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Does the F-15 Seem Broken?

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I know that the F-86 and the MIG-21 are in vogue and all the rage, but has anyone flown the F-15C lately? Not withstanding the AIM-120 lawn darts it is armed with (another story for another time)


That plane handles like a pig. With any positive G loading it tends to get ass heavy and start rolling uncontrollably. Feels like I'm flying Operation Flash Point or ARMA planes all over again (the dragging ass-end on a pinhead effect).


The AI seems effected by it as well (or the AI has just been dumbed down on one side). Ran a few force on force scenarios with anything the Russians hand (Mig-21s, FLANKERS, etc.) against two flights of F-15s. Nine times out of ten, the F-15s get slaughtered; they do not do much maneuvering, they seem obvious to missiles tracking on them, and their Aim-120s turn into gravity bombs as soon as they leave the rails.

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The latest F-15C has this


  • Professional Flight Model (PFM), developed in cooperation with F-15 pilots


So assuming you are flying the latest patches either you have a joystick or control problem - or reality is a disappointment    :beach:

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The latest F-15C has this


  • Professional Flight Model (PFM), developed in cooperation with F-15 pilots


So assuming you are flying the latest patches either you have a joystick or control problem - or reality is a disappointment    :beach:



Been flying the F-15C with the PFM module for sometime (since it was released) and I have had my X-65F since the days of FC2.


However, I have noticed that in the sim the aircraft tends to roll on its rear and the FCS kicks in way too much and throws in way to much rudder which causes spins. It also appears that the AI has no idea what to do with the aircraft AMRAAMS are all but useless.


Taxiing, landing, and takeoffs are a dream, aircraft handles better in crosswinds, toe braking is easier with my pedals, and the aircraft doesn't slam in like a brick like it did in the old days, but the medium to high alt flight regimes and the AI's handling of the aircraft leave much to be desired.

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I haven't flown the F-15C much since the F-86 came out and almost not at all since the MiG-21bis came out, so I don't know if the PFM changed over the last couple of patches.

I flew it a lot from the time the PFM came out until the F-86 arrived and generally loved the feel.

The AI MiG-21bis of that time frame unrealistically gave me more trouble in a dogfight than the MiG-29 or Su-27, though I think that was as much because the MiG-29 and Su-27 are undermodeled (more like underflown by AI since I can easily beat the F-15C when I fly those planes).


If I try to fly the F-15C now, it has been so long since I have time on it, that I would only be able to notice a big/obvious difference.

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I took a spin (track file included) of the C model and while I flew the mountains I had no issue pushing it (was actually quite fun) around, maybe bounced around a bit (as you can see if you have the module) but I landed and was satisfied with it, though I don't fly it as much...


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Took the F-15C for a spin... dogfight 1xF-15C vs 4xMiG-21bis guns only... F-15C feels the same as it did since PFM was added. AI MiG-21bis has been detuned a bit: as easy or easier to get behind as any other AI MiG/Su and you don't have to empty your ammo to get a kill. MiG-21bis now blow up with a short burst on the right spot as they should.


Tips on the F-15C with PFM: the wing doesn't have high-lift leading edge devices, so to keep lift-to-drag efficient, keep speed at 450 knots or higher.

It will dogfight just fine down at the lower speeds, but per reality, it starts to buffet and struggle at high AoA. I regularly drop down to 250 knots or less to avoid overshoots, but at that speed, the F-15C is supposed to be using flaps and lining up for a landing, not trying to precisely point the nose at a target.


I also did an AMRAAM shot against a MiG-23 and the AMRAAM behaved flawlessly up high against a head on target.


I can't really say I observed any changes in my F-15C experience.

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