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Hey Jarhead1

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It so happens that currently the site is in recurring financial difficulties, the paying members being too few relative to the free members, which means that the site can't cover operating costs and more importantly the bandwidth costs (when you download a mod, it costs money to the site, publicity covers part of it but is not enough, subscription are there to try and cover the rest).


I would gather that Jarhead1, a long-time member of the community made a sizable donation to help relieve that situation, hence Dave's enthusiasm and well-deserved recognition of Jarhead1's contribution to the community (btw, I tip my hat to you, sir).


I must point that the situation is due to too many people thinking that they can just download and not give anything back, be it by being an active member on the boards, becoming a modder or simply paying for a subscription plan you can afford.


I think we all understand that you might not have the age or financial means to contribute, which is probably why Erik et al really don't want to resort to limiting download access, but for those of us who can and as of yet don't, please consider subscribing.

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You are right on Gunrunner. Absolutely right. 

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I may have budget authority over about $4 billion, but getting that $40 past CINCHOUSE is exciting!

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No worries Dave, glad to do it. After all the downloads and free advice I have gotten from you and many others over the years I am proud to be able to give back to this community

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No worries Dave, glad to do it. After all the downloads and free advice I have gotten from you and many others over the years I am proud to be able to give back to this community


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Your generosity has gone a long way towards restoring my faith in humanity.  :biggrin:

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It so happens that currently the site is in recurring financial difficulties, the paying members being too few relative to the free members, which means that the site can't cover operating costs and more importantly the bandwidth costs (when you download a mod, it costs money to the site, publicity covers part of it but is not enough, subscription are there to try and cover the rest).


I would gather that Jarhead1, a long-time member of the community made a sizable donation to help relieve that situation, hence Dave's enthusiasm and well-deserved recognition of Jarhead1's contribution to the community (btw, I tip my hat to you, sir).


I must point that the situation is due to too many people thinking that they can just download and not give anything back, be it by being an active member on the boards, becoming a modder or simply paying for a subscription plan you can afford.


I think we all understand that you might not have the age or financial means to contribute, which is probably why Erik et al really don't want to resort to limiting download access, but for those of us who can and as of yet don't, please consider subscribing.


Don't forget you can always join the writing team to produce new content... speaking of I have some new content I'm editing and fine tuning and getting ready for your viewing pleasure.


And to Jarhead I too tip my hat to you and thank you for your great act of kindness.


I know most of you, as mentioned before, like this site. I mean we have a lot of people here so it’s obvious. And some of you probably feel like me. I want to help out money wise but I can barely pay my own bills. And it hurts because you love this place and there isn't a thing you can do. But believe me and the others when we say that just showing up, stopping by the pub and seeing what's going on. Being active and communicating with people can go a very long way.


Once again thank you Jarhead and congrats on your lifetime membership.

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