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Nuclear Reactor for Terrains?

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Anyone know where I can find a nuclear reactor cooling tower for a terrain object?

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Let us know which terrain you use so I can stay out of it for the next ten thousand years. 

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Pretty sure there are cooling towers in the ODS campaign. And I'm fairly certain I've seen one in Wrench's Modern Darwin one maybe... possibly. Not 100%. You should be able to find them in the guts of those Terrain downloads.

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Iran/Iraq definately has them (both versions)

should be on the Persian Gulf terrain as well

maybe even the mid-west USA

Israel 2 rebuild, and IsraelME rebuilds (Dimona)

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IIRC Darius terrain has the nuclear plant at Bushehr.


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I made it years ago for Israel terrain and used it later in "Persian Gulf" terrain and "Baltic Entrance" terrain. All terrains were made for WoE or WoI.

A stand alone download you will find here:



A simple search in the download section by using the search function and the words "nuclear reactor"

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