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4 short parts......goes into Visual ID and systems for such 


Edited by MigBuster

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Just a question ? some up-date or improvments are almost ready for Tomcat pack ?

I hope so ..... my best regards

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We produced that series of videos at Northrop Grumman in 2011-2012 time frame. The old video segments describing ACEVAL/AIMVAL are available in a disc from Amazon that also includes ACM and Tomcat videos.

Interesting footnote: During F-14D development cycle, Dave Kratz and Jim Baskerville who appear in this series were the test program air crew (Navy Flight Test Manager /Pilot and Grumman Flight Test Conductor) .

Those were the days!!

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The visual ID systems on the Tomcats are the things I miss the most on NA. Hope to see it on DCS Tomcat.

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TW gave us some earlier versions without TCS & IRST (Iranian F-14 has none of that either) but you we still got a Data Link and IFF so pretty good overall.

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Don't care guys , DCS Tomcat add-on will be complete of all avionics system ;)

The BETA will be ready for december, so remain few time for it.

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I hope so!  Cautiously optimistic that the DCS bird will be ready some time within the next few months.

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Don't care guys , DCS Tomcat add-on will be complete of all avionics system ;)

The BETA will be ready for december, so remain few time for it.


Hello Antares81, I hope so, but why are you so sure ?

Because I also was expecting that Aerosoft F-14X was complete of all avionics, and it didn't.


For exmple: relating AIM-9 target acquisition modes, it only featured "Boresight" mode, and it's known that the Tomcat also has SEAM mode.

Edited by Boresight

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well, you must buy the TACPACK by VRS , so that you can have all avioni complete and use A-A missiles.

I hope that for new up-date Tomcat pack will have the L&R consoles in the cockpit, please.

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well, you must buy the TACPACK by VRS , so that you can have all avioni complete and use A-A missiles.

I hope that for new up-date Tomcat pack will have the L&R consoles in the cockpit, please.




Yes, and so I did and already used in it's full extent.


What I'm saying is, because either:


- the AIM-9 L version doesn't have "SEAM" acquisition mode (IIRC is AIM-9 L the one represented in game actually);

- the Aerosoft F-14, or the VRS TacPack don't feature the "SEAM" capability either.


Anyway, the light is there at the ACM Panel; Nr. 15 " Mode STP (Missile mode selected) ", and the SEAM mode would be a realistic feature to have... bet DCS Leatherneck's F-14 will miss that too.



The "BRST" light is there but never turn's on, it's always on "NORM" in the Aerosoft F-14X for FSX.

On the other hand, on SF2 TMF Tomcats, the BRST light do work. 



Edited by Boresight

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