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All my SF2 Ctds at launchs

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All my sf2 installs crash to desktop.

Just have the time to read the message "System initializing .... please wait ..."


Any idea ?


Thank you i advance

Edited by jeanba

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... and as seen over the last few weeks (and at least 2 threads), the FIRST question to asked is: what is your anti-virus program? Are you using Avast?

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i have not noticed any update ... maybe in the background .. or a mod I have recently installed 

Yes using Avast, why?

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it eats SF2, totally hosing it over. You missed all those posts, Martin??

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I can remember that avast had some troubles with a .dll file and wanted to put it in a container. Is it a misstake of Avast?

Yes I was not here over the last weeks, I was working around germany, so I stoped reading the forum, sorry Kev. 


What is the solution for this problem?

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i have not noticed any update ... maybe in the background .. or a mod I have recently installed 

Yes using Avast, why?


Because some people (me included) already had that same problem in the past, precisely after getting avast updates.

(Although the CTD was at 40 % game loading or so...)




Not 100% sure if it's avast, but it's worth a try.

Edited by Boresight

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uninstalled avast : still the same problem !

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uninstalled avast : still the same problem !


Some .dll files (my case months ago), or other kind might have been quarantined / or even deleted...


And so, unfortunately the problem will persist after uninstalling avast - happened to me.

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yes, indeed. if the various files have already been eaten, you'll have to re-install the game -AFTER uninstalling Avast. SAVE YOUR MOD FOLDERS FIRST, if you can!!!


most of the guys having the problem have switched to another AV, mostly to MS Security Essentials (thats the one I use, and it great -- free d/l with free upgrades!!)

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my mod folder is seperated so I will deinstall Avast tomorrow and reinstall SF2 ... damn, never happen before .. seems thats the last time i have used Avast

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my mod folder is seperated so I will deinstall Avast tomorrow and reinstall SF2 ... damn, never happen before .. seems thats the last time i have used Avast


The same with me, until one day it did...


I'm doing preciselly what Wrench said - using the MS Security Essentials since that day, and I'm having no problems with it whatsoever.

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FYI - You don't have to uninstall SF2 to fix the problem.  Actually, you don't need to ditch Avast either.


I was having the same problem.  However, if you go the Avast Quarantine (Virus Chest) you can find the .dll file that was removed from the SF2 folder, right click it, and select restore.  There, your SF2 is fixed without reinstalling.


To prevent it from happening again, make sure you have the latest version of Avast (mine just updated yesterday).  Then, go into the Virus Chest (click on the Scan tab and look at the bottom right), find the .dll file, right click, and select add exclusion.


No reinstall of SF2 necessary.  No switching to a new anti-virus program.

Edited by malibu43

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Anyway, switched to MSE and had to reinstall after several attempt to "control" the quarantine with "exclusion"

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I'm having the same problem and I never installed Avast, just McAfee that came already installed. And I'm running Windows 8.1.


Any solutions for this??

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IIRC, Avast deletes the DirectInput.dll ... thinks its something bad.

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Tried some of the solutions suggested here and they seam to work for about a minute then prff...crash again!!!


I've had it with this thing!! Thanks TK!!

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Well, I think I know what's been causing the game to crash (at least in my case). I noticed that it only crashes when I load my joystick profile before launching the game. Probably the profile software got corrupted somehow.


I programed the controller "in-game" without using the profile software and now it's working again.


BTW, I have an old Saitek Evo.


Sorry TK!!! :-D

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