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Update of my Situation

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I'm scheduled to do the operation on January 8th. Keep me in your thoughts guys.



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Good luck with that bud. :good:

My 40th birthday is on the 9th - let's hope I'll have an extra reason to celebrate

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Thoughts and prayers with you, friend.

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Good luck buddy, keep in touch as much as possible and get well soon!

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Good luck with the Op - make sure they draw on the right one

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Definately be thinking about you and praying for good results.

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Good luck with the Op - make sure they draw on the right one


Yeah no kidding LOL.



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        You have been a Friend and long time Community Member here. I have had the Privilege and Honor to have been able to have got to known You over the Years. It's with a Heavy Heart that I've learned You going through this. Of course, I will hold You in My Thoughts and will save a special Prayer for You on the 8th. Hang in there. You have My Ear here anytime. Don't be afraid to PM Me if You need to. I'm here for You Buddy. Take it easy and take care of what You need to. Your Health and well being is Foremost. And We look forward to You getting back and well to do the wonderful Work like You've been contributing  these last few Years.






Edited by 331Killerbee
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Thanks guys for the kind words. I really appreciate it. The new HDR mod will be in back burner until I'm healed from this. This will be my 3rd time being under and with my disability I might be staying over night despite the operation being out patient. Oh KillerBee to let you know I still have your weapon pak installed combined with Ravenclaws weapons ;). Your pak is that awesome ;).



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God speed with the operation. Let us know how everything turns out. You have been and will be in my prayers compadre.

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