saisran 84 Posted July 18, 2014 Is there any other game on the aside from the SF2 series where i can fly and blow up stuff in an F-14 Tomcat? I know the ace combat series have F-14s and there's an F-14 mod for MSFS but they're not what im looking for. Thanks guys. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TeargasHorse 287 Posted July 18, 2014 I don't think there are any new games with the Tomcat. F-14 Fleet Defender was in the 90s, a great game, but way old now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
B52STRATO 215 Posted July 18, 2014 There was also the terribly bad 'Top Gun' games serie or 'Iron Aces 2 : Birds of Prey' which was pretty funny even if ugly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boresight 51 Posted July 18, 2014 (edited) Is there any other game on the aside from the SF2 series where i can fly and blow up stuff in an F-14 Tomcat? I know the ace combat series have F-14s and there's an F-14 mod for MSFS but they're not what im looking for. Thanks guys. Hello, For older operative systems, like MS-DOS; Windows 95; Windows 98, there was: - Fleet Defender - very good in terms of realism for that time; - TOPGUN: Fire at Will - with lots of missions and strong sense of plot immersion; - some others from the 90's I don't recall now. Stuff like Ace Combat, Afterburner, etc, are totally arcadish. EDIT: There's also Tomcat Alley !! For the ones who like that style. What you might be looking for, and will probably be the most accurate F-14A simulator so far, may come out in a few months is: " Aerosoft F-14a " for FSX. Although one will need "tacpack" to use weapons. Edited July 18, 2014 by Boresight Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boresight 51 Posted July 18, 2014 Hello MigBuster, which one is this ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thodouras95 25 Posted July 18, 2014 Well, none really. But IRIS may (in a couple of years time though, so don't get too excited yet) release a fully functional F-14A for DCS: World (with TWO functional cockpits!). Unless of course you're looking to bomb stuff in the -D Tomcat, then I'd say you're out of luck for now D: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+ST0RM 145 Posted July 18, 2014 The freeware FSX F-14D Tomcat from Dino Catteneo combined with TacPack allows you to shoot missiles and drop bombs on targets, with effects. Another option. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MigBuster 2,893 Posted July 18, 2014 Hello MigBuster, which one is this ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+allenjb42 4,291 Posted July 18, 2014 Damn, that's a blast from the past! Spent many a happy hour playing that one on my Amiga. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FalconC45 170 Posted July 18, 2014 There's Jetfighter series in early 90's. Made my first night trap on a keyboard on the first game. This is before real joysticks came for the pc. Falcon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boresight 51 Posted July 18, 2014 About Spectrum Holobyte's " TOPGUN: Fire at Will ! " That was maybe one of the "sims" most responsible for my enthusiasm for combat flight simulations in the mid 90’s, here at Portugal. And the very first culprit for my acquaintance with the mighty F-14 Tomcat. Never again I got that feeling of immersion you mentioned on “ TOPGUN: Fire at Will ! “, with any other sim. One really felt as “being part of something”. Surely it was by no means a “ BMS Falcon “ feature wise and all that, and it was indeed a bit arcade sometimes. But it did had several strong points: - plot immersion throughout the all game; - F-14 Tomcat / RIO / AIM-54 missile, main features roughly depicted; - Merlin (the RIO), really helped calling out for dangerous / important situations, etc; - more than 40 missions (in 1 training series – TOPGUN school, and 3 combat campaigns – Cuba, N. Korea and Libya); - diversity of scenarios and enemy aircraft – MiG-21, MiG-23, Mi-24 Hind, Su-27, Mirage 2000 C, MiG-29, (almost impossible to dogfight against this one); - carrier landings (even at night). The HUD symbols, were not as realistic as in “ Fleet Defender “, but still they were very reasonable in terms of reality and helped to keep some of the “simulator genre” feeling: - missile and gun Rmin & Rmax scale for each weapon; - pitch lader; - velocity vector; - missile boresight; - gun aiming piper; - target box, etc. One could even "buzz the tower" at the last training mission, with the respective scene where guy get's the coffee spilled all over him. Truly nostalgic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites