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An ill-matched couple of lovers exchanges SMS. Romantic call: "Tell me dear, what are you doing? If you are writing, send me your words. If you are crying, send me your tears. If you are sleeping, send me your dreams." - Philistine answer: "I'm s**tting right now!! What the f**k you want me to send you?!"

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So I was talking to my buddy Pete the other day and he told me I had no sense of humor. I shrugged and told him that no one can be funny like him. He said he got that from his parents.  I told him that his parents had a really great sense of humor and how they had some really funny jokes. I also mentioned that they made a joke funnier than the rest. He asked what me the joke was and


I looked at him and said  "you."


(true story slightly edited for your enjoyment)

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the correct answer to the question "how's it hanging?" is : "long and hairy, hard to carry!"


man with d*ck in peanut butter is f***ing nuts


If you can't be a good example, be a terrible warning..


If at first you don't succeed, cheat. Repeat until caught, and then lie!


man who go to bed with sex problem wake up with solution in hand.

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the correct answer to the question "how's it hanging?" ....



Sometimes I humor myself ... I Googled your answer and the images associated to it came up as these.







I think you broke the internet.    :sad:

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Ok,OK, I'll join in: what's the reason there are men on earth? Because a vibrator can't mow the lawn....

Edited by Derk
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How to keep a blonde occupied for hours.


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What do you call an Octopus with no arms? A puss.





Why do blonds love tilt steering? More head room.

Edited by CrazyhorseB34

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Last night my wife sweetly cooed a request into my ear, so I thought for a moment then softly recited to her how to field strip the M1 Garand.  When I'd finished she just stared at me with a look of utter confusion.  Silly me, I thought she had said "Tell me something pedantic".



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