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Never get drunk in India....)))

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A careless man in Keral province, India, has decide to buy drink for the evening. Since the neighboring pub was closed he went to the local store instead. After getting unconsciously drunk he spent the night outdoors.

The result can be seen on this picture.




He was strangled and swallowed by a giant python which after so heavily stuffed could not get away with the lunch...

The local authorities warned tourists not to spend the night outdoors after partying, because of such lurking dangers..

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Looks painful - so the snake has to sit there a few years now blocking that doorway!

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Thats a back of a van... I guess they cut open the poor snake to bury the guy?  Ahhh...

Anyway this way theres no need for funeral. They can collect the clothes, wristwatch, mobilephone when the python is ready )))

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Never get drunk by the Nile or the crocodiles will kill you... Never get drunk in Afghanistan or the Fundamentalists will kill you... Never get drunk in Russia or the adulterated vodka will kill you... It's almost enough to get sick of getting drunk!


Anyway here, a snakeskin coffin is the ultimate luxury! Top-class, man!! er, corpse...

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Snailman, you keep of drinking too much my friend :D


Nah, here we would eat the snake before it could flash a tongue :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

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Ah the dangers of demon rum..............

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OK folks, it's a hoax, so we can safely get drunk again all over the world, let's do so tonight !!!

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