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Wondering If we have any frigate sized ship capable of hosting a helo loanding. I tried with a TW ship but the chopper went trough the deck as you can see on the pic. Also, do we have any kind of "supply" weapon? So we can practice Vertrep?





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yes we have for a long time.

Try the search engine!!!

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I made some cargo/bombs for a C-130 with parachutes ( not what you need) but I could export the palett and cargo model ( small) depending on how you want to attach it to the airframe ?

Edited by RAVEN

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I made some cargo/bombs for a C-130 with parachutes ( not what you need) but I could export the palett and cargo model ( small) depending on how you want to attach it to the airframe ?


With a rope?



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Frigates? Bah. Corvettes is the shit!


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Rope, I'll do some comsept testing and get back to you. Oh rope length , 30ft?

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Rope, I'll do some comsept testing and get back to you. Oh rope length , 30ft?

yeah, 30 ft sounds good!

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Florian build the Sh-3 for the german Navy, he included a Frigate in his pack ;) 


Should help you

Eeeerrrrr.... No. In my german Navy Sea King pack is the Supply ship "Berlin" class included. Also capable of helo ops, but a bit bigger then a frigate.


There is my german F122 class frigate around somewhere, also with working helo deck.

Check also the german Navy Sea King Mk.41 for supplies on a palette with ropes. It´s included and you can check the weapon station entry to adopt it on other aircraft.

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I don't know if there's  landing capable frigate. If you want to create one, you should add the cat line in the frigate.ini. It's trial and error to find the exact coordinates. If you are interested, send me a PM!

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