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Must have addons for FE2

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I will get FE2 soon and would like to know what addons should i download ?

I know all of them,lol but i just need a start to fly some missions when i need a break from modding SF2.

And what terrains are included?

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Hey Rends, this thread should give you some ideas on downloads.  FE2 comes with a Cambrai and Verdun terrain.  Take a look in the downloads section at the models Stephen1918 has made available.  They are all really nice!  Gterl's Italian terrain is a dazzling piece of work, which will probably be interesting for you to take a look at after all the object placement you have been working on in SF2. 

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I have Jan Tumas seasonal tiles installed but it doesn't work.


What i did was copy the files in user/savedgames... Directory. The same way i install mods in SF2 except the seasonal tiles are outside the "Terrainname" Folder.

Please check this:


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Ok got it.

The Terrain Folder in the mod was missing the plural "s".

Now it works but i i ran into a second problem. I have no water reflections/Animation using this mod...

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check the data ini for the proper shader statements (ala SF2)

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check the data ini for the proper shader statements (ala SF2)

Yep, i fixed that by copy/paste it from the stock FE2 Verdun data.ini entries.

Will do it with the second terrain tomorrow and upload it here for everyone who wants it.

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Rends, get the download from the link below and place it over top of Jan Tumas seasonal tiles in your Terrains folder.


Seasonal Town & Water Tiles (Spring, Summer, Fall) by Bandy


Once that is done place the file I have attached over top of it and see how that works for you. Be sure to back up your own edits before you try mine just in case you don't like it.






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Im busy with my SF2 mod but will give your files a chance soon.

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Rends, get the download from the link below and place it over top of Jan Tumas seasonal tiles in your Terrains folder.


Seasonal Town & Water Tiles (Spring, Summer, Fall) by Bandy


Once that is done place the file I have attached over top of it and see how that works for you. Be sure to back up your own edits before you try mine just in case you don't like it.




Hi KJakker


I've tested FE2_Edited_T_Datafiles.7z, but they caused flickering city houses and the white trees i overcast weather in my FE2.


Some houses flickers marked F in the image below but others don't flicker marked N below.




White trees i overcast weather:




I get less flickering and no white trees with Jan Tuma's original files and his edited data ini from New alternative-SCR.zip removes the flickering completely and makes the center part of the houses transparent as they should be and it also cures the white tree problem.

Some houses are not rendered 100% correct though.





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