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So, for about a year some people started having problems with newer GPU or drivers and there's little coordinated effort so far, this will be an attempt to do so.

The idea is simple, everyone will report what they have tested and if it works or not, so others can benefit from it.


I'll only take reports from moderately to heavily modded installs, not stock or lightly modded ones.

I'll only take reports from DX10 running versions, no DX9.


Reports must follow the following format :


GPU / VRAM / OS / Driver / SF2PatchLevel / DetailLevel / CustomShaders / Reporter / Outcome


GPU is the model of your graphic card.

VRAM is the amount of RAM your graphic card has.

OS is the version of Windows you use.

Driver is the version of the driver you tested

SF2PatchLevel is the patch level of SF2 you run.

DetailLevel is the detail level you're running at, it can be High, Unlimited or Custom (I'm not interested in Low or Medium, Custom is only for settings better than the stock Unlimited through the use of modified INIs).

CustomShaders, whether or not you are using custom shaders.

Reporter is who made the report.

Outcome is the result of your test, Occasional means it happens less than once per mission, Frequent means it happens around once per mission but for only a small part of it, Constant means it's almost always present.


Yes, a lot of it is subjective and relative, but it's better than nothing.

In addition you can give your driver settings and performance tweaks if you feel so inclined.

I've left out my results designed especially to break things, only installs as I play them.


Ok, now it's up to you to report your own findings and I'll add them to the table.


Due to the limitations of the forums, the table is now a Google doc (link : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iOzDXda8uDCByqq5CbNQHAz3JJfYy15gwcV8CW47ECk/edit?usp=sharing )


Latest nVidia driver known to work for everyone : 353.62


Latest nVidia driver known to work for GTX970 + Windows 7 : 364.72


Latest AMD driver known to work for everyone : 15.7.1


Latest AMD driver known to work for Radeon R7/9 series : 16.03



Known problems and solutions :


Problem: Anti-aliasing not working properly on Windows 10 (aka, the jaggies)

Solution: Set [GraphicsOptions] AntiAliasing=0 in OPTIONS.INI and set anti-aliasing as a per-game setting using nVidia Control Panel.


Problem: Video stutter in certain situations

Solution: Set "Maximum pre-rendered frames" to 1 as a per-game setting using nVidia Control Panel


Problem: Framerate stuck to 60FPS on AMD cards even with VSync Off

Solution: None yet

Edited by Gunrunner
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Great idea, Gunrunner! A thread like this would be more than useful to folks such as myself having graphics problems.

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Nvidia 353.62 Seems to be the best fit for SF2 across nvidia GPUs from 710M, 740M and GTX 970. So far no problems.


The latest driver 364.51 with minimal environmental and terrain mod seems to work fine on medium settings with occasional tearing and flickering during intensive ground battles. OC'ng on the new drivers also seems to aggravate the problems.

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Nvidia 353.62 Seems to be the best fit for SF2 across nvidia GPUs from 710M, 740M and GTX 970. So far no problems.


The latest driver 364.51 with minimal environmental and terrain mod seems to work fine on medium settings with occasional tearing and flickering during intensive ground battles. OC'ng on the new drivers also seems to aggravate the problems.


Agreed on the 353.62. I was more than delighted for the bugs to disappear along with the tile glitches and other things.

I've spent just over €2,000 on my new rig and it'd be a shame for me not to get the jaggies issue sorted, which seems to be the only issue remaining, despite my attempts at tweaking. Don't get me wrong; it's something that you could live with, but I'm a bit of a perfectionist and things like jaggies drive me f**king nuts!

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Not yet, thanks for signalling it, I'll have a try.


On a GTX 970, under Windows 7, it seems ok so far. I'll have a try under Windows 10 later.

Edited by Gunrunner

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Thanks - I have only little time currently... Otherwise I would try myself.

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For my PCs with AMD 7970 and 7870, I have reverted back to Catalyst 15.7.1.

The problem with SF2 was some random/intermittent flickering texture problems off to the left or right along the horizon line.

It was livable, but I discovered Star Wars Battlefront 2 was utterly ruined with bizarre ground textures, so I looked for the last good driver I was using before "Crimson".

Image quality for both games was restored by reverting to this driver.

Edited by streakeagle

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I've tested Nvidia 364.72 on my computer (GTX970, windows 10), and after 15 minutes or so, so far so good.

No artifacts, FPS seem a bit improved and steady compared to 353.62 (I had FPS inconsistency, dropping from 60 to 10-15 from time to time).

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For my PCs with AMD 7970 and 7870, I have reverted back to Catalyst 15.7.1.

The problem with SF2 was some random/intermittent flickering texture problems off to the left or right along the horizon line.

It was livable, but I discovered Star Wars Battlefront 2 was utterly ruined with bizarre ground textures, so I looked for the last good driver I was using before "Crimson".

Image quality for both games was restored by reverting to this driver.

Before I switched to a gtx 980ti I used the latest beta catalyst and the tears had gone and game seemed fine...m8

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I've tested Nvidia 364.72 on my computer (GTX970, windows 10), and after 15 minutes or so, so far so good.

No artifacts, FPS seem a bit improved and steady compared to 353.62 (I had FPS inconsistency, dropping from 60 to 10-15 from time to time).


Same here - sure some more throrough testing needs to be done, but the erratic shadows that I've had with the previous drivers in SF2NA seem to have gone.

No issue in SF2V either,so this looks promising so far... Let's keep our fingers crossed!

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Okay, the shadows in SF2NA appear to be gone - but I just noticed some flickering on SF2V airfields... So, we are not fully there, yet.

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Update: NVIDIA 365.10 released yesterday - on my rig (Win7) this works well with SF2NA, but the flickering of shadows in SF2V (it's mainly on airfields) is still there...


Hope this is of help to some of you.

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Great idea!!!!


nVidia GeForce GT 730/ 2GB/ Version Jul 2013/ Unlimited/ Custom Shader OFF/ Ignacioc91/ Works great, no issues whatsoever




AMD A4-6300 APU with Radeon HD Graphics 3.70 GHz


8.00 GB of RAM


Windows 10 Home 64 bits


nVidia GeForce GT730 with 2GB


DirectX 12.


I also tried it on Windows7 and Directx 10, before moving to Windows 10, and it worked perfectly.

Edited by ignacioc91

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Another update:

365.19 on Win7 - rolled out and installed May 13

Same as before: SF2NA no issues, SF2V still some shadow flickering on airfields... Appears to be less, but might have been due to time and weather at the time of flying over that airfield... It definitely is not yet gone.

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I tried it, and so far no issues at all, just like 364.72. SF2 runs as godd as it was on Win7

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New set of NVIDIA-Drivers released today (368.22): back to worse on Win 7 - same shadow flickering in SF2V but in SF2NA parts of clouds "tiles" are missing now (see screenie) - I think this was already fixed...

No good!


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Rolling back to the previous set of drivers and flying the same mission, I just see that this was present then already... :aggressive:

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