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Taxing Your System

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What combination of mods do you think would tax a system the most? I want to see what my computer can do with the new video card. 

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Single mission just go bomb a truck convoy over stock Iceland at very low level. Tell us how that goes

Edited by daddyairplanes

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What combination of mods do you think would tax a system the most? 

Well, has anyone made an IRS mod yet?  :rofl:

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hey he could ask it  the answer to life the universe and everything.......

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Set your detail mesh size to 16 to 24, Rends Germany...or Germany with  Piecemeal's  airfield mods. Anatolia is a great one too...   install that old kick ass  speech pack then install   install a  High resolution  cloud pack  and set  a high cloud count...install horizon clouds mod.   Set up lots of extra SAMs and AAA on your testing target area.    Set the clouds to Broken and Enemy air defense to the maximum setting . Select a flight size of 12 or 16 aircraft with high res skins  and arm them with Ravenclaw's  High res weapons.  Use the mission editor to create an epic land battle on a massive scale,  going on in the area you will be flying over,  Tanks, APC's, trucks,  troops , artillery  the works.  

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Kevin,  he was supposed to see how long it took his system to figure that out :lol:

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hey he could ask it  the answer to life the universe and everything.......



Man was riding is motor cycle when God approached him. God told the man "I've been watching your whole life and saw that you did many a great deeds and in turn I want to reward you."

The man thought about what he wanted for a while and seeing as how he had everything we wanted already he asked "could you build a bridge to connect California to Hawaii, that way I can ride my bike there and back." 


God said "that's a tall order. There's a lot of logistics involved, with the angels, materials. How 'bout something else?"


So the man thought about it for a while and asked "How about letting men know the secret understanding women better."


God then said "that bridge. Did you want it to be concrete or steel?"

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I used Rends terrain, I used Anatolia, Piecemeal mods. My lowest FPS was 29. The rest has been off the scale. 

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Try all that in conjunction with Eric's F-18s.  If you are able to maintain a nice, playable frame rate, then all is well. Of course, don't tell the IRS......

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Dave, are you using Mue's files for extending the drawing distance for fading objects


If you are, try watching a full scale missile attack upon a carrier group close up via the camera views and see if it slows down when all the missiles and CIWS rounds are flying.


I have attached preconfigured files for such a test if you want to use them.


Missile Defence Graphics Test.7z












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