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Good Computer Chair?

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Does anyone have a good recommendation for a gaming chair? I am going through cheap office chairs like I go through beer. I need something with good lumbar support and can be raised and lowered. Any ideas?


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Ergonomic Chair is what I've been told and the people that used them said it was the best thing to get but they ain't cheap. I'm looking to get one those chairs myself because mine looks like it went through hell.

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Am I the only one that, when looking at a website featuring an item or items which don't have the price mentioned, does not want to know what the price is?

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Get an exercise ball and sit on that. Great strength and toning and they don't wear out.

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Get an exercise ball and sit on that. Great strength and toning and they don't wear out.



How will they do with those screws i have in my lower back?

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Great! If you pop it you're doing it wrong or you need to loose weight. :lmao:

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How will they do with those screws i have in my lower back?


Gee Dave, he suggested an exercise ball, not an MRI machine. or a scrap yard electromagnet.

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I had no idea these existed ...





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That takes the whole point of sitting on a ball out of the equation.  You just need the ball.  

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Really hard to use pedals with those balls, though.

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Yeah how am I supposed to kick over the rudder in that thing? 

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If I had the money ... I'd buy you one ... some beer ... and a camera.  Because that sounds like viral video material that could be called Rudders and Balls.


Honestly I don't see anyone could use those things in the first place. I've tried just the ball and ... well that's classified so never mind.

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This is a nice chair. My buttocks can personally attest to it's comfort and it can be adjusted to fit just you. This is my recommendation if you can't rudder on your ball.


Good luck!

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Well I can foresee myself ruddering and falling over on the ball. :lol: 


I think your chair just made the top of my list. 

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Nice but pricey. I spent $100 or so on mine on sale from Office Depot. Of course, then I have less remorse when it gets worn out and I replace it. :grin:

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"Rudder and Balls" sound like a great name for pub!!!

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