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Lt. James Cater

A New Reality

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Figured i'd start hanging out around here again now that i'm back on rather level ground.


Life is quite a bit different sober after 23 years of rather solid drinking. I now find it pretty funny in a way to think back and realize the only time i skipped drinking for at least a week was when i was in jail and in a hospital secure ward! Even then, on both occasions i stopped at the liquor store on my way home after they cut me loose. Alcohol withdrawal was easily the most miserable experience of my life. Three months made worse when combined with homelessness makes for something i sure don't want to go through again. Anyways, i got things going earlier this year and got a job in yet another national park. So relocated once again and putting life back together again for the x time. Unlike the prior times in the sticks, this go around i managed to avoid the usual screwed up scenarios that can be found in these job places and am a little over a month from completing this contract and back to the real world as this place closes for the winter.


Going to stay with family for the holidays and then back out west as the northeast is way too expensive and also i've got things to work on back in Nevada. 


Am only recently getting back into these sims regularly. Did a number of short campaigns which i should have posted in the DiD section but  held back on. WOE seems a lot more difficult than i remembered but WOV (gold) which i had installed for about a week or so before deleting over some silly issue was a familiar feeling. Still doing gen1 as i'm as usual using second rate comp gear. Oh well, looks like the more things change the more they stay the same.  


Been thinking a lot about music again. Going to pick up my gear where i have it stored with relatives and can't wait to see if i can translate what i mentally picture to the fretboard. I mentally practiced a lot when i was homeless as a way of maintaining some sort of sanity and i think i got it to the point that i'm sure that my picking technique has changed even if i haven't played an instrument in almost 3 years.Really tempted to form a band but one has to face the facts. You get too old to jump in a van touring endlessly from coast to coast for little to no money. Besides, the modern music scene pretty much sucks.    


This my favorite tune of the moment.      


Another band that should have gone further than they did.

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...the more things change the more they stay the same.

I can't agree more


Welcome back!

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Welcome back (in more ways than one)

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Happy of all of your progress James and glad to see you around :D

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I was wondering how you have been doing. Good to see you around.

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Glad to see you're doing ok.


Best of luck!!

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Always great to hear from you, couldn't agree more about the more recent music scene and keep in touch.



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Thanks all.


The one good thing to come out of all this is that to younger co-workers that are in their early 20s, i use my screwups as a cautionary tale and advise them to get things and not to make the same mistakes i did. Anyways, i'm about to start something new in WOE and should be posting it in DiD sometime tomorrow morning.

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Glad to hear you managed to find your way again and have some peace.

It's not easy knowing you'll have to fight it every day for the rest of your life, but the alternative to fighting is surrender, and where's the honor in that?

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