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I Didn't Quit...I Just Took a 2 Year Vacation...

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Graduate school is done, got out on the 19th of last month.  Ready to return to some simulation gaming, and DCS is just not at a functional point for me.  I'm watching CAP2 with great interest (I bought the EA version and am helping out with testing of that title), but I'm ready to go fly some stuff.  That leaves SF2, which while some of the idiosyncrasies will make you want to throw something, at least it is stable and functional.  I can fly anything almost anywhere, including some places that don't exist.


So, I have some really stupid re-familiarization questions, stuff I probably knew at one point but have forgotten after two years of not touching my gaming PC.


1.)  In the difficultly settings, does the setting for Weapon Use affect only MY weapons, or do they affect everyone's.  Here's why I ask.  If I choose the Easy setting, I know my missile shot is essentially almost an insta-kill.  Does that mean that the enemy also has that advantage?  Or, if I choose Normal, are both enemy and friendly weapons balanced?


2.)  I know some of the non-flyables can be made usable with the substitution of a stock or 3rd party cockpit.  How do I hide the friggin canopy rails suddenly appearing in my cockpit field of view?


3.)  Is there a mod to make the stock Kiev carrier usable?  I remember that Forgers still pretty much fell off of it on takeoff.


4.)  Is the game essentially abandoned by ThirdWire?  Are there any planned updates for stability or new graphics drivers?  It runs on the most recent GeForce drivers and I don't see as many flashing textures anymore, but I was just curious.


I have forgotten so much.



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I hear you.  Getting back into it this year after a few years hiatus.  1.) Not sure on the weapons, but Normal on flight characteristics effects only your aircraft.  It's my understanding that the enemy is always on Normal (some say the enemy has a enhanced Normal flight setting).  Seems like physics doesn't effect their aircraft at all sometimes.  2.) If you want to toggle and hide the cockpit entirely, assign a key in Options, Controls.  If you have duplicate canopy framing from the cockpit and the aircraft model and want to eliminate the model framing, go to the aircraft data .ini and in the Fuselage section set ShowFromCockpit=FALSE.  3.)  Don't know, outside my pay grade.  4.) Pretty much. He is trying to push the mobile apps and not doing anything to upgrade or update existing PC software.  Czech6

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Just to clarify.  Some models have a Nose section in the aircraft .ini and you may need to change it to read ShowFromCockpit=FALSE in that section instead of the Fuselage section to eliminate cockpit frame conflicts.  Czech6

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also to be checking the actual position of the cockpit, quite a few are off "some distance".

there's also a "cockpit CG offset" statement in many data inis

External model frames can always be removed by the "hide component" trick, provided the mesh is seperate from the nose or fuselage

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Nah.  Grad school.  Haven't done a lot of any kind of gaming for the last two years.  Finally finished up, though.


Flew around a little last night.  I've determined I need a better HOTAS than the Thrustmaster HOTAS X I have.

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I still remember the poll you made for a possible Afghanistan style COIN map. Glad to see you back!

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