+baffmeister 1,205 Posted April 8, 2014 (edited) Attached is an F-80C beta test FM that I have been messing with for quite some time. It is the usual combination of some new stuff [CDL table] some of the original FM, some ThirdWire tables and a whole bunch of tinkering. I recommend backing up the original FM then just drop this new one into the F-80C folder. Cheers. Edited May 10, 2014 by baffmeister 5 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Coupi 4,432 Posted April 8, 2014 I go to test it! Thanks a lot!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrench 10,073 Posted April 8, 2014 Hugh, I'm going to pin this topic, so it don't get lost! thanks for the work!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heck 496 Posted April 8, 2014 Yes! I was hoping to see things from you in Korea! Thanks, Baffmeister! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+baffmeister 1,205 Posted April 8, 2014 Thanks for the pin-up! I will probably be doing a few more KAW fm's in the future so will just post them here. The F-84 and Panther fm's seem good to me and I certainly won't be messing with the Sabres and Mig-15 but some of the prop jobs may get a look. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrench 10,073 Posted April 8, 2014 the sabre and migs were done by Fubar; they 99.9 % of realilty. They be the bomb!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Spillone104 553 Posted April 10, 2014 Just tested. Nice improvement compared to the old FM. Maybe is just a bit too sensitive on the AOA limit. The plane have a tendency to stall very quickly in any range of speed and in combat manouvre it can't exceed 4 g. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+baffmeister 1,205 Posted April 10, 2014 I was getting over 6G's in high speed turns but will look into it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Coupi 4,432 Posted April 11, 2014 Very nice FM! Thanks a lot!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrench 10,073 Posted April 11, 2014 (edited) I stumbled across a pdf of the pilot's flight manual. didn't download it -like a dummy! I guess I can try and find it again, and attach. would be cool to have! EDIT: nuts! It's for the A model!!! Edited April 12, 2014 by Wrench Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+baffmeister 1,205 Posted May 1, 2014 F-80C beta 0.91 FM attached. Thanks to Fubar I got a T-33 and P-80A flight manual PDF to look at so have made some changes. Also found a bit more online info so have bumped up the lift quite a bit. The T-33 / F-80C could pull quite a bit of "G" even with an unpowered elevator but it did have a problem with heavy buffet when pulling G at higher mach numbers. The heavy buffet zone is considered a "No Go" area due to structural limitations and is a bit of a handicap. Not so bad at low levels but much worse at high altitudes. Here are some numbers based on the T-33 flight strengths chart: Max G at 0.80 Mach limit: 5000ft = 5.9G 10000ft=5.0G 20000ft=3.1G 30000ft=2.2G 40000ft=1.4G At lower speeds the structural G limit is 7.33. I can't replicate the heavy buffet problem in the FM so have just limited the max G available at higher Mach numbers. If you get involved with any MiG-15s at high altitude and find the plane not turning very well all you can do is slow down to about 0.70 mach. Other changes: Fuel tanks adjusted and range reduced. [i like to keep the range numbers conservative] Realistic engine spool-up time. [around 13 seconds from idle to max thrust] Dive bomb and rocket AI adjusted. [Dive bomb AI tested with the An-64 500lb bomb. Results will probably be quite different if using TW stock bombs.] The pilot AI has been adjusted using Fubars F-86 FMs as a guide. The damage modeling has been adjusted using Fubars F-86 FMs as a guide. [ I plan on doing this for any other KAW FM's I do to keep things consistent.] Will leave the F-80C alone for awhile and take a look at the Panther next. F-80C_FM0.91.zip 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fubar512 1,350 Posted May 1, 2014 You can also simulate aileron "buzz" at Mach 0.8+ , which causes the ailerons to lose effectiveness. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+baffmeister 1,205 Posted May 1, 2014 You can also simulate aileron "buzz" at Mach 0.8+ , which causes the ailerons to lose effectiveness. Good point. I will try adjusting the control mach table for the ailerons to [at least] reduce their effectiveness around mach 0.80. It would be nice to be able to introduce some cockpit buffet/vibration at certain speeds but not even sure if that is possible. The TW transonic buffet effect seems to be hard coded. [ still haven't given up on generating some stall buffet for the high mach vs. "g" issue but it may require some very odd CL0 and CLa tables.] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+baffmeister 1,205 Posted May 10, 2014 Here is a KAW specific update for Paulopanz's recently updated Sea Fury package available here: http://combatace.com/files/file/13443-hawker-sea-fury-fb11-mk-50/ This update has some KAW specific damage modeling and AI changes. I have also included some Sea Fury 45 imp gallon drop tanks if you haven't downloaded the latest version yet. Paulopanz and company did a great job updating the very old model but it still has some issues. The weapon stations are poorly positioned and the ailerons will self center when doing left turns. I am a bit undecided how to classify the prop planes for KAW use. I have this one classified as FIGHTER but for air to air use the only option is CAP and INTERCEPT which I think they would have been assigned if required. The Sea Fury was a very versatile airplane and could carry removeable cameras in the rear fuselage so the RECON statement is legit. For KAW use there is an option to edit the date range so it won't be available until it actually came into service during the Korean war. The dates are to the nearest month and the research is a bit "light." This date range option was included in the F-80C update as well if you wish to do the edit. The F-80C was removed from Korean war use a couple of months before wars end. I did some carrier trials with this FM and it seems OK. When on autopilot the player aircraft traps OK and when player flown it's not too difficult. With the current patch the AI only aircraft are removed from the game as they approach the aircraft carrier landing pattern. I did notice some potential conflicts with parked aircraft so have included some revised data.inis for the aircraft carriers Collosus and Illustrious. Here's the update pack: KAW SeaFury 0.99.zip 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+baffmeister 1,205 Posted June 15, 2014 KAW P-51D FM update attached. [ Got side tracked. The Panther FM hasn't even been started yet!] This P-51D FM is for use with Wrenchs' KAW P-51D pack that you can get here: http://combatace.com/topic/75103-sf2-korean-war-era-p-51d-mustangs/ NOTES: The stock TW P-51D FM seems to underperform quite a bit so this FM has been adjusted to get the desired performance. [desired by me, at least.] The main performance changes are due to adjustments to the inner wing CDL headline number and a minor edit to the CDL table. Also, some additional changes to the rudder data and engine table. The P-51 holds lots of internal fuel so to maintain good performance you should limit the fuel load on short range missions. Other changes: The MaxSpeedSL= has been adjusted to 505MPH. This was the Mustang redline indicated airspeed below 9000ft and is a bit of an experiment. I usually set the MaxSpeedSL to about 10MPH above the book number while tuning the top speed at sea level with edits to the overall CD0. In this case I want to see if the "simplified" AI flight engine will keep the max LEVEL SL speed within the same range as the player aircraft. So far, so good. I think the game flight engine limits the AI speeds to the MaxSpeedSL entry or the MachLimit entry [0.77 Mach for the P-51], which ever comes first. By raising the the MaxSpeedSL entry to the redline speed I hope to get more realistic AI behavior. If this approach works it should make for more interesting dogfights. [Thinking WW2 here!] I have also included some info on KAW aircraft war service dates. Previously, I had the dates in the FM data for optional use but it is probably better to use these dates just for Campaign or Single Missions. I plan to keep updating this file as I do more KAW FM's. The dates may be of some help to Campaign/Mission builders but the research is "Internet Quality". Here's the P-51D FM: KAW P-51D_0.99.zip 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FalconC45 170 Posted June 16, 2014 Will you guys look into the LA-11 FM? They cheat! LOL! Falcon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+baffmeister 1,205 Posted June 19, 2014 I plan to have a look at that one at some point but haven't found much detailed info on the internet. In RL the La-11 would probably have been a formidable adversary in the right hands! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FalconC45 170 Posted June 20, 2014 I plan to have a look at that one at some point but haven't found much detailed info on the internet. In RL the La-11 would probably have been a formidable adversary in the right hands! True but don't think the LA-11 could fly at 35 knots or lower.... Falcon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+baffmeister 1,205 Posted October 3, 2014 Grumman F9F-2 Panther FM beta 0.90 attached. This is for the very nice Bobrock/Wrench package available here:http://combatace.com/files/file/13412-sf2-korean-war-era-f9f-2-panther-pak-by-bobrock/ I didn't find much free information on the internet regarding handling characteristics and limitations so the FM is a bit generic. At some point I will probably have to purchase a flight manual to make any improvements. I had some issues with the retractable tail skid causing major airframe damage if it contacted the ground. The skid works OK now but the animation behavior isn't 100% correct. The FM uses some KAW specific damage modeling and AI behavior so may not be compatible with other installations. Here's the FM: KAW_F9F-2_FM_0.90.zip 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Do335 382 Posted October 3, 2014 thank you baffmeister! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+baffmeister 1,205 Posted October 26, 2014 F9F-2 Panther 0.91 FM update attached. After flying this plane for awhile I didn't much like the rudder response at high speed so made a few adjustments. Further updates probably won't happen until next year. KAW_F9F-2_FM_0.91.zip 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+baffmeister 1,205 Posted March 22, 2015 Here are updated KAW specific FM's for some North Korean prop planes. Included FMs: Yak-9P available here: http://combatace.com/files/file/13431-kaw-yak-9p/ [ Starys Yak-23 pit works quite well with this aircraft.] La-9 & 11 here: http://combatace.com/files/file/14213-lavochkin-la-9-fritz-la-11-fang/ [ this package includes Starys very nice La-9/11 cockpit.] Il-10 here: http://combatace.com/files/file/14565-il-10-beast/ All these aircraft have had the Min/Max extents updated using Mues' LodViewer so the damage modeling should be much improved. The Yak-9P gets a bit of an aerodynamic update. The La-9 & 11 aerodynamics get a more or less total overhaul. Also included is Wilches' prop fix. Here's the update package: NKpropFM's.zip 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites