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Do you agree with list? Top 10 Aerial Movie Dogfights

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My only problem with Sky Crawlers was that the in-flight scenes were amazing, but I wanted to see more! Like how those giant flying wings could land with that giant vert stabiliser below, and just behind the bomb bay. :tongue:

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Heck I really can't chose one, because its dogfighting and like motorcycles and tits, they are all good. :beach:

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Few scenes of the Anime film called Sky Crawlers. The plot kinda don't make sense but it has pretty realistic dogfights.





My only problem with Sky Crawlers was that the in-flight scenes were amazing, but I wanted to see more! Like how those giant flying wings could land with that giant vert stabiliser below, and just behind the bomb bay. :tongue:


yea it's a bit of a surreal story, maybe happening on a faraway nihilist/dream land (or summin' like that :p), and so bizarre stuff that doesn't make sense could happen. the whole thing also seemed extremely sad btw.

my take on it anyways......

Edited by Do335

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I vividly recall this


Movie...or video game?




However...my favorite cinematic dogfight scenes have to be...


1: Top Gun: As cheesy as it seems today the movie broke a lot of ground and became a pop culture icon.

Every military movie made sense (particularly one featuring aircraft) has tried to emulate it in some shape or form

2: Battle of Britain: Never saw the original when it was released in theaters but I do recall seeing for the first time on VHS when I was young. I don't see how you can not watch the movie and root for the good guys. Robert Shaw, Michale Caine, Edward Fox...some of the most talented UK actors to grace the screen. The movie's musical score was superb. "Repeat Please!"

3: The Final Countdown: The movie plot is a little too "tv scifisih" but the flight scenes more than make up for it. Seeing the "Golden Age" of US Naval Aviation at work, hearing TF30 screeching while maneuvering behind a Japanese Zero. Seeing the RF-8 on screen, that aircraft did not get its full cinematic just due until about 20+ years later until Thirteen Days.

4: Firefox: I like the espionage/spy thriller parts of the more than I like the final showdown between the two super MIGs. Yes it was low budget and scifi, but still turned out to be an entertaining movie.

5: Hot Shots: The training flight scenes and the last show down are funny as all hell. Admiral Benson is what made the movie.

Edited by ironroad

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I would like to add my two pence worth. These are my favourite aerial \ space dogfights or sequences. In no particular order.


  • Battle of Britain.........an all time classic 
  • Red Tails....................based on a true story
  • Flying Tigers..............with John Wayne
  • Star Wars...................attack on the first Death Star
  • The Blue Max.............with George Pepard
  • Flyboys.......................WW1 action
  • Top Gun.....................although a bit cheesy
  • Memphis Belle...........B-17 bombers being escorted by P-51s
  • Tora!  Tora!  Tora!.....one hell of a daring suprise attack
  • Battlestar Galactica..new series, numerous fight sequences
  • The Red Baron..........More WW1 action although mostly C.G.I. 

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If you ever wanted a show based on an aircraft carrier, BSG is as close as you were ever going to get.

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