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Armed Observers for FE

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I suppose I could drop the top speed to about 145kph in the data ini for the Halb. D.5, and make it about 30-50kg heavier than the D.5 - this would then approximate the behavior of the D.II/III types - and maybe if a new skin could be dropped into its folder - this would be acceptable. I am thinking of eventually tweaking the Halb. D.III (also making a D.II data ini from it) - from that other site, A-Team's, but if many users don't like those models - I will keep my focus on the models posted here on CombatAce...no use in wasting too much time with those, with the exception of some very badly needed ones like the Pfalz. D.III series, and the Gotha bomber...at any rate it'll take me a while to get to the A-Team stuff since there are still many models I haven't touched on Combat Ace for FE2....


Happy flying,

Von S

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The Arse Team DII/III is actually not bad shape wise, it  "looks" like a Halb , however, the FM is most likely up the creek, and the cockpit view.......oh dear, its got a feed chute leading into thin air, and really, they just didnt try at all with the pit. not actually flown the thing because the pit put me off straight away, I was going to do a new skin for the Halby , as you have seen I have done a Kesta 4b skin for the Fokker E IV ( Hannah) I have also done 2 for the Fokker DII, the Fokker DIII's are next on my to do list, so eventually we shall have the whole kesta as per the photo, you know the one I mean , see attached........unfortunately, as much as I hate to say it, Borts Halby, is well past its sell by date, it was fine for FE1, but frankly it doesnt look its best now............Sorry Bort if you are reading this, it's still a better model than I could hope to make ! So I apologise if I offend.


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Hello gents',


Here's one more modified data ini....an early (one-seater) version of the Parasol L. Get close behind your enemy and fire your rifle. Very fun but difficult to get any kills this way.


Make a copy of your one-seater Parasol L folder and rename it to MSTypeLe. Then copy over the data ini and general ini files from my folder, with the same name (and delete the original data ini and ini files)...works great for the Eastern and Western theaters. Will include this with the ver. 8.9 update of the FM pack, and will also include the tweaks for the Farman type 7 (with the observer in the back), also for the early Fokker M.7 - to round out our rifle-armed aircraft.


Stats. for the type:


top speed 113kph

climbs best between 75 and 85kph at about 3 m/s

(but can be climbed in the 60s kph too, stalls below about 60kph)

take off is best at around 90kph

slightly lower ceiling and MaxG rating than on the Lewis-armed one-seater version of the Parasol




Happy flying,

Von S



Edited by VonS
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I think Stephen has started a craze, it may be the sport of the year, wonder who will get the first recorded rifle kill hahahahahaha..........especially in the MS L the pilot holding the stick between his knees as he takes  pot shots 

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Man how I wish we could get a better mission editor so I can try all this birds in ground attack!!

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