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Why did the germans used orange paintings on aircrafts?

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In the cold war era up to the early 90s the Luftwaffe used orange painted rudder or other painted parts on the aircrafts.

What was the reason to do this?

And i know they changed to all camouflage paintings in the 90s since the Balkan crisis or before i'm not sure.

So if the cold war gone hot in the 60-80s would they have overpaint the orange parts with camo colors or not? If so it would be cool to have those plane skins in the game too!

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Well, just a guess but, I'd say it was because they were a defensive air force.  The reason planes are painted orange in general is to help spot one when they are downed (e.g. US Naval Air Training Command aircraft are traditionally painted orange and white....though USAF Air Training Command planes are not).


Thus, if an Air Defense aircraft was shot down, it would presumably be within the borders of friendly territory.  By the same token, I recall that USAF F-106 pilots wore orange flight suits for many years to facilitate rescue.


Just a thought.



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Germany is a pretty small country with extremely populated airspace. Most military aircraft of the early period had no, or different transponder systems and were not visible on civilian radar screens. The so called "Dayglow" markings provided an high visibility and reduced the danger of mid-air collisions.

They would have been overpainted in case of war.

The main reasons why they are gone now (in fact since early 80ies on), are more modern radar, IFF and transponder systems and of course the cost factor. The expensive orange paint had to been renewed many more times then the camo colors.


There are several aircraft/skins here around that have these orange markings!

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Florian, thx for the explanation.

It makes sense.

Oh it seems that i wasn't that clear about the german plane skins.

I'm looking for those without the orange color.


Danke nochmal,


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Rends, you might contact some guys who made the mods, as they have the template and could make you some skins without the dayglow areas.


Craig, the reason the germans used them more then others is, in germany the safety aspect is much greater then in any other country in the world! I work at an airport and the safety regulations just for my department are filling more then 6 cabinets!  :biggrin:

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Ok Florian, will do that once i found out what aircraft use the. The Phantom seems fine need to check the Starfighter.

Havn't installed the Tornado yet but saw orange on the Transall and Fiat G.91

Don't remember more Planes used by the Germans in the 70/80s that are in game right now.

Would like to see the Orion,Bronco or some helicopter but i don't think they are available yet

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Edit: i don't mean the Orion but the Breguett Atlantic and forget the tiny Alpha Jet :)

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looked in the downloads section?



Oh, great, wonder why i overseen this but i had a look at different addon sections and there is so many stuff i guess i just have overseen this one.

Thx for the link!


Btw: i just checked the F-4F the Starfighter the Fiat G.91 and the Transall and all don't have the orange color.

Well i was pretty sure i saw the orange anywhere. Maybe it was just in the Screenshot thread or as static ground model...or maybe a different skin i used?

Anyway i'm happy they don't appear in game by default.

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Most of the time, the G.91 and Starfighter had the orange markings only on the tanks. Transall had the markings on engines and other parts, but lost them pretty early. The F-4F had no such markings, although they got sometimes some areas painted in bright colors. Mainly when deployed to Goose Bay, Canada for low flying training. The Alpha Jet and Tornado never had dayglow markings, except while Trials at the WTD 61, a test department.

BTW, the Alpha Jet is here around. Soon there will be an Orion and a CH-53G.

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Nice to hear Florian.

Well if i remember right the days when i was a child the G.91 had a orange painted Nose and Transalls Rudder was painted Orange still in the 80s. I don't remember the orange on the engines maybe wingtips but i'm not sure.

Looking forward to the Orion and the CH-53 :-)

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While on the subject of day-glow panels, why do the Egyptians use them on their fighters? To identify them from Israeli aircraft?

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Correct. From 80th, when the egyptians got F-4 and F-16 they had the same planes like the Israelis. Quick visual ID was neccessary.

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