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Easiest way to add stationary aircraft to an airfield.

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Hello everyone,


I've used the search function indeed, however I've found no clear answer to my doubt.


Edited some Target.INI, "created" some staticNODAM.LOD files, at the designated terrain, but no avail.


Any suggestions ?

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nobody uses static aircraft lods anymore.

The game engine (since 2010ish) generates them automatically

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could look at Mescalero Range terrain or Piecemeal's Desert terrains. they have parked Herks and Chinooks on there, the hercs as airfield targets.

  to throw out a future question,  anyway to get the engine to pop one specific nation in a specific parking spot (say airliners)?  some possibilities in the future where i might have need of parking jumbos at civilian airports in Germany and Dhimar......

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nobody uses static aircraft lods anymore.

The game engine (since 2010ish) generates them automatically


What about if I want to put specific models in a given airfield, let's say: some A-4s, F-4s, F-5s, etc. to get a particular immersion feeling on that Air Base?

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anyway to get the engine to pop one specific nation


no. however, you can limit the allowed nations in the terrains' nations ini., but that means having said nation (ie: PanAm, fer instance) in the games nations ini as well. Base parking is set by wingspan of the aircraft, in the airfield inis. Parking chance is also a percentage set in the airfield ini, but is still generated randomly.



What about if I want to put specific models in a given airfield, let's say: some A-4s, F-4s, F-5s, etc. to get a particular immersion feeling on that Air Base?


then you'd need:


1) find someone to BUILD and skin the statics

2) create specific locations that DON"T conflict with game-generated parked aircraft

3) hope it don't kill frame rates


adding too much "stuff" to any target area increases game loading times (some my terrains are a perfect examples of that!), Depending on the poly count of the static lod, which can negatively effect frame rates when the game has to render them for player viewing. Best example is the aforementioned static Hercs, Puma, and Chinook terrain objects (and some other parked birds we have as well). Fortunately, they're very low poly lods and have a minimal effect. OTH, we also have aircraft automatically generated that REALLY fuck up the frame rates, as they're lods are not optimized (read: too many polys, or oddly placed polys or whatever reason).


And don't forget -- anything and everything placed on the terrain has to be rendered all the time; they don't de-spawn like ground objects or game generated parked aircraft.

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Despite the fact that the game generates flights and parked aircraft according to the nations.ini, it seems that, for instance, Belgian planes take off from a French airbase and not from those of their country (GermanyCE terrain). I'm guessing this is a feature we should beg TK to add.

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...ok...how about if i make a small      hellicopter      airport...         that is missing in the Anatolia terrain.....and put ....the helli and car's ...etc...from the beginning....like the planes in the Carrier's ...on the side.......

p.s. I was planning to do Lod files.........so this is the best time.....to figure out....a solution

Edited by acesfakia

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no. however, you can limit the allowed nations in the terrains' nations ini., but that means having said nation (ie: PanAm, fer instance) in the games nations ini as well. Base parking is set by wingspan of the aircraft, in the airfield inis. Parking chance is also a percentage set in the airfield ini, but is still generated randomly.



then you'd need:


1) find someone to BUILD and skin the statics

2) create specific locations that DON"T conflict with game-generated parked aircraft

3) hope it don't kill frame rates


adding too much "stuff" to any target area increases game loading times (some my terrains are a perfect examples of that!), Depending on the poly count of the static lod, which can negatively effect frame rates when the game has to render them for player viewing. Best example is the aforementioned static Hercs, Puma, and Chinook terrain objects (and some other parked birds we have as well). Fortunately, they're very low poly lods and have a minimal effect. OTH, we also have aircraft automatically generated that REALLY fuck up the frame rates, as they're lods are not optimized (read: too many polys, or oddly placed polys or whatever reason).


And don't forget -- anything and everything placed on the terrain has to be rendered all the time; they don't de-spawn like ground objects or game generated parked aircraft.


Hello Wrench, thank you for your time.


I see, and can't it be built and skinned, with the existing image and LOD files from the ' TMF, F-14 superpack ' or even the Third Wire stock ones ? ( I mean all those files existing at the SavedGames mod folder ? )


(This is for a static F-14, the same goes for A-4s and F-5s).

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Despite the fact that the game generates flights and parked aircraft according to the nations.ini, it seems that, for instance, Belgian planes take off from a French airbase and not from those of their country (GermanyCE terrain). I'm guessing this is a feature we should beg TK to add.

Good luck on that one            :tumbleweed:  :deadhorse: ....unless your a hidden millionaire and offer them the money to do it

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you can't (re)use stock aircraft lods for "terrain objects" parked aircraft. Their world centers are based on their data ini, which includes the landing gears. Without that, they tend to wind up sunk into the ground (see the original Cuba OTC+ terrain for an example - a parked Beagle sunk half-way up the fuselage in the concrete!)




...ok...how about if i make a small hellicopter airport


doesn't work that way -the game even now still doesn't (really) support helicopters' they're still considerd aircraft by the game engine- ... and airport is an airport, as defined in the _types ini, and the objects airfield ini itself. Way back when, around 2006, for "The Factory Place", as originally issued, was considered an "airfield" to get the buildings to light up (as only airfields could have defined lighting - now fixed with self illuminating materials), In those day, you'd wind up starting in the middle of all the buildings, and blow up


In essence, helos use "standard" game runways because the coding won't allow for anything else.

As to a "helo base" (or more accurately, a place for them -static, terrain objects- to hang out), been there done that...

Edited by Wrench
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you can't (re)use stock aircraft lods for "terrain objects" parked aircraft. Their world centers are based on their data ini, which includes the landing gears. Without that, they tend to wind up sunk into the ground (see the original Cuba OTC+ terrain for an example - a parked Beagle sunk half-way up the fuselage in the concrete!)




doesn't work that way -the game even now still doesn't (really) support helicopters' they're still considerd aircraft by the game engine- ... and airport is an airport, as defined in the _types ini, and the objects airfield ini itself. Way back when, around 2006, for "The Factory Place", as originally issued, was considered an "airfield" to get the buildings to light up (as only airfields could have defined lighting - now fixed with self illuminating materials), In those day, you'd wind up starting in the middle of all the buildings, and blow up


In essence, helos use "standard" game runways because the coding won't allow for anything else.

As to a "helo base" (or more accurately, a place for them -static, terrain objects- to hang out), been there done that...


Yes, Fubar already told me the landing gears wouldn't appear - but it already exists (with landing gears) at the JSF Aggie's " SouthWestern US " Terrain.


At that Terrain I've managed to copy the Su-9 'red side' ground target, from one air base to another.

(It's a fixed stationary model, not a game randomly generated one.)


I'm trying to replicate that Su-9, but with A-4s, F-14s, etc.


When you say ' stock aircraft ', does it mean that with ' TMF F-14 superpack ' add-on files it would be possible ?

Edited by Boresight

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Trying to better explain what I want to do :


The SU-9 aircraft at the bottom images (is a fixed ground target on JSF Aggie’s SouthWestern US Terrain).

On those images, at the centre of NAS Miramar runway, it was put there just by:


Copying and editing 3 lines from the file: SWUS_TARGETS.ini, basically:

( In SWUS Terrains folder. )


- copying them from :                            [TargetArea016]   Name=China Lake Range

- pasting with new target number at :    [TargetArea001]   Name=Miramar NAS

(Certainly the ‘offset’ reference must by a valid one.)



At the same SWUS Terrains folder, we have also:


- SU-9_StaticNODAM.lod





- SU-9.jpg   (this are the aircraft textures and colour schemes)

- SU-9_NORM.jpg

- SU-9_NORM2.jpg

- SU-9 Pylons.bmp



Where I need your help is:


Can I create a similar compatible ‘ F-14_StaticNODAM .LOD ‘ file from the many existing: “ TMF F-14 Tomcat SuperPack “ models, or something ?


I really would like to place some A-4s, F-14s, etc. parked in somewhere possible at NAS Miramar.


Anyone feel free to leave your opinion, and thank you all for your help.



Edited by Boresight

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you're talking to THE Terrain Guy. I know all about placing target objects


As to your request about the F-14, see my post above, #10 in this thread


and btw, offsets on ALL airfields are only valid with a N/S orientation

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you're talking to THE Terrain Guy. I know all about placing target objects


As to your request about the F-14, see my post above, #10 in this thread


and btw, offsets on ALL airfields are only valid with a N/S orientation


Hello Wrench,


Yes I know, so I need your help. Although I don't need it to be real targets, just stationary models.


I fully understood the problem you mentioned at the post #10, so, in that case:


How can I replicate to an A-4, F-14, etc. what JSF Aggie has done with the stationary SU-9 model above ?

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How can I replicate to an A-4, F-14, etc. what JSF Aggie has done with the stationary SU-9 model above ?


Well, for one, by learning how to create your own stationary 3D models, like the one you pictured above.  Software-wise, that either requires 3DS Max 2009 (a very expensive proposition), or a freeware 3 modeling application, such as Blender. If you choose the latter course, you will then need to find someone willing to import the Blender model into 3DSmax 2009, and export same into Thirdwire's LOD format, which is a pretty straightforward procedure. You then set the model up as a terrain object, and place it by hand.


Of course, you can always ask someone to create one for you, but you'll most likely find that the majority of the modelers here are pretty busy, either with their game-related, or real life issues.


BTW, there are some excellent tutorials on our site, and on Youtube, on how to create 3D models.

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Well, for one, by learning how to create your own stationary 3D models, like the one you pictured above.  Software-wise, that either requires 3DS Max 2009 (a very expensive proposition), or a freeware 3 modeling application, such as Blender. If you choose the latter course, you will then need to find someone willing to import the Blender model into 3DSmax 2009, and export same into Thirdwire's LOD format, which is a pretty straightforward procedure. You then set the model up as a terrain object, and place it by hand.


Of course, you can always ask someone to create one for you, but you'll most likely find that the majority of the modelers here are pretty busy, either with their game-related, or real life issues.


BTW, there are some excellent tutorials on our site, and on Youtube, on how to create 3D models.


Hello Fubar,


Let me see if I understood... because I should admit it: I really don't know "jack" on how about creating any kind of mods.


As I'am one of those enthusiast people who love this site, and what it provides, but knows little more than downloading and installing the mods. (But very gladly support it, certainly.)


So, what you (and Wrench) are trying to tell me, is:


- the SU-9 stationary I mention as an example, had to be at some stage created from zero, throughout all that procedures you explained, and not just copied from a flyable model, right ?


- so, in conclusion, it really isn't possible to copy and adapt some .LOD, .INI, and image files to get a stationary ground model.

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had to be at some stage created from zero, throughout all that procedures you explained, and not just copied from a flyable model, right ?Quote



so, in conclusion, it really isn't possible to copy and adapt some .LOD, .INI, and image files to get a stationary ground model




THAT is exactly what I've been saying all along.

Edited by Wrench

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Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it... well, he gets it. I don't like it any more than you men. :lol:

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Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it... well, he gets it. I don't like it any more than you men. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by FRPignon

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THAT is exactly what I've been saying all along.


Hello Wrench,


Well... for one, it's good to start getting an idea of how things work.

But man, it means, even to create a stationary ground model, it's needed a GREAT amount of work - now I'm getting an idea of what it takes.


I've looked at Fubar's suggestion, on starting with 3D design software, but in my case, I would really have to start from zero just to start doing the basic stuff.


Although there exists some stationary aircraft for SF1, for SF2 it appears it doesn't for now.

Well, it's a matter of looking at the options.


Thank you for your insight on this!

Edited by Boresight

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Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it... well, he gets it. I don't like it any more than you men. :lol:




I fully understand it's the nature of things, can't complain at all, just show my enthusiasm - let's no forget this site really is a bonus to anyone who appreciate sims.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Hey FRPignon!


Nice to see you here, hope you are feeling happier today!


Feel free to leave your ideas!

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I fully understand it's the nature of things, can't complain at all, just show my enthusiasm - let's no forget this site really is a bonus to anyone who appreciate sims.



Hey FRPignon!


Nice to see you here, hope you are feeling happier today!


Feel free to leave your ideas!


What's wrong with me , Monsieur Pierre? 

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