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F-22 first flight

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Honestly, we at FighterSweep couldn’t be any more excited about this Milestone Monday. Eighteen years ago today saw the maiden flight of the world’s most feared combat aircraft, the Lockheed-Martin F-22A Raptor, with Lockheed-Martin Test Pilot Paul Metz at the controls.

Now before you get all bent out of shape about how it’s not fair to say that because it hasn’t the combat record of the Eagle (valid), has been shot down by all manner of legacy fighters during exercises (valid), and even shot down by fifty-year-old trainers (also valid), just hear us out.

The Raptor is a transformational aircraft, one that came along at the perfect time. Why the perfect time, you ask? It’s not as if everyone else has been sitting on their butts for the last thirty years; design bureaus all over the world have been developing and working on new aircraft to beat or compete with our current benchmarks–the Light Gray Eagle, Super Hornet, and the Viper.



Many countries, in more ways than one, have met or have well-exceeded our fourth-generation (legacy) capabilities. We’ve actually featured a lot of those very agile and capable designs here on FighterSweep: the Super Flankers we’ve featured recently, PAK-FA, the French Rafale, Eurofighter Typhoon, Chinese J-20, and others.

Additionally, and probably more importantly, potential threat nations have gone down the path of creating eye-watering Integrated Air Defense Systems (IADS), buying and deploying advanced double-digit SAM batteries with AESA radars. No matter what we add to them or hang on them, our legacy aircraft can’t penetrate an area defended by such systems–many of which are very mobile and difficult to target.

The F-22 can.

So what are we saying?  The Raptor is a super fighter that for the first time in history has virtually everything a pilot wants in a fighter aircraft. Yes, it is a very expensive beast; no expense was spared, but the Air Force got what it wanted and needed performance-wise for those costs.




And as for performance, here’s a fun little anecdote from one of the Raptor’s Dedicated Initial Operational Test and Evaluation pilots:

“I did a takeoff where I was at about 570 knots at Edwards, I was prior to the end of the runway, not used to being that fast so I pulled up to 90 degrees nose high. I was single-ship with my own tanker and first chance to try this with a Raptor so I decided to see what she’d do. The mass flow at that point is close to producing max possible thrust; the aircraft continued to accelerate in the climb to .99 Mach passing about 20,000 feet and then slowly began to decelerate.

Unofficially, according to the flight test engineers, I would have ended up higher than 65,000 feet on that day and broke every time-to-climb record we could think of for category & weight class. Oh by the way, that wasn’t a Streak Eagle or MiG-25 stripped down bare with weight removed, with no external stores for combat configuration, etcetera. That was in a stock, off-the-line F-22, full of gas, combat-configured with the internal weapons bay full. As an Eagle guy previous I was absolutely astonished; I hope someday we go after the official records because this jet will likely crush most–if not all–of them.

One last interesting point is that I did that going straight up after takeoff. That day I ended up blasting past my assigned altitude of 29,000 after takeoff at Edwards. I ended up at 31.5 AFTER a 5-G pull to level out which, at that weight and altitude, should bleed energy fast; however, when I rolled out I was still at 330knots KCAS!!”

At the end of the day, the Raptor is an absolute monster. So many of its pilots, many of whom came to the F-22 from other fighter platforms, have all said that when the balloon goes up, it’s the jet you want to be in.




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The YF-22 flew even further back. I was still in HS when that happened.


Granted the YF was an ugly bugger, the production model really cleaned it up.

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    • By Menrva

      View File F-22A Raptor Skin Pack
      F-22A Raptor Skin Pack
      October 13th, 2021 (1st Release)
      by Menrva

      >For Strike Fighters 2 games
      This is an extra skin pack for the high quality F-22A Raptor aircraft add-on. Most skins are based on ideas and depictions from other videogames. Here below a list of the included ones:
      -YF-22 Paint Scheme (inspired by the real YF-22 prototype)
      -Sea Raptor Livery (inspired by the F-22N Sea Raptor concept)
      -Saudi Grey Camouflage (as depicted in Digital Image Design's F-22 Total Air War)
      -Egyptian Woodland Camouflage (as depicted in Digital Image Design's F-22 Total Air War)
      -USAF Pac West Camouflage (as depicted in Digital Image Design's F-22 Total Air War)
      -Desert Lightning Camouflage (as depicted in NovaLogic's F-22 Lightning 3)
      -Phoenix Livery (from Namco Hometek's Air Combat, as depicted in Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown)
      -Phoenix Livery, Dark (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat Infinity)
      -Scarface One Livery (as depicted in Namco Hometek's Ace Combat 2)
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      As a bonus, different aircraft configuration files are included in the "(Alternative Data)" folder. You'll be able to choose between realistic loadouts (default configuration of the aircraft add-on package) and what-if loadouts inspired by the mentioned F-22 videogames of the late 90s, namely weapons included in F-22 Lightning 3. Both configurations are also available with the addition of invisible skids; those will allow you to perform belly landings, which are a feature of good old F-22 Total Air War.
      -The B61 tactical nuclear bomb is a retarded version, but drop it safely from high altitude at high speed. Take note that it does not damage the stock Runway object, due to the armor values of it. The B61 is meant to be used against naval fleets you may encounter on some custom terrains.
      -You need to tweak the SoundList.ini file in order to fully experience any new sounds. Read "(Add to SoundList)" for further details, and remember to extract the SoundList.ini file from the FlightData.cat archive, if you do not have a custom one in your mod folder already.

      >Credits (in no particular order):
      -yakarov79, for his high quality templates which allowed me to easily put some new paint on the aircraft.
      -ravenclaw_007, for sharing some of his latest weapon 3d models for the bonus what-if loadouts.
      -Astore, for providing me with better Ace Combat themed emblems, and for being one of the few Italian Ace Combat fans like me.
      -godrugalultimate, from DeviantArt, for making incredibly detailed Ace Combat themed decals.
      -RythusOmega, for providing all Ace Combat 7 emblems and whose skins have been used as reference for the Phoenix liveries.
      -Lanzerince, whose Ace Combat 7 skins have been used as reference for the Scarface livery.
      -mue, for his LOD Viewer which helped immensely in the making of the skins.
      -Blade, for sharing info about the purpose of the game's decal levels.
      -My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavours.

      This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
      This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
      Submitter Menrva Submitted 10/13/2021 Category F-22  
    • By Menrva

      View File F-22A Raptor Add-on
      F-22A Raptor Add-on
      October 13th, 2021 (1st Release)
      by yakarov79, baffmeister, Crusader, guuruu and Menrva

      >For Strike Fighters 2 games
      This is a high quality add-on of the F-22A Raptor aircraft. The original model had been made by Heberth, and it was released in alpha stage.
      Upon noticing room for improvement, yakarov79 helped finalize the 3d model with numerous, additional details; accurate pylons and rail launchers, new external fuel tanks, highly detailed rack and small diameter bomb 3d models, canopy and thrust-vectoring animations, high-res skin with specular and bump maps, updated cockpit model, and so on.
      A realistic, well-thought flight model has been produced by our expert, baffmeister. Moreover, Crusader offered his great expertise to improve upon his previous modification for the Raptor's avionics. All their efforts have raised the quality bar of the project I had started; much credits to them all.
      I further polished the package by adding historically accurate weapon loadouts, my selection of sounds (including authentic engine samples by guuruu), realistic camouflage shapes and colours, reworked decals for the actual USAF's F-22A squadrons, new cockpit textures and other tweaks here and there. Each squadron has got historically correct serial numbers, and they appear in chronological order in the loadout screen; the serial numbers at the bottom of the list are those of aircraft that joined that squadron for last, while the serials at the beginning of the list indicate those aircraft that were available to that squadron for first.
      Like you would expect in an opera omnia, I even reproduced three unique paint schemes of real Raptors; the air superiority camouflage of the EMD 91-4001 Prototype of September 1997, the temporary "Blue Nose" decoration of the "Cripes A'Mighty" Raptor assigned to the 149th Fighter Squadron in April 2010, and a generic Mid-Production livery sporting the markings of the last Raptor ever produced that flew for the first time in March 2012.
      Templates by yakarov79, tweaked by yours truly, are included for your skinning fantasies.
      -The cockpit is not yet accurate, as various details couldn't be reworked due to RL and time constraints. We were working on a brand new cockpit with accurate HUD and displays. Slimers with correct illumination were also planned. Hopefully they will be a thing in a future re-release.
      -The aircraft folder is named "F-22A", just like the one included in a number of mod packages which use an old 3d model by Dels. In order to avoid mismatches and bugs of any sort, it's highly suggested to either remove or rename the aircraft folder using Dels' Raptor 3d model.
      -GPS guidance bombs (EOGB) do not work as intended in SF2, there are issues about them not locking on target and about AI behaviour. The GBU-39 has been set as an EOGR, so it works like a missile; this is a needed workaround to have them loaded properly on a rack while keeping the GPS guidance property.
      -You need to tweak the SoundList.ini file in order to fully experience any new sounds. Read "(Add to SoundList)" for further details, and remember to extract the SoundList.ini file from the FlightData.cat archive, if you do not have a custom one in your mod folder already.

      >Credits (in no particular order):
      -Heberth, for making this (once forgotten) fantastic 3d model.
      -Julhelm, for sharing the files of his superb F-22A cockpit 3d model, allowing yakarov79 to improve upon it.
      -yakarov79, for his invaluable help in finalizing the 3d model and remaking the base textures; you have my gratitude.
      -baffmeister, for his excellent flight model; it's thanks to him if this beauty flies as good as it looks.
      -Crusader, for reworking the avionics enhancement made for Julhelm's F-22A cockpit, and for improving the AIM missiles.
      -guuruu, for sharing his RWR symbols improvement mod and for making better engine sounds.
      -ravenclaw_007, for the AIM missiles from his top notch Weapons Pack 2, the GBU-32 JDAM bomb and the ACES II seat 3d models.
      -viper63a, for his old F-22A USAF Raptors Redux package, from which I borrowed decals.
      -simonmiller416, for his smokeless rocket effects mod.
      -mue, for his LOD Viewer which helped immensely in the making of the skins.
      -Cocas, for further help given to Heberth for the aircraft's 3d model.
      -My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavours.
      Additional ReadMe files by yakarov79 and baffmeister have been included among few others; be sure to read those to know about their work in better detail.

      This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
      This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
      Submitter Menrva Submitted 10/13/2021 Category F-22  
    • By Menrva
      F-22A Raptor Add-on
      October 13th, 2021 (1st Release)
      by yakarov79, baffmeister, Crusader, guuruu and Menrva

      >For Strike Fighters 2 games
      This is a high quality add-on of the F-22A Raptor aircraft. The original model had been made by Heberth, and it was released in alpha stage.
      Upon noticing room for improvement, yakarov79 helped finalize the 3d model with numerous, additional details; accurate pylons and rail launchers, new external fuel tanks, highly detailed rack and small diameter bomb 3d models, canopy and thrust-vectoring animations, high-res skin with specular and bump maps, updated cockpit model, and so on.
      A realistic, well-thought flight model has been produced by our expert, baffmeister. Moreover, Crusader offered his great expertise to improve upon his previous modification for the Raptor's avionics. All their efforts have raised the quality bar of the project I had started; much credits to them all.
      I further polished the package by adding historically accurate weapon loadouts, my selection of sounds (including authentic engine samples by guuruu), realistic camouflage shapes and colours, reworked decals for the actual USAF's F-22A squadrons, new cockpit textures and other tweaks here and there. Each squadron has got historically correct serial numbers, and they appear in chronological order in the loadout screen; the serial numbers at the bottom of the list are those of aircraft that joined that squadron for last, while the serials at the beginning of the list indicate those aircraft that were available to that squadron for first.
      Like you would expect in an opera omnia, I even reproduced three unique paint schemes of real Raptors; the air superiority camouflage of the EMD 91-4001 Prototype of September 1997, the temporary "Blue Nose" decoration of the "Cripes A'Mighty" Raptor assigned to the 149th Fighter Squadron in April 2010, and a generic Mid-Production livery sporting the markings of the last Raptor ever produced that flew for the first time in March 2012.
      Templates by yakarov79, tweaked by yours truly, are included for your skinning fantasies.
      -The cockpit is not yet accurate, as various details couldn't be reworked due to RL and time constraints. We were working on a brand new cockpit with accurate HUD and displays. Slimers with correct illumination were also planned. Hopefully they will be a thing in a future re-release.
      -The aircraft folder is named "F-22A", just like the one included in a number of mod packages which use an old 3d model by Dels. In order to avoid mismatches and bugs of any sort, it's highly suggested to either remove or rename the aircraft folder using Dels' Raptor 3d model.
      -GPS guidance bombs (EOGB) do not work as intended in SF2, there are issues about them not locking on target and about AI behaviour. The GBU-39 has been set as an EOGR, so it works like a missile; this is a needed workaround to have them loaded properly on a rack while keeping the GPS guidance property.
      -You need to tweak the SoundList.ini file in order to fully experience any new sounds. Read "(Add to SoundList)" for further details, and remember to extract the SoundList.ini file from the FlightData.cat archive, if you do not have a custom one in your mod folder already.

      >Credits (in no particular order):
      -Heberth, for making this (once forgotten) fantastic 3d model.
      -Julhelm, for sharing the files of his superb F-22A cockpit 3d model, allowing yakarov79 to improve upon it.
      -yakarov79, for his invaluable help in finalizing the 3d model and remaking the base textures; you have my gratitude.
      -baffmeister, for his excellent flight model; it's thanks to him if this beauty flies as good as it looks.
      -Crusader, for reworking the avionics enhancement made for Julhelm's F-22A cockpit, and for improving the AIM missiles.
      -guuruu, for sharing his RWR symbols improvement mod and for making better engine sounds.
      -ravenclaw_007, for the AIM missiles from his top notch Weapons Pack 2, the GBU-32 JDAM bomb and the ACES II seat 3d models.
      -viper63a, for his old F-22A USAF Raptors Redux package, from which I borrowed decals.
      -simonmiller416, for his smokeless rocket effects mod.
      -mue, for his LOD Viewer which helped immensely in the making of the skins.
      -Cocas, for further help given to Heberth for the aircraft's 3d model.
      -My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavours.
      Additional ReadMe files by yakarov79 and baffmeister have been included among few others; be sure to read those to know about their work in better detail.

      This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
      This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
    • By Menrva
      F-22A Raptor Skin Pack
      October 13th, 2021 (1st Release)
      by Menrva

      >For Strike Fighters 2 games
      This is an extra skin pack for the high quality F-22A Raptor aircraft add-on. Most skins are based on ideas and depictions from other videogames. Here below a list of the included ones:
      -YF-22 Paint Scheme (inspired by the real YF-22 prototype)
      -Sea Raptor Livery (inspired by the F-22N Sea Raptor concept)
      -Saudi Grey Camouflage (as depicted in Digital Image Design's F-22 Total Air War)
      -Egyptian Woodland Camouflage (as depicted in Digital Image Design's F-22 Total Air War)
      -USAF Pac West Camouflage (as depicted in Digital Image Design's F-22 Total Air War)
      -Desert Lightning Camouflage (as depicted in NovaLogic's F-22 Lightning 3)
      -Phoenix Livery (from Namco Hometek's Air Combat, as depicted in Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown)
      -Phoenix Livery, Dark (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat Infinity)
      -Scarface One Livery (as depicted in Namco Hometek's Ace Combat 2)
      -Z.O.E., Red Livery (from Namco Hometek's Ace Combat 2, as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat Infinity)
      -Mobius One, ISAF Livery (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies)
      -Abell, Black Livery (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies)
      -Razgriz Livery (from Project Aces' Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War, as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation)
      -Pegas, 3-Tone Blue Camouflage (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation)
      -Indigo Wing Livery (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation)
      -Gryphus One Livery (from Access Games' Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception, as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat Infinity)
      -Warwolf Livery (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat: Assault Horizon)
      -Mobius One, IUN Livery (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown)
      -Trigger Livery (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown)
      -JASDF 2-Tone Blue Camouflage (as depicted in Project Aces' Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown)
      As a bonus, different aircraft configuration files are included in the "(Alternative Data)" folder. You'll be able to choose between realistic loadouts (default configuration of the aircraft add-on package) and what-if loadouts inspired by the mentioned F-22 videogames of the late 90s, namely weapons included in F-22 Lightning 3. Both configurations are also available with the addition of invisible skids; those will allow you to perform belly landings, which are a feature of good old F-22 Total Air War.
      -The B61 tactical nuclear bomb is a retarded version, but drop it safely from high altitude at high speed. Take note that it does not damage the stock Runway object, due to the armor values of it. The B61 is meant to be used against naval fleets you may encounter on some custom terrains.
      -You need to tweak the SoundList.ini file in order to fully experience any new sounds. Read "(Add to SoundList)" for further details, and remember to extract the SoundList.ini file from the FlightData.cat archive, if you do not have a custom one in your mod folder already.

      >Credits (in no particular order):
      -yakarov79, for his high quality templates which allowed me to easily put some new paint on the aircraft.
      -ravenclaw_007, for sharing some of his latest weapon 3d models for the bonus what-if loadouts.
      -Astore, for providing me with better Ace Combat themed emblems, and for being one of the few Italian Ace Combat fans like me.
      -godrugalultimate, from DeviantArt, for making incredibly detailed Ace Combat themed decals.
      -RythusOmega, for providing all Ace Combat 7 emblems and whose skins have been used as reference for the Phoenix liveries.
      -Lanzerince, whose Ace Combat 7 skins have been used as reference for the Scarface livery.
      -mue, for his LOD Viewer which helped immensely in the making of the skins.
      -Blade, for sharing info about the purpose of the game's decal levels.
      -My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavours.

      This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
      This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
    • By Menrva

      View File NovaLogic Skin Pack
      NovaLogic Skin Pack
      September 13th, 2022 (1st Release)
      by Menrva

      >For Strike Fighters 2 games
      This package includes high quality skins representing the player's aircraft from three lite flight simulators released by NovaLogic, namely F-22 Raptor in 1997, F-16 Multirole Fighter and MiG-29 Fulcrum both released in 1998. Below, a summary of the details of each skins:
      -NL_357CW, for the F-22A Raptor aircraft I released. This skin represents the fictive Raptor Squadron of the 58th TFS, 357th CW (Composite Wing), which took part in military operations in Angola, Jordan, Russia, Colombia and Iran. Serial numbers are realistic, the first being 001 as portrayed on the player's aircraft from NovaLogic's game.
      -NL_16AESOG, for the F-16C Block 42 aircraft released by The Viper Team. It depicts the fictive Viper Squadron of the 32nd TFS, 16th AESOG (Air Expeditionary Special Operations Group), which took part in military operations in Serbia, Liberia, Congo, Burma and Somalia. I made the skin for the Block 42, since it's reminescent of the one that NovaLogic modelled. Serial numbers are semi-realistic, the first being 112 as portrayed on the player's aircraft from NovaLogic's game.
      -NL_11EW, for the MiG-29S Fulcrum-C aircraft released by The Mirage Factory. It depicts the fictive 300 Squadron of the 7th Red Banner Guards Regiment, 11th Expeditionary Wing, which took part in military operations in the Kurile Islands, Uganda, Somalia, Burma and Tajikistan. Serial numbers are generic, the aircraft does not have any in NovaLogic's game.

      >Credits (in no particular order):
      -The Viper Team, for its detailed F-16 3d models and relative templates.
      -The Mirage Factory, for its good old MiG-29 3d model.
      -Sundowner, for the MiG-29 templates he made available.
      -yakarov79, for his reworked F-22 3d model and relative templates.

      This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
      This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
      Submitter Menrva Submitted 09/12/2022 Category What If Skins  

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