start the numbering process. Enjoy the pics. Note too the randomly different wheel and strut colors.



Edited by quack74
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Thanks a lot guys. Just trying to give us "Dough Boys" something to ride around in.

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Well the 1,127 decals are done! :stars:

Should have these up sometime this weekend. Just want to go over the skins and decal placement first

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wow they look great quack :biggrin: , i can imagine how much headache all those decals were

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Last Pics. Just need to do a readme file and Numbers list file. Remember these are just generic accurate skins. No ace skins included.......yet.


Edited by quack74

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Ok two more..I forgot to show the 3rd Liberty Loan Posters that are on the wings of a few 94th and 147th Aero planes. I made the decal very random.



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Wow! these are SUPERB! Must have!!!!!!!!

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Thanks. I had to go back and fix a few things before I posted them. And I couldn't stand how the 95th Aero's "C" Flight nose turned out! So I had to work on it a bit more. Now it's much better. Oh the little thing are what get you!

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It'll be worth the wait, to have these works of aviation art adorning our FE N.28's. Great stuff, even down to the ones with the original French tail markings, before the white-blue-red repaint obliterated the factory markings - nice touch.

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Apparently there were a bunch of N.28's with 147th and 27th Aero squadrons that carried the French tail markings right up until the swap to the SPAD13's in August. So I made the 27th and 147th Aero squadrons to keep the French Markings on the rudder w serial numbers. You could just copy the "Right Wing.bmp" from the 94th's skin folder if you want the USAS white, blue, red rudder markings.

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The question that I have is on the N28 wing roundrels, most of the paintings & pictures that I have seen of the N28 show the roundrel with the large white center and not the later SPAD XIII smaller white center.


At what date did the USAS switch from the large white center to the small white center ???

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I've been working on that too. As for the date I'm not sure. It would have to be late July or Early August when they swapped for the SPADs. From what I've read The N.28's were done by August 1, 1918 due to overwhelming casualties inflicted by the Fokker D.VII's. By the 8th of August the First Pursuit Group was re equipped with the SPAD13

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I do have a decal of the larger white circle roundel if you want it for this excellent package.

Edited by Panama Red

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Thanks PR, but it's done already. I created a new USAS nation in the Nations.ini so the USAS will use two decals. The larger white disc for early USAS insignia and on August 1, 1918 it changes to the smaller white disc for use with the SPAD13's.

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