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Can stock ground objects textures be modified?

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I have a repainted version of the Tower4 in the Terrain folder but the game still use the original one.

Wonder why it doesn't work.

Edited by Rends

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is it in proper format (ie. bmp, jgp etc), does the name match the original exactly? It should be in terrain fodler (ie. GermanyCE) not just root terrains

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it's in the GermanyCE Folder


called AIRPORT_TOWER.bmp like the original one.

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yes, with lod hex editing and texture renaming

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Well , i don't have the lod because it's locked.

The new texture should replace the old one. I don' want a seperate object just the old Tower with a new texture.

Loaded the original texture file (extracted from a .cat file) repainted it and saved under the same Name.

But it doesn't use the new one .It's still the old reddish onebut i want the more White/beige like the original Ramstein Tower.

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ok, having tested this on 3 different installs on the GCE terrains, I can state that Rends is correct ...


for some berserk reason, the stupid game engine is NOT seeing a texture residing within the terrain folder, as has been in the past.

The only way I got the 'new' texture to show was (as I stated above) using my archived lods (you all know that all the items 08 level cats are 100% compatable with SF2, right?)


renamed the ini, editied the lod name within the ini, renamed the lod, renamed the bmp, did a quick and dirty flood of 25% white (concrete looking) hex edited the lod, and saved everything.

Added the new clone to the _types ini, replaced the tower at Bitburg, and below is the result


why in hell what has worked since Day 1 is no longer, I can only attribute to some fuck up internally in the game engine.


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At least the master got it working.

Any chance to get the files?

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you'll want to do a better job of repainting the texture, the one I have is just awful!!! :biggrin:  After all, the flood bucket in PS really DOES flood!!

Left (most) of the windows and doors!!

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Question. Should the reprinted (stock) .bmp/.jpg go in the core folder or a mod folder. And would that make a difference?

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into the terrain folder itself, in the mods folder. If it's in the core files, the game won't see it at all.


the way things used to (and still should --), is the engine looks in the folders 1st, then if it doesn't see what's needed, 'pulls' them from the various cat files.

that's why stock aircraft have no skins or decals in their folders, and an add-on terrain that uses all stock tiles can just use the cat pointer line to locate what's needed. Same goes for other terrains, referencing terrain objects (evildamncommbuildings, for example), and so forth.


now the weird thing, in the last 4 WW2 terrain mods I've uploaded, the pit1.bmp is residing in the terrain folder, with no lod, and the "new" sandbag texture shows with no problems.


on this one, using just the texture in 3 different mods folders (SF2E, SF2NA, SF2) sitting INSIDE the GermanyCE terrain folder, it wouldn't work


just some really weird shit going on!!

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That tower loads a collision mesh with the same ,bmp name. Something maybe?

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checked the _col.lod. It calls for the same airport_tower.bmp


how odd!

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Maybe the tower is an isolated problem for unknown reason?

I've a repainted stock Hangar texture that works fine in the Germany terrain folder.

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Just for refrence , I reprinted and tested in WOE 08 worked fine, I can't test SF2E (yet).

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strange, utmost strange as some of my hangars repaints work like a charm when tossed in Vietnam, heck Green Hell 3.5 uses those without problem, textures alone without lods

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Truth be told I'd love if all target objects had their folders like aircraft and ground objects...

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If I remember correctly, if the stock texture is in .jpeg format and the modified one is .jpeg too, the game reads the stock one. One has to save the new texture in .bmp to make SF2 read it in place of the stock one. This applies to aircraft, pilots, ground objects, everything.

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If I remember correctly, if the stock texture is in .jpeg format and the modified one is .jpeg too, the game reads the stock one. One has to save the new texture in .bmp to make SF2 read it in place of the stock one. This applies to aircraft, pilots, ground objects, everything.

The original one is a bitmap file.

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Made that experience too.

I solved that problem in this way:

used a SF1 lod (which is often in an Terrain mod), created a copy of that object. F.e Airport_Towe2

edited the bitmap name to a new jpg one.

that works fine...

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Try this lod.....in pic...works fine with the brown and lighter textures.I think its starys repaint of germanyce ?

Jul 2013 patch level..

we need gepards cat tool...  :blind:  F**K TK lol...


Edited by russouk2004

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Try this lod.....in pic...works fine with the brown and lighter textures.I think its starys repaint of germanyce ?


The lighter texture was made by my daughter.

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