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US B-52 bombers challenge disputed China air zone

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The US has flown two B-52 bombers over disputed islands in the East China Sea in defiance of new Chinese air defence rules, officials say.

China set up its "air defence identification zone" on Saturday insisting that aircraft obey its rules or face "emergency defensive measures".

A Pentagon spokesman said the planes had followed "normal procedures".

The islands, known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, are a source of rising tension between the two nations.



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...hmmm. :blink:


Looks like Operation Flashpoint :minigun:







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I assume that it won't escalate to anything, at least I hope so.. thanks for the news!

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Area disputed by two countries being flown over by bombers of a third country that is thousand of miles away  is not exactly suiting or tension lowering action...   :bomb:

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Just had a B-52 morning, grounded at home, watching Strangelove. I was just thinking of making a remake with the Chinese. The power of my mind scares me, sometimes


EDIT At hrc: It doesn´t matter, it is just not abiding what would become an international law precedent. Beyond that, if the Japanese are cool with the B-52s showing their teeth for them, there is no trouble.

Edited by macelena

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This is Libya's "Line of Death" for the 21st century. Hopefully China is more rational than Quacky Qaddafi.

Edited by JediMaster

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Oh wah. It's not like China has never tested the waters with their own bombers.

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The islands are closer to Taiwan than to China or Japan. The  chinese air defence zone is ridiculous oversized. It covers the whole area north of Taiwan till South Korea and Japan.

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“If the Navy, for example, flies one of its aircraft out of Naval Air Station Oceana near Virginia Beach, all North Korea has to do is scramble fighter jets from its airfield near Wonsan, conduct multiple air-to-air refuelings using its advanced network of Pacific and Canadian airbases, then intercept it a mere eighteen hours later.”


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