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A-4 Skyhawk "Buddy" Refueling Mods

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It might just be my inconsistent memory, but I thought I saw a mod here sometime in the past that allowed the A-4 Skyhawk to be a 'Buddy' Air-to-Air Refueler.


Basically it's a large drop tank with the refueling hose attachment.


I've searched the SF1 and SF2 aircraft and weapons downloads but didn't find it.


Do we have this mod?  If so, can someone point me to it?





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There's one in Killerbees Ordnance Shop II. Foldername is "BDOUG". But I think this one is intended for another plane...the shape is different from the one used on Skyhawks.


Edited by Nyghtfall

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   It's possible these are the same. 


   The photo I posted is from the side and it's possible the device in the middle is hidden in my photo.  I don't have enough info to know for sure.


   Killerbee's may be the one I'd seen here before.



   This is the only description in Wiki from the A-4 Skyhawk page, "A designated supply A-4 would mount a center-mounted "buddy store", a large external fuel tank with a hose reel in the aft section and an extensible drogue refueling bucket.."


    Interesting.  Not definitive, but interesting.



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I think the one used on Skyhawks is the Douglas D-704. This one has rougly the shape of the 400gal centerline tank.





The BDOUG ingame is shorter and I guess could be the one used on French Etendards on the centerline.



I don't know though, if there's another pod available. I just know the BDOUG from the pack.

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the BDOUG pod is for the KA-3s

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Thanks Guys,


   I'm guessing at this point we don't have the D-704.

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No proper D-704 pod model yet, yep.

The shorter pod is also a Douglas design (D-827, iirc), and also license-produced in France by Intertechnique ,

becoming the Intertechnique 231-300 series pods.


The D-704 holds 300 GAL of fuel, its both fuel tank+gas station combined.


I made a mod a while ago, where I integrated the short pod we have into the A-7 droptanks/loadout.






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I made a mod a while ago, where I integrated the short pod we have into the A-7 droptanks/loadout.


I did something similar for the S-3 Viking:





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Looks cool, specially on the A-4's. shame we cannot even contact them. :(

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The Super Hornet Tanker has the same capability but with no game coding to make it work, it's just "there".

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Does the Hornet Tanker have the D-704 style refueling pod ?

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