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Super Mirage F1AZ

Super Mirage F1AZ


After the war, plans were made to upgrade the Mirage F1 fleet by replacing the Snecma Atar 09K50 engine with the SMR95 engine which was based on the Klimov RD-33, and the integration of the Russian R-73 air-to-air missile. Fittingly the project aircraft for this was once again Mirage F1-AZ '216'. Mirage '216' became known as 'Super Mirage F1'. Echoing events of 1973 with the Mirage M53, sadly this project came to an end when after 22 years of service the SAAF withdrew the Mirage F1-AZ from service on the 25th November 1997. Thus ending the SAAF’s 35 year association with Mirage aircraft.



Another project involved fitting an advanced avionics suite to Mirage F1-AZ '235', this system was introduced to the Spanish AF Mirage F1’s. Mirage '235' was given the unique white and arctic blue scheme, earning it the nickname as the worlds fastest dairy cart.


After 22 years of service, only eight Mirage F1-AZ’s were lost, one due to enemy action.


Crédits :


- Aircraft : BPAO, Flying.toaster and Centurion-1.

- Cockpit : Brain32 and Centurion-1

- Skins : Ludo.m54.

- Decals : Ludo.m54.

- Templates : Brain32, ACE888 and Ludo.m54.

- Avionics and data tweaks : Crusader.

- FM : Baffmeister.

- Interception light : Coupi

- Missiles, rocket pods and seat : Ravenclaw_007.

- Weapons : The Mirage Factory.

- Hangars et loading screens : Denis Oliveira.

- UpdateSkin: Denis Oliveira.

- Cockpit and Avioncs update: Coupi.

- 3D mod: Denis Oliveira.

- New Engine DATA: Denis Oliveira.


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Do caralho!!! Será que eu perdi o primeiro F-1AZ ou ainda não foi lançado? Valeu!!!!

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I hope that someone may see this. I just installed this mod, looks fantasic, but the aircraft is invisible and you can only see the missiles.Also the cockpit view seems to be facing backwards. I did not install any other older Mirage 3 mods. 

Any ideas?

Many thanks.


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that's why, hopefully, the Uploader has a readme in the zip, and the Downloader reads it!!

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