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Hi All,


have a look to this skin i made...




Currently working on skins of RCAF T-birds.


Let me know what you think!

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Very nice! Hope you upload it.

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looks good,  now i'm wondering how far off the DAT Strikemaster is from a Tudor for the current team

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Very nice! Hope you upload it.


Looking to upload it with the other skins i'm currently doing :)

looks good,  now i'm wondering how far off the DAT Strikemaster is from a Tudor for the current team


In fact, it's not for replacing the CT-114 Tutor, but it was the support aircraft of the team a while back. Looking to do also the ''Golden Centennaire'' and ''Red Knight'' schemes along with the regular one's (there is at least 12 different scheme i know).

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Yes please upload your T-33A Skins when you have completed them, and thanks for having a go at this particular aircraft.

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I will surely upload when done :)


As for today, 2 almost complete skin.


One of 1956




and another of 1960




Needs some decal and move on the other skins...

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oh yeah (Gibbs slaps self on back of head...)

need more  units. one day maybe

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I could do a few units (USAF and others) after having done my RCAF one's :)


I did 4 skins this morning just to see after that my HDD where i saved my ongoing work corrupted all my files... (yeah... more hours lost there!)


Had work last evening on a based template to get a more metallic/silver one. Reason, late T-birds of the RCAF where 2 tones of gray :) I came to a good results and will show you soon how it look like.


Anyway, will do a bit more skinning tonight and shall be able to show you some advanced work. Planning to finish the skins up to 1968 (this means i still have about 5 to re-do, 3 to re-work). And of course adding the random serials and plane numbers (i say random, but serial will be real one's)


But i'm asking myself one thing. For the numbers on the fuselages (or any other decals) do i have to only put the X and Y values or also the Z ones?


Thanks for your help on this point!

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fuselage decals only need the fore-aft and up-down coords. (meaning: only 2 entries, actually, that goes for all decals, just fore aft/ up down or left right/ fore aft for wings and such)

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Thanks for the input Wrench. It helped me :)


So, only skin i made tonight is the 1956 ''navy'' one. Tried to get a more metallic finish...



And a little edit on the 1956 and 1960 skins (metallic finish will replace the white one)



I will have to adjust the Specular, Glossiness and Reflection values on these one's


So, all in all 4 skin almost done, and 11 to go (but some will not be much complicated)


Advancement on work will come in time :)


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Check My skins for those values...


Will for sure have a look on this when i will be back home!


I will also be able to provide some screenies of the skins made today. Good progress on 7 skins have been made since yesterday. Will have to work on the metallic skins, finish off the decals, edit the ini's.


So stay tune for a look to what is coming soon :)

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A little more work on the skins today. Decals placing (still some more work to do). Working on the Texture structure (patch.bmp + way to be shown in the menu). Will now have to properly paint these birds from white to metallic color and that shall be it. Still need to do the Camo one's (4 skins) + 3-4 more (special skins).




















1960 (scheme 1)


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Not much have been done since last post, real life took over :). I worked on the decal placements and did minor changes to the skins.


Anyway, I almost completed my 1955 skin :




Should be able to upload in the coming week :)

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Still working on these birds... but looks like i will go for a whole plane after all as i intend to build the CT-133 (Canadair licenced build T-33). Having done the ini's part, most of the decals are placed (but still scratcing my head on 2 that goes on the fuselage and they don't want to show up), real serial are made, have tweak the RCAF roundel to have one ''old style'' for the early T-birds, etc.


Will now have to paint the skins but i made real progress in the last 36 hours :)


stay tuned!

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Okay Folks, need your help here :)


Here is a view of my 1960 WIP RCAF skin



My problem is as follow :

Seems that skin can't take more then 17 decals... Whatever the skin, when i reach decal 018 and so on they will not appear. On the picture above, i should have the RCAF besides de roundel on the fuselage at left, and plane number on the right.


Here is the decal entry of these :



path are correct, no error on typing, decal exists... so is there some sort of limitation on the number of decals?


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4 per mesh


you may need to combine the "nation name' and insigina into one (or 2, if they face opposite left or right)

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One tip from me, use as less decals as possible.

I normaly only use them for the numbers and paint the insignias on the skin.

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Okay then.


I will paint directly on the skins what is standard and do not changed (like roundels and various signs).


I will see tonight if it solves my problem.


Thanks for the inputs Wrench end 7eleven!

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BTW, make sure that your numbers.lst matches with the Decals you have made for the skin...

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