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My First DCS 2.0 Screenies

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I am running everything on high and not even a hiccup. 









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It looks so good! But I will keep waiting patiently for a final release :P


If only someone, ED or a 3rd party, would put a fully modeled F-4 in the game. I would gladly take any non-recon variant ever built: F-4B/C/D/E/F/G/J//K/M/S.


The Simworks Studios F-4B for FSX would be great adapted to DCS World!

Edited by streakeagle

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Dude quit being a whiney submariner and download the alpha. It runs awesome. Sheesh..... :)

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Once it comes out on Steam I'll get it as well along with NTTR.

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You know you really need to not wait, this is simply amazing and its only an ALPHA!

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Looks good. I'll probably grab it when the Mirage is released.

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Likewise - dont know why but the more I see of the Mirage the more I want it, not keen on paying to be a guinea pig though.

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For me, there is a need to wait. Stability. Every time there is a patch, I have to re-do my custom control mappings. AFAIK, the MiG-21bis completely broke its control mappings to appease complaints of people using conventional HOTAS, which will leave me unable to fly the MiG-21bis as I have since its initial release. The F-86 has been going through some changes as well, which is the aircraft I fly as much or more than the MiG-21. I read the bug reports. I will wait and hope that most if not all of my concerns are addressed by the time DCS 2.0 is released publicly rather than as a 1.5 beta or 2.0 alpha.


I have very few complaints about the current 1.2.x release. So I will continue to enjoy the MiG-21, F-86, MiG-15, P-51D, Fw190, Bf109, UH-1, and Mi-8 as they are while everyone else suffers the teething problems of 1.5 and 2.0. 


But I am closely watching all the videos and screenshots.. can't wait for better looking graphics AND higher frame rates as well as the new NTTR map.


But my main obsession is with the aircraft modules: when will the Hawk and C-101 get proper EFMs? When will the P-40F and Mirage 2000 be released? Spitfire? P-47? F-4F? Leatherneck announcements and F-14 release? etc...


Of course, I will have to have 1.5/2.0 to enjoy any of the new releases, so get that 1.5 beta/2.0 alpha up to an integrated 2.0 beta and a final public release!

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Save your custom controls and re add then file. I do it every time and I have no problems. On that note I just damaged my wallet today. I picked up the BF-109 and the Mirage. 

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Is it a frame rate hog? I jut upgraded my system to an I5, got rid of all  my mechanical drives, and jumped ram up to 16 gb, I'm looking for something for it to cut its teeth into.

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Ironroad, so far it's has been smooth as silk for me and I'm running everything max at 5760x1080. I have an I5 as well.

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You know you really need to not wait, this is simply amazing and its only an ALPHA!


I know, but it's simply not available yet so  can't get it.

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My changes don't work well with copying over directly, particularly if the module's controls were changed in any way.

I am doing scripting in the module's files to get the behavior I want/need with toggle switches.

So, I have all my changes grouped at the beginning of the file. After a patch, I have to go to the previous version backup folders for each aircraft and copy out my changes, then paste them into the new version.

Simple, but tedious when I have custom mods for the: UH-1H, F-86, MiG-21, Bf109, and Fw190.


So, I am pretty happy when there is a functional, stable version.


I love flying the Bf109. Cold start, taxi, takeoff, oval back for a landing... whether it correctly models a Bf109 or not, I cannot say. But, based on my real world flying experience, the DCS Bf109 "feels" like I am flying a real airplane instead of the "riding on rails" effect typical of sims. I don't care for the guns as I am spoiled by high velocity/high rate of fire US guns, but with a bit of patience and precision, the Bf109 can use its power advantage to get in close and blow the enemy out of the sky with very few hits. The Fw190 is fun to fly, too, but I like the Bf109 a lot more... far more agile but at the same time a wild beast in need of taming.

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So, I have all my changes grouped at the beginning of the file. After a patch, I have to go to the previous version backup folders for each aircraft and copy out my changes, then paste them into the new version.

Simple, but tedious when I have custom mods for the: UH-1H, F-86, MiG-21, Bf109, and Fw190.


How about a good old .bat file with DOS command lines to do all the copy/paste with one click or two ..


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