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I´m starting to move to make a campaign based in the USN-French Navy operations over Lebanon and Syria in 1983. Does anybody know if there is one already made? If not, can you provide some clues and know-how?


I have an stock, full-5 merged install. I don´t know if i should put the carriers like in SF2V (Would it require terrain ini editing, i guess?) or combat groups like in SF2NA (naval map required?). The latter would be prefered, so as to include surface groups  supporting ground Ops. Also, any historical insight in those operations would be gladly welcome, i´m researching it but i would love to have as much info about it.


Basically, it would be a carriers only campaign. As i did with Northern Sabre Plus, i intend to make it useable with an stock install, then serve as a template for each one to modify or run it at will with 3d party stuff.

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yes that would be great!!    hey maybe some day you could do Operation El Dorado Canyon..


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Personally I think dedicated single missions would be more appropriate. 

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There was a pretty good single mission based around the Gulf of Sidra incident back in the SFP1 days, guy that wrote it was a minor player in the events of that day if I remember right, not really aware of any others.



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go with the battle group. then you could put the New Jersey in to deliver naval fire support!

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Dark Dawn. Early December, 1983


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What was this operation codenamed?

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I think there is not a particulat codename for that. Maybe the guy who put the names was on leave :D

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With right combination of SA-2, 3, 5, 7, 8, and 14's the missions flown over Lebanon are extremely challenging in all profiles whether you fly the Corsair, Intruder or Tomcat. 

Macelena what help do you need?

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So far, i haven´t been able to work it out due to time. I would like to make it in such a way that it would use only TW made stuff BUT serving as an easily moddable template for user edited campaigns. 


I would need to learn how to make it so Israeli activities are decreased, ground war is fought between UNIFIL and a red side, and having battlegroup based operations, I.E, a CVBG for each carrier, a surface, fire support group, an amphibious group, while representing carriers and air wings rotating.


I wouldn´t care to shamelessly use stand-ins to keep it stock only, as it is intended to be just a template in its "Phase 1"


EDIT: For somebody better at English than me...if "To Boldy Go" is gramatically OK, "To Shamelessly use" is correct? I´m not sure

Edited by macelena

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You do have SF2NA right?


That would take care of the basic battlegroups you want(Check out the campaign_data.ini call outs in SF2NA campaigns.


You will need 3rd party mods to give this life or else just stock it would be distinctly lacklustre.


Say for example the USS New Jersey, or the Buccaneers based at RAF Akrotri. As for the French naval forces this would be a little ambitious; but definitely doable; for the Clemenceau and Foch I suppose the best place to look would be within the SF2NA expansion pack. As for the USN forces the Kittyhawk class makes a good stand in for the CV-62 and 67. There are abundant tomcats skins true to history, as well as EA-6B, A-7, and A-6 TRAM skins.


I would use the Lebanon war campaign as a template, of course reducing the Mission Chance rates and Supply of IDFAF units; but you need them there as they were-nothing like having a Baz swoop onto those pesky Floggers to save your bacon. You would have to introduce new forces.


I had just completed a few single missions based on the info pulled by Major Bloodnok above. These were not easy.

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I know, the stock only campaign is a way to see how to do all the INI works so it runs as desired. Of course, it would be updated with 3rd party stuff once the INIs and historical info are fixed properly.

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