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Yankin' and Bankin' Over China

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Click on the envelope at the top of the screen.  It opens the Private Message box.  Start a new message and send it to me.  If it works, I'll reply and you can attach the map to your reply.  And thank you again! :biggrin:

But only allowed 2MB File,the map is 8.7MB,so......Maybe should found another way.... :bad:

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zip the map, and it should attach just fine

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I've begun work on the Hawk III skins - start of fuselage below.



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Your Curtiss looks very good! :good:

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As ever Geezer, your work is outstanding, keep it up mate please !! 

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Thanks.  Got the Hawk III running ingame for the first time.  Still gotta finish the skins and other stuff, but it works!  :biggrin:







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OMG that is beautiful.


Thanks.  Couple of more shots as I tweak things a bit.







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that REALLY does look good!!!


do you plan on using the "rachet" sound for the gears, like I did for Monty's??

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that REALLY does look good!!!


do you plan on using the "rachet" sound for the gears, like I did for Monty's??

 Yep.  If I don't burn out first, maybe I can make the retraction handle in cockpit rotate with the landing gear? :biggrin:




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oh my!!!

very nice!!!!

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Thanks.  The most tedious part of making game aircraft is UVW mapping - converting the model's surfaces to flat patterns for skin templates.  For some reason, I find I am in the mood to grind my way through the tedium so I am making hay while the sun shines.  Got the mapping and textures started for two China Skies aircraft: Nakajima A4N and Northrop2E.  Also adapted a pilot figure to make a quick and dirty evil Japanese pilot.  :biggrin:





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Mapped the Gamma wings today.  I'm using the markings found on one of the Gammas in the factory shot below.









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Got some work done this morning on textures, plus finished mapping the Gamma 2E.







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Yippee!  Got the Gamma 2E working ingame - barely.  :biggrin:













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I expect a lot of fun


Thnak you Geezer :)


No problem - this is a lot of fun!  Winter is coming.....and I live in the mountains.  I'm building up a stack of skins to work on until the snow melts.  Shot below of training the gunner to aim in the right direction. 


Anyone who has been through basic training will remember "Your OTHER left, blockhead!"  :biggrin:



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Got the Nakajima A4N flying ingame this morning.  The China Skies aircraft were some of the first models I made, back in 2008-2010.  Its been very satisfying to revisit them, incorporate lessons learned since then, and get them into the game.  Still hundreds of hours of work 'til they can be released, but it gives this old geezer something to do.  :biggrin:









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This afternoon, I got a start on the Jean.





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More progress shots as I tinker with the skins and position objects.






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I view this thread like some people view porn...... so many great things to drool over. :wink:


LOL!  As I said before, I'm trying to get many of my old models mapped before the snow falls.  I'll spend the winter making skins, and start asking for help with the files come Spring.  Volunteers are welcome.


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