+EricJ 4,344 Posted February 27, 2016 (edited) foreach(var Telling me how to do my job) { if(telling me how to run my mod) { return "I don't work for you, nor am I required to do as you ask. If you can't live with that get a life. I am only bound by the two EULAs and I do this on my free time and not legally required to do anything for you."; }; } EricJ Weapons Pack If you'd like to donate some money via PayPal my address is flanker56(at)hotmail(dot)com. Thanks! Video done by ToxicSludge EricJ Helicopter Pack Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10lwtQ4mGxkE8R39zb0WhSEy9bQDS0_xW/view?usp=sharing EricJ Weapons Pack Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10xzY8vmk6ufkAwomlQj00fmHqCuAfssf/view?usp=sharing My Steam Content: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198016000690/myworkshopfiles/ - Config edits such as adding stuff: Please do not "bushwack" (or surprise) me on this thread with a modified config without PMing me first. I know you mean well and more than likely it's a capability that I simply haven't thought of so don't take it I don't appreciate your hard work you put into the adjustment. But I have plans when I'm not posting on where my mod is going or I just don't post it because its probably something small or large, depending on what it is. Posting modded configs is not good because it throws a possible wrench in my mod and therefore people think it's "approved" when it is not. PM me and I'll check it out and yay or nay it. Or simply ask me here on this topic thread and either way if you take the time to ask, more than likely I will say yes. - Texture Edits: Generally I don't mind texture edits but again if you're going to mod my mod then again, PM me to keep things nice so i know what's going on in case of any issues that may arise. - Adding it to other mods: And if you're adding it to a public release as part of another mod, again just take that time to PM me so I know what's going on. - Modpacks: You do not need to ask permission to add this to a modpack. As long as you're just adding it then there is no reason to ask. - Redistribution: So far Armaholic, PWS, and occasionally Arma3.de has the authority to redistribute my mods as they're respected, and more public and they deserve the allowance given their hard work. Other modders, or even players DO NOT have permission to re-upload without permission. So to make it clear, ASK before finding some hostile comments and I will take appropriate action to get it removed. If you really like the mod and find it within yourself to enhance your reputation then I will never permit such a thing. I'm not your Stepping Stone to better greatness. If you want to be popular get off your fat ass and get to work. Requests: - Commune with the spirits, or consult an Ouija board, which is this: http://amzn.to/1I8Ogiw - If tell you no, it means NO. - Don't ask me to redo other people's works, I don't have your permission, nor are you as a player authorized to "give permission", I will check and if you say that it's "okay" then I will delete your PM if you PM me. - I don't work for you, therefore be nice and ask, not order around. - And if for some reason I accommodate your request, then I still don't work for you. I'm being nice and taking the time to do work for you. I don't work for you and don't expect me to take it. Then your request will magically disappear and that will be that. And if you complain you should have thought about that before you decided to think I'm your bitch, go talk to a therapist if you have mental problems about this. Error Reporting: - First off most small errors I won't rush to fix an upload so bringing up a small error like "Oh the sights aren't rounded, I don't like it." Isn't going to lift my skirt. Nor are "game breaking" issues like you want an updated version and bringing up bullshit issues. - I will check, and post videos, especially if its a bullshit error like "I can't use my uniform pack because of your mod" or "I have things appearing in the air and it's breaking the game". If I can't reproduce the error given your parameters then I'll feel you're full of shit, and will be treated accordingly. I don't trust most of the community as far as I can throw a ten ton vehicle as far as this issue is concerned. - If a particular mod is truly causing CTDs, then yes I'll unfuck it. - If you post bitch complaints like "I don't like how the sights are" or "The casings are ejecting to the left" then you're just that, a bitch. And I will continue to talk to you as if you are one, because on the whole I don't care as that's just weak. Get off your fat ass and make it yourself. - If you want it done faster, do it yourself and I don't work according to anybody's timetable, other than my own. As I won't honor all requests, because there isn't anything saying I have to, so if I tell you no, either once or repeatedly then it means No, which given the level of intelligence on these forums will require me to tell you to go fuck yourself. - I'll upload fixes when I feel like it, so like the above, if I feel like uploading it now, then it's my decision, not for you to effect as I don't work for anybody on these forums. So expecting me to always upload is a far gone hope that you need to get out of your head. - I'm not saying don't report errors, is that most of the time they're bullshit errors and I will not believe you the next time. I'd highly suggest reading Peter and the Wolf as you all seem to be Peters around here. Streamlined/Custom Mod Packs: - As you know my mod has a rather large variety of weapons, but it's not always good for most people (too many weapons, not the weapons you're looking for) so here's what I usually do instead or request: - First please PM me here on the forums and all I ask is a good definitive list for what you're looking for rather than not knowing what you want. - If you're part of a clan please just one person as it keeps down the level of confusion and keeps things organized both on my end and your end. And it prevents too many people wanting an off-beat gun and so on. Its your clan and a specific weaponset is always needed. - More often than not I have a fairly good idea on what I have on and don't have available. If I know I can't do it, and know of a mod that will suit your needs, I will of course recommend it in lieu of any work. It's not that I don't want to do it, but if it's already done then I see no need overall to take the time to do it. But if I do have it I can get it to you. And of course I will give you a timeline roughly when it will get done. I will upload it to your representative or if needed, and so on. - I do have TS3, and my gaming site is here: http://562ndts.enjin.com/?welcome If you are registered on the Enjin forums the messaging system will work as well. Again as long as it's one person. - As far as the weapons go I will see what I can do. I have pistols to mortars and some other stuff, but be aware I use a lot of Arma 2 source files to get the weapon to you. I do have some 3D modelling skills so i can also manipulate or create things to get what you need. Again if I can't do it then I will let you know. "I don't like this" (and it's one or a few people = Not going to motivate me, but it's duly noted "I think you should do this and only this to 'enhance' the game" (Or telling me how to run my mod) = Yeah no thanks, I'm the mod author so I'll do as I see fit to satisfy as many people as possible. "I'll berate Eric about a single thing I don't like (as in one person) because persistence pays off" = Not going to happen, you can kindly pester somebody else, and continued activity when told I don't appreciate starts to turn into abject harassment. No thanks. "Mod is CTDing my Game": I'll fix it for sure, as some of you have seen. Do me a favor and describe what mods you're running, and so on, that way I can see for myself, and 9 times out of 10 it was my fault, so I'll fix and reupload. "I don't like these sights how they look"" = Duly noted, but I really don't care about that kind of opinion. While they're not very hiqh quality models got it, overall I try and to my best to get them as accurate as possible. So if you don't like a particular style, well, either request or find another mod. A lot of you players tend to think that your opinion matters and I should jump on a request like flies on shit. Fact is that if it's brought up continuously and I keep saying No, then well, I'm not interested in doing some things, I just don't have to and don't want to. Part of the mod is some personal things as well as what players are looking for. Again I can listen to your suggestion, but given that other than various donations, I do all the work so that gives me a lot of leeway in saying Yes or No to a request. I can understand if I break your heart if I do say No, but I don't get any reimbursement for my time and effort I put into my work. If you feel the need to complain about it I'll do my best to ignore it, as the main thing people seem to not understand is that I can listen to you, but I make the final decision, not you, to include it. Just thought I'd post this given I tend to see how people act. Skin Requests: - I don' t mind doing skin requests but keep it sane and of course specify what aircraft/helicopter you need. For various aircraft it can take a few days or so (depending on the detail of the base aircraft) to create a PSD template and then I'll get it to you. - At the minimum draw a "Stick plane" of what you want. Bear in mind for default aircraft there are limitations on how the aircraft was textured, so you may not always be able to get the effect you want. I will of course let you know. Issues and how to fix them: - "Infinite Ammo": Open the Steam Interface and right click and click on Properties. Click the Local tab and Verify Game Cache. Sometimes downloads glitch and causes that problem. After that the weapons should work fine. Also check your ASDG Joint Rails, ensure that you don't have another one (usually older version) running which may cause issues as well. - Game CTDs when trying to resume saved games: I've been getting a lot of complaints when my mod is used with the Arma 3 Launcher that comes with the game. I don't use this method so I don't see any issues as of yet when I get the reports. I'm not saying it's not out there, but if your game is crashing when resuming any missions, Instead of using the Launcher I go through the game itself, i.e. Configure/Expansions and Enable or Disable as needed. Restart the game and things will or should work fine as I've resumed various saved games and haven't had any CTDs or anything related. I also don't have anything to do with the Launcher so if you have issues, contact BIS if that comes up or use the method described. For PayPal donations click the linky: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=2J4LKTG8R8PQJ&lc=US¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted Edited December 28, 2024 by EricJ 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Trotski 939 Posted February 27, 2016 hehehehe that looks cool as beans mate ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
emresukhoi 444 Posted February 27, 2016 Perfect bro Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted February 27, 2016 Thanks! ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// New Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8BGm0Pi3UmtMnlfckNnVlprRDQ/view?usp=sharing ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EricJ Wipeout RC17 - Removed CH-67reskins for a separate mod Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted February 27, 2016 (edited) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////New Download Link:https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8BGm0Pi3Umta0g4Z0VHZHZOVnM/view?usp=sharing//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////EricJ Helo Skins RC1- First ReleaseSteam Link:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=633842660 Edited February 27, 2016 by EricJ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted February 27, 2016 hehehehe that looks cool as beans mate ! Thanks! Perfect bro Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DEVIL11 31 Posted February 27, 2016 Looks very awesome. Hey EricJ I know you are busy but I was wondering if u will be making an UPDATED skin of the VFA-104 like the CAG CO and anniversary skin with the line birds Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted February 27, 2016 VFA-104? Not sure what you're talking about... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DEVIL11 31 Posted February 27, 2016 My bad VFA-103 JOLLYROGERS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+dtmdragon 2,747 Posted February 27, 2016 Starting out here: Finalizing the slimers (Formation LIghts): EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted February 27, 2016 Thanks! DEVIL11 It's going to be some time until I get around to it, and need to shake off the rust too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted February 27, 2016 This will be echoed in the Readme: Aerospatiale/Sikorsky S/MH/UH-92 Cherokee Lift Guide: Lift weight capabilities: UH-92/PMC: 5,500 kg MH-92 (Insertion): 5,200 kg MH-92 DAP (Assault): 1,000 kg MH-92 DAP (DAGR/M230/HF): 300 kg S-92 (All versions): 5,500 kg S-92 Utility: 6,000 kg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted February 28, 2016 Thanks! Some MH-60L work: After some thought I made a "Utility" S-92, which as mentioned above, has an increased lift capacity, but also four seats (for stuff like IgiLoad, etc: And a cheap Blue texture to round out the set. If you have some skills with either Photoshop and wish to contribute let me know and I'll send a shell template for reskins. Given that the Hellfires are not working it may be some time, as I may push it back to Tuesday in order for them to come to work: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted February 28, 2016 (edited) And while we wait for the Hellfres, I had thought of this while flying that it would be cool to have some liftable containers: Other things: - Some realistic values for the 240s and Minis so gunners will have to adjust when they finally get them. - I think I finally got RotorLIb support as I tried to lift that container and got nowhere so I think (until I can confirm with a screenshot) that I may have finally worked it in. Edited February 28, 2016 by EricJ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DEVIL11 31 Posted February 28, 2016 Is this for Strike fighters 2 by the way Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted February 28, 2016 Nope, Arma 3: http://www.arma3.com Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted February 28, 2016 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// New Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8BGm0Pi3UmtTzY3VFUzb1Z1cEk/view?usp=sharing ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EricJ Helo Skins RC2 - Fixed texture paths Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted February 28, 2016 Some MH-60L showoff, I need to redo the coaming texture but otherwise what you see, is what you get as I just don't want to get all the dials working as of yet. Still no Hellfires. The video at the end shows the new gimbal limits of the 240s and miniguns, as well as WIP for the -92 series. Also the container is in their own category in Zeus at least, and once i get it working at least, a basic Supply Box as well as Fuel, Med, Repair to mimic basic Huron types.And so far no luck with the lifting as either I'm missing some config or model work that will enable me to pick them up. And you can also lift the SDV with the -92 series: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted February 28, 2016 Courtesy of Aduke823: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted February 29, 2016 While the Hellfires are shamming decided to start on the OH-58, these are ADuke's textures so given he's on the spot won't change them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted February 29, 2016 Thanks man, a rather comical video but it's a start Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted February 29, 2016 And if you're like me, breaking my own work: The thing loaded (OH-58) weighs a whopping 1,360 kg so even a Ghost Hawk can carry it around. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted February 29, 2016 And a bit more stable flying, I so far have gotten the rotor blur (apparently the texture was wrong) but shows the MMS and how it works in-game: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,344 Posted February 29, 2016 Also re-adjusted the weights of the UH-60M and the UH-60 (Unarmed) to realistic weights, so the Huron can pick them up: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites