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First US Built Super Tucano

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At a ceremony held in late September, Sierra Nevada Corp (SNC) and Embraer rolled out the first US-produced A-29 Super Tucano. Unsurprisingly, it looks an awful lot like the traditional Super Tucano, of which Embraer has produced more than 170, but it’s still a milestone for the team behind the plane.





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Thanks for sharing!!


Always loved the S.Tucano!!

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I love that pit!

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Too little. Too late...... Garbage.


A-10C will always be the answer. Shame on the military industrial complex.

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I gotta agree with CH, why get rid of the A-10 when it works just PERFECT in its designated role?????

I don't care what anyone says, the F-35 is not going to be nearly as effective for the AF in the CAS role as people believe, as it has less loiter time and carries less ordnance. I guarantee it doesn't have the armor the A-10 has and cant take the hits the A-10 can and continue flying. The only reason I say that the VTOL version for the Corps should be ordered is because the harriers are WORN OUT.

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Also agree with CHorse. However, their cells are aging quickly, may restart the production line of new A-10s could remedy this inconvenience. By the way, from a personal POW, I would F@#KING like to take over the Super Tucano controls! It would change of the Diamond DA40 well!

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That pit looks a lot better than the one in the A-10C for sure!



I think that's about the best we are prepared to give Afghanistan (Assume NATO is picking up the bill?)

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Amazing on how short sighted some of the replies are. This isnt an A-10 replacement, but a lower cost manned COIN aircraft for a foriegn nation.


The cost to reopen the A-10 line would be astronomical.


Apples and oranges...

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Sorry guys, but almost all the A-10s are used up from all the sand box time in the Middle East. The AF plans on putting some of the lower timed frames (lower timed used very loosely) in mothballs, but only a handful for the just in case scenario. Stroms right to start production on an A-10 would cost as much as Superhornet probably after the initial cost of producing all the tooling that would have to be made again. The Super Tucano is meant to work in a low SAM threat area where speed is not essential. That being said I'm sure it does have some SAM threat defenses available.

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      You must not distribute this mod on external sites without the consent of its original designer, likewise additions and / or modifications without the approval of the modder

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      The A-29B B Super Tucano is a turboprop aircraft incorporated into the FACH in 2010 as a complement to the C-101 aircraft and a preliminary step for fighter pilots. He is employed as an advanced trainer and attack aircraft, with a varied arsenal of bombs, rocket launchers and missiles in his inventory.
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      Mod fach (3d addons + repaint) ................ PeacePuma
      Thanks to the excellent denissoliveira model that preserves in great detail the 3D design of this formidable aircraft.
      You must not distribute this mod on external sites without the consent of its original designer, likewise additions and / or modifications without the approval of the modder

      I hope you enjoy this model.

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