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INS Vikrant video - India's first homemade Aircraft Carrier

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heh heh


I read somewhere that India bought the Mig-29 carrier version?

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More like an F-15/A-10 built together cuz it sounds like an A-10

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wishful thinking? haha

they probably bought a license to copy the Admiral kuznetsov...

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wishful thinking? haha

they probably bought a license to copy the Admiral kuznetsov...

Wishful thinking and a copy ? Not at all. But Hey ! Clearly those mud hut dwelling Indians can't build anything remotely technologically advanced  on their own, Jesus Fing Christ do some research before just putting down shit comments ! At the very least wiki it, you have time to shit post, why not look up stuff and do a quality shit post ? But then again I do love that Israeli made aircraft carrier and ballistic missile sub that the Israeli "Navy:lmao:  :lmao: has.

Edited by Atreides

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Wow! You sure showed him! That was REALLY impressive!!! Can I be your friend? I mean, it's not like you TOTALLY blew an offhand comment out of proportion as some kind of massive slam against India when it totally wasn't, you were 100% ON BASE with that!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111


Wait, I should probably research that first, I wouldn't want to make a shit mistake by being friends with someone who is shit. That would be shitty and I'd have trouble breathing as I breathe air and not shit. I should probably also look up what country you live in/are from/like/have non-hostile feelings about and then make some snide asshole comment about and that would be TOTALLY OK because I'm justified because I can twist your innocent words into whatever I want them to say and then SLAM YOU FOR IT! INTERNETZ IS FUN!!! WHEEEE!!!!!


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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Yea yea whatever dude some of us might have had a real shit day, not everyone can be the voice of reason such as yourself obi wan.

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