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Downloads/Uploads still offline?

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Any news from the downloads Erik...... I pray for you :kudos: :kudos: :kudos: :kudos:

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So as you all have probably figured out by now we had a serious issue develop. Three weeks ago while awaiting a fix for the file server I awoke one morning to find a response to my support ticket. In brief, they had fixed the problem by reformatting the drives on the file server. The assumption was this was a clean machine with no data on it other than the operating system, etc. In fact the drives contained the almost 1 terabyte of data known as our downloads. I'm still working with the data center to come to a resolve regarding this, and in the meantime I've been repairing our files. Three weeks of living and breathing downloads, three weeks of living hell. I've received many emails and correspondences some of which I haven't even replied to yet. Thank you all for contacting me and yes I know the downloads are offline.


Let's get into the meat of it. This is where we stand today.



FILES RECOVERED - 100% ( I still have a few hundred files to fix but they all are in tact)

SCREENSHOTS RECOVERED 15% (I haven't worked on this yet or found a simple solution, TBD)



If you are a file Author please feel free to update your file with screenshots or just check your files. If you have a problem or question please let me know and I will be glad to help. This will help me out tremendously.


FILE SUBSCRIPTIONS -- If you have a membership I believe I credited everyone for a month and I know we're really close on that. If you feel I owe you time please let me know and I'll make the adjustment. If you started a subscription while the file system was offline I will be restarting all those after writing this. So everyone should be square, but if I overlooked something please speak up. The last thing I ever want to do is short someone or not be responsive to your concerns. 


I'm not sure when I will get around to recovering the screenshots, the files alone took three weeks and there are multiple screenshots for each file so I can't even imagine what it's going to take to do those. As mentioned if the author's get around to it first it would help with my workload. Dave, maybe you can reach out to some of the guys and see what they can do or spearhead an operation.


I would have never thought this situation could ever happen and I sincerely apologize. I planned for every contingency except one having my disks formatted and as this is the first recovery I've ever had to make from our backups I'll be implementing some changes to those also to aid in recovery should this happen again.


That said I've spent our entire working budget on restoring the files and upgrading equipment so I need to heal financially from this as well. Spending the time on the downloads that I have has kept me from other work so all in all things are just grim. It's a huge mess and we're on the road to recovery. Here's to tomorrow and a good night's rest.


All my best;



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Thank you very much, Erik, for your interest and effort!

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Thank you.

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Recovery operations are always painful, and with the size and scope of this one, I am amazed that you were able to recover so much. Good job!

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Thank you so much!!! good.gif.pagespeed.ce.PoYRIVsMjL.gif

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The files are all back online and functioning normally now. There should be no further interruptions with downloads. Some of the file authors have already started to fill in there screenshots which I greatly appreciate. I will get started on recovering the images some time next week after a short break from the file system. 


Moderators and Authors can edit, change, move files as they wish from this point forward. Thank you for your help and patience.

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