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Roland D.IIa

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I am finished with the Roland.

As you wish, sir.



As I at last understood why the files can not be added lile before, now I add a few illustrations to the written above. Especially for those who don't like it, I'll say it again - if I have something written here, it does not mean give me-give me-give me. This is a simple information interchange, that may be helpful afterwards... may be or not may be... )))




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Post factum I continue a theme of a dranaige pipe of the radiator expansion tank of this airplane. It is a pity, that I couldn't show it to you earlier - then your model of the Roland D.II would be even more authentic (realistic, I mean).



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If you don't like the skins, skin it yourself. It isn't that hard. And I know you're trying to help in your own way, Crowford, but it's this kind of insistent, you need to change this, you need to change that, so your work will be perfect, commentary has driven so many modders away from working on these sims. Now that Geezer has moved on to FE WW2, because that's where his interest lies, and he has a right as a modder to follow his interests, Stephen is the only 3d modder I see working on WW1 right now. And he's providing aircraft that this sim needs, so all the community is asking you to do is not drive our only modder away with incessant demands for perfecting a model that he's providing for free, at great cost of his own time and effort. I dabbled in trying to create a simulated beer can in a free 3d program and had neither the time, nor especially the talent it takes to do it, so I can only imagine the skills it takes to create a WW1 aircraft. Since I can't do it for myself, I don't demand perfection from someone who is, in reality, giving me a very special gift, and one that I didn't even ask for. If you wish to offer help of this kind to the 3d modders, I think you should create a thread where you post information and pictures of aircraft for the modders, since you seem to have good information to offer. That way, if a modder decides to do a particular aircraft, he would have a ready source of information. Perhaps the moderators could make it a part of the information base found here.

Edited by Heck

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How many text, Heck! I hardly has managed... Well, you display a very touching modders solidarity. It is pleasant, but... Why are you looking for a problem where there is no problem? In one of my top comments I already have written about it - I demand nothing from anyone on this site! I wonder how I can get someone from the modders to do something he does not wish to do?! Therefore I simply speak - you have made so, but actually it was in another way. And how this information will be used (or will not be used in general) is not so important. Yes, of course, I would like so that these corrections were made, however affect it I can't by no means. And that's all.


May The Force be with you!)

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Crowford, Thanks for the pictures. I have downloaded the ones that will be most helpful and I will use them when I do an upgrade for the Rolands. But, I want to move forward with new planes, so I won't be working on the Roland again for some time.


Heck, I appreciate your support. But I do want to know if there are any problems with my planes. I hate to think that I have planes out there with mistakes that everyone except me knows about. So if you find anything with my planes that you would like to see fixed please let me know.


That goes for everyone. If you find something wrong, or if you would like to see something changed, or if you want a particular plane, please post it. However, I will set the priorities. I may not do it right away, but if I think it's critical, I will do it.


It does get frustrating to make change after change, so please try to let me know everything all at one. And be aware that what seems like a small change to you, may actually require hours and hours of work. My planes actually have four individual 3D models in them (the LODs) A change on one may require changes in all of them. And the 3D model has to be attached to the skins, changing the model, even a little, may mean reattaching the skins to all the LODs.


So I am willing t improve my planes, but I may not be willing to do it right now. And and I don't like doing it again and again.

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Hopefully I am expressing the sentiments of the "silent majority" when I express the immense appreciation for the huge number of really high quality models you have generously provided for the entertainment of us all.  Each of your models reflect an uncompromising pursuit of perfection, and have taken the FE/FE2 simulation to an ever higher degree of finish.  I worry that the predictable slings and arrows will eventually lead to you succumbing to a loss of enthusiasm, and leaving our small community.   

Thank you again for time, skill and effort you have freely given for our collective enjoyment.

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Stephen1918, a couple of years ago all I wanted you to do was make an Aviatik D.I. Who knew? Thanks for everything. You've kept FE interesting.

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Hey Quack74, that was a few planes ago, wasn't it? Thanks for inviting me in, everyone here has been great.

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So I am willing t improve my planes, but I may not be willing to do it right now. And and I don't like doing it again and again.


You are so right!  Sometimes what appears to be a minor change can ripple through the entire model development process, and require enormous amounts of new work.  I admire the way you DO revisit some of your many aircraft, and allowing needed changes to accumulate before releasing an update is the most efficient way to revise models.

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