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[Help] Is the gear torque arm function by IK bones ?

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I `m working on my jet. Now i get a question about gear torque arm function.

See my picture.


To get this torque function, Do i have to add IK bones to gear model in 3dsmax?

Is there something i should know before i link models to bones ?





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i never try it that way ,would be cool if this works , sofar i animated each part separately

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The problem is : If i need the torque arm move when touch ground, how to set the rotation animation? and the code in INI file?

Since the torque arm is moved by the lower cylinder upside moving when the wheel touch the ground, So, the animation of torque links can be defined by any fix parameter?  As far as i know, only IK bones in 3dsmax could lead to the result.


Maybe there is other ways to make it? I don`t know. Could someone tell me how to do

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I would link top one  to gear strut,then lower one to 1st....set pivot to the position you want it to rotate ...and just animate it...I do both at same time and align the lower end by eye...

if you need it to operate also when it swivels with gear for say steering....create an invisible mesh to link them to and animate the" ghost" mesh for steering operation...then link ghost to gear strut or whatever

Edited by russouk2004

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I do what Russ dose, except I add some temporary pins, linked to each arm at the Pivotpoint, then align the arms by their (the pins) centers. Remember to remove them before export.

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Yeah i do that too...when centred and right size....centre pivot reset xform and then link to the temp cylinder,move to position....I attach the arm to the cyl,then when animated delete the cyl mesh and it leaves the arm now endowed with the cylinders correct pivot

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I didn`t realize the torque arm rotation occupy one Animation ID. Now, things goes on. Thanks verymuch.


I also test IK animation, unfortunately it fails in game. Maybe i get something wrong, or the game does not allow IK animation. Well, i `ll go ahead with my project, if someone know about IK animation in SF game, please give me some hints. Thank you.

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iirc engine doesnt support bones should tell you in exporter notes

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