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Razbam has started a Mirage III

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They can go fuck themselves.

Their "after sales service" sucks major sweaty hairy monkey balls and they screwed me over
once but never again. I will almost place them in the same ball park as A-Team Skunkworks

Just my two cents, and they can stick it...

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What happened?
Not getting answers (nothing!) when you explain that after a divorce you lost everything you bought...
Explaining that you want help to retrieve all this, and then just getting NO response and help...

THAT happened... I almost had ALL available SF products, but they just left me in the dark.
Scraped in my money and fucked me over... THAT!

Hope they go bankrupt and get something nasty...

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You're talking about eagle dynamics, not SF ?

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That's what happen to me to muesli I wanted to retrieve my Ea-6B A-6 and A-1 that I bought and no reply to retrieve them so I lost out to

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You're talking about eagle dynamics, not SF ?

I am talking about Razbam, in this forum. I bet they are the same Razbam of the SF series...


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i understand that their foray into SF wasn't as profitable as they would have liked but they made many promises and people bought their stuff then they vanished when things became too much work for them. I would have understood them coming out and saying they were discontinuing support for their SF products ,that happens all the time, but to say oh yeah we plan on fixing X issue and supporting "Y" product and then just going dark was a total dick move. I'm sure there were many people who would have not bought some things had they known that the assurances they were getting were worthless. I had absolutely no issues in buying their products knowing up front they were for SF1 and had issues in SF2 but when you hear from the company on this forum saying that they plan on fixing those issues and then you buy the product you have a legitimate grip. 

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Ok it is clearer for me, sorry, I forgot they made addons for SF

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There are conditions they need to adhere to as an ED 3rd Party......whether this includes better customer service I'm not sure........has anyone had any issues with the M2000C? - I gather the FM needed a bit of work?



I do have the M2000C .......just havn't had time to fly it yet............am on Belsimteks MiG-15bis though, that's very good!

Edited by MigBuster

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They did officially declare they were abandoning the TW series, pretty much down to TK's constant patching.


Re. the Mirage III - Razbam are very good at anouncing products that never materialise... I'm not holding my breath.



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While their products had flaws, I bought and enjoyed all of the RAZBAM SF aircraft releases. One of the aircraft that keeps me flying SF2 is their F2H-2.


When they originally sold their products, IIRC, they did have quite a disclaimer about how long you would be able to download from them and that it was the purchaser's responsibility to store/backup the purchased files. I remember a number of people being ignored who needed new copies later. I don't understand why they aren't more customer friendly? But, I have all of my aircraft backed up on a dvd (among countless other SF files) as well as stored on multiple hard drives. As I don't fly SF2 that much anymore, I don't know that I would be bothered if I lost the files at this point, but if I really missed the F2H-2, I might buy that one again, because it was dramatically better than the "A-Team"'s version.


As far as the DCS Mirage 2000C goes, I have done a few take-offs/landings and some WVR air combat with guns. I like what I see, but won't bother getting to know this plane until its feature set/flight model is more stable. Based on how well it works right now, I won't hesitate to buy their DCS Mirage IIICJ when/if it becomes available.

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