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Hi Everyone,


I cant or have forgotten how to load weapons onto my f16 on wings over europe. I think I have strike fighters. I cant open the weapons editor. And I dont know what to do anyway.


I have looked at the adding weapons forum but the OP hasnt gone into enough detail.


If somebody could give me some step by step information on how to do this from scratch, I would be most gratefull.I have the F16. Even if I have to start over but I dont even no how to do that.


Also some of the clouds are pink on my afghanistan map. Are there any upgrades like bug fixes ect available.


Again any tips on anything will be appreciated.


Thanks very much,



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The weapon editor you must run in compatibly mode for Windows95. The  it will work

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Just following this. Glenn owes me a buck.  :biggrin:

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Hi all,


Can somebody please explain how to load out weapons in easy step by step instructions, Im stuck and the knowledge base is doesnt go into it with enough detail.


I think your knowledge base for adding weapons needs to be updated, because it doesnt go into enough detail about how to load weapons onto a downloaded plane. It needs step by step instructions from start to finish, and easy to understand for dummies like me.


Thanks very much,




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haha not yet Erik.


Thanks Rench. However this is not enough information, I dont know which weapons are for the F16, and are those parameters the same for all weapons. You need to dumb it riiiighhhht down, hahaha


I think your knowledge base for adding weapons needs to be updated, because it doesnt go into enough detail about how to load weapons omto a downloaded plane. It needs step by step instructions from start to finish, and easy to understand for dummies like me.


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there's another thread in there someplace, about the Loadout.ini

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Yes I was just reading it, got a headache, lol You have put which pages the loadouts are on, but I could see one for the F 16. Where do I get the patches from. OMG this is so hard!


Thanks for your help though.



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Can we just start from scratch. Step by step. Those threads are far too complex, just start data dumping.


Thanks for your patience

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If you are referring to installation of new weapons so that they then become available in the aircraft weapon loadout screen, then I myself would also like to know how to do this in simple easy steps. I have had attempted to do this before when I have added a new aircraft which comes with it's own weapons folder, but to no avail.  :flyer:    

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TLDR; For God's sake, what are you trying to do ?



Could you be more specific as to what your problem exactly is ?


The more precise your question, the more useful the answers.


As long as you are not precise enough you are condemned to get irrelevant answers and by multiplying similar posts you'll start pissing people off, learn that the best way to get an answer is to ask an actual question.


From your two threads I'm left wondering which of the following you are trying to do with the F-16 :


1 - Manually load another existing weapon than the ones automatically loaded (hey, some people don't get that there is a loadout screen ingame).

2 - Change the default weapons automatically loaded for a specific mission type.

3 - Add an existing weapon type that is not available for the F-16 yet, if so, which F-16, which weapon, for which nation in what timeframe.

4 - Creating a non-existing weapon from scratch.

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Glenn, Gunrunner is correct...your questions are vague.  You need to be specific.


However, I suspect you don't know what you don't know...so we are going to help you with that.



First, read these threads:








This should give you a primer when folks start throwing out terms that make you scratch your head.


Secondly, tell us about your computer and install:


What operating system (or OS for short - Windows XP, or Windows 7, etc) is your computer using?

Which Strike Fighters sim?

What patch level is the sim at?


Read and digest those threads, then post your answers to these questions here on this thread.



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Ok sorry about that. I have an F 16, and when I start the game and go to load out it has no weapons available just feul tanks.


I have a weapons pack. Thats all I know.


Thanks again

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You did not post the answers to the questions I asked.  We cannot help you if you can't answer the questions posted.


Please re-read the links and answer the questions.  Then we can start to help you.



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My appoligies,


I am running xp.


How do I find which strike fighters sim I am using.


And I dont know what patch level my sim is at. How do I find that out. And thats another question is where do I get patches from.


Just reading the links now.


Thanks again for your patience.



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Ok I have read the links. I dont know if I have strike fighters, is there a way to tell.


I definiately have WOE, but I have Afghan and I have an F16 which I dont think came with the original game, so Im pretty sure I have strike fighters but I dont know which one, how do I check.


I have found that I am running v04.23.06. Can I download a service pack for this, and are there any patches.


All I really want to do is have some weapons on my F16 there are only feul tanks at the moment.


Hopefully someone can help me now.


Thanks : )



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However I still haven't had an answer to my original question. How to make weapons available in the load out menu for an F16. I have read all the information but I can't find any step by step instructions.


Somebody else in the thread also is wanting to know how to do this.


I suggest re writing the "adding weapons" sub topic in your knowledge base, because for somebody who is just getting started it is of not much use.


Thanks for the help so far : )

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In order for us to tell you how to correctly add the weapons so that they show up in the loadout for your F-16, you need to tell us:


1.  Which F-16 you have downloaded and what you did to install it (to make sure it's installed correctly)

2.  Which weapons or weapons pack you have downloaded and what you did to install it (to make sure it's installed correctly)

3.  Which patch level your game is at (I'm assuming you're at the Oct 2008 level since you just thanked someone for the link to the patch).


There is no way to have a detailed thread in the knowledge base to cover step by step installation for every possible combination of aircraft, weapons packs, and patch levels.  That's what the readme in the download is for.  Unfortunately sometimes, a good readme isn't included.  (If it was included and you didn't read it, you best get to it!)

Edited by malibu43

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You still haven't answered the questions FastCargo asked. To quote Asimov "there is insufficient data for a meaningful response".


And I'll add a few more:


WHICH F-16 mod are you having trouble with?. Supply the link.

Also, post the loadout ini for said F-16 (copy/paste).

Is it a USAF Viper, or some other nations?


You said you had installed a weapons pak? Which one - give us the link. For what patch level? There's are 06 and 08 versions available.

Is the weapons pack compatible with the patch level of the game (which is WHY I linked to the 08 patch; which is the last one available for the SF/Wo* series). There were, and still are, issues with trying to get earlier weapons mounted on aircraft with weapons packs and game with differing patch levels (should be a thread in KB, something about 'what needs updating for the 08 patch', but can't remember exactly).


Are you using the correct weapons editor for your patch level?
Have you opened the weaponsdata ini from the weapons pack with the weapons editor, and just hit the 'save' button, to rebuild to the current patch level (creates a new weaponsdata.dat file)?


Do the weapons called out in the the loadout ini even exist, either in the stock install (without weapons pack) or are they listed in the weapons pack's weaponsdata.ini?? To check the stock weapons, they should be listed on the Loadout Screen, on both panes -- the left side showing available weapons, and the right pane -your aircraft-, on the individual hardpoint locations.


Speaking of hardpoints ... on the Loadout Screen, are the circles white or black? Is anything listed in the 'windows' for said hardpoints?

Can you hand load ANY of the weapons, of any type, on the Loadout Screen, via the individual hardpoint dropdowns?


Does anything actually show up on the aircraft, when viewed 'in game'? Post a screenshot.



you might also want to review this pdf (in the zip). Now, some bits won't be relevant, but the description of the weapons stations (from aircraft data inis) and weapons attachments, etc, might be of some help.


This is one of the major reasons 99.9% of everyone has moved away from these dead end 1stGen games. The SF/Wo* series isn't even supported by the maker anymore. In SF2, weapons are folderized, with all inis and bits within, and are a "drag and drop" install.


As to rewriting the KB, prolly ain't gonna happen. As mentioned before, SF2 is far superior and far EASIER to mod. Just saying; we stopped beating dead horses a 'ways back.

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Actually Bob I did answer Fast Cargos questions, again, I am running XP and "I have found that I am running v04.23.06" I dont know how to find out which strike fighters I am running, and I have asked how to determine this but I have not had an answer to this yet. I think its strike fighters 1, it should be the same to load weapons though so I think it shouldnt matter.


To answer your other questions I have the F-16_Blk20MLU_FACH I'm not sure how to provide the link, but it was downloaded from combat ace.


Im not sure where the loadout ini file is, can you please be more specific with your questions. I assume its the weapons data file which is in the F 16 folder under objects and then weapons. Its big but I will upload it in steps.


I can fly the plane no problem, I just cant load the weapons.


I will post more information soon. But hopefully that helps a little.



It might be easier to give me your email address because the max file size here is 1mb.


I will upload anyway.

more weapons data files

more weapons data

more weapons data

The weapons pack is WeaponsPack_03Jul06 File version 2.0.024




Ok Bob I just finished reading your reply. It sounds like I should get SF2. Does that run with WOE. Im sorry but this is all very complicated. I dont know what to do now, I just want to fly an F 16 with weapons in Afghanistan in WOE. I dont care how I do it, just the easist way.


Thanks again for your help so far.







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