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When building a single mission (i assume it works in camPain building) defining a aerial target in this manner seems to work:


However, if i want to add a target that i add when writing the mission as below:

Name=FF Escort

etc etc etc

Will adding a 'TARGET=' comment to the mission designate the 'Frigate' as a target.

Example: 'TARGET=GroundObject002' or 'TARGET=GroundMission002'

am not sure how to do that

obviously...am adding the 'TARGET=' command to an aircraft (or  for that matter i am wondering if i designated a groundmission object as a target for a destroyer if that would work too)





Name=FF Escort



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This link 

  will take you to an excellent selection of 60 historical Vietnam individual missions that you can explore to see how mission building works. It was prepared by comrpnt and was well received by the SFP1 community with over 450+ downloads.

Best of luck.


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I have a question and it is this, if you when you elaborate a mission in the game you know that the initial objective is the one that you are going to attack, could you place a 2nd one? I mean that if instead of an objective you could put several at a time. Thank you .

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I would ask the same question.

also, if you specify a target defined in the terrain (as in not loaded in the single mission file '*.msn' will the AI aircraft continue t attack other similar targets nearby.

Example, I want to have AI SEAD flight take out (or more likely absorb) SAMs, so my strike package can take out a runway or a building. But, if you can only target one sam launcher in agroup of several sam launchers having 4 or more AI planes attack that one SAM launcher isn't going to help a lot.  Of course, making several flights of AI flights each targeting a single sam launcher, AAA gun, EWR, or SAM radar would take care of that, but talk about a messy file.  There are a ton of air defense targets around Hanoi for example.

Mostly, what I like to do is fly in the escort, CAP, of Sweep flight.  Taking a fluid four over Hanoi without a strike happening is a good way to get a zillion SAMs shot at you and your flight.  AIs suck at dodging SAMies.  The only option is to turn the enemy air defenses to a weaker setting or more realistically add a strike package with sead to your mission. In the airwar over Hanoi...there would often be bunch of sams fired off...but not just at 1 flight of fhantoms.

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Of course I sometimes go with F-18 either from any army or army and sometimes I wonder ...... Why not bomb any target and then go for a nearby ship or airstrip and already attack planes that approach to try to knock me down.
Let's say that you can, over the course of the mission, choose which objective to attack first and thus go about making a succession of objectives either in order or of a different choice.
I think that would give an interesting nuance to that according to your own choice or the proximity of one objective or another gives you the ability to choose what is the best option to put into practice and then go step by step with the rest.

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i believe if you are assigned to attack a 'runway' for example...if 1 bomb hits the runway...then you get more points if you destroy other targets around the runway..i believe you get credit for doing so...once a bomb hits the run way it never hurts to tell your wing men AIz to 'engage ground' even multiple times

mostly i like the plane vs plane stuff...i often send msgs to my Ai flight and tell my wingman to 'cover me' so he sticks with me.  also, i will send a msg to wingman to 'attack my target' if i overshoot or merge head on and the enemy Ai passes on by me.  the AI ingman will sometimes get the AI bad guy. then i remind my wingman to cover me or 'rejoin'

when you're doing air2 ground u can tell your wingman to attack your (Visual) target..wait a few seconds after he replies affirmative then hit the button to put the red square on a different ground target (assuming it is small enough to need help seeing it)

i must say though the original '60avionics.dll' leaves something to be desired when it comes to bombing. I believe the stock mirage factory F-18A has better iron bomb dropping site

it seems the cockpit of the F-4 could be modified to have a better site. in the real plane you can manually depress the bombsite piper.  also, i believe the bombing system in the F-4 was improved during the war (and after Vietnam as well)

I have the fight manual for the F-4J...but it referenses other manuals i don't have for a lot of systems. The basic flight manual does not have much in it about the backseater's radar duties. The flight manual is pretty thick BTW.

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oh and thank you 'krfrg' for the down load...will study

oh, i have SF1 with the 08 patch (and an install without the 08 patch as well...plus more space for more installs BTW)

will the included VietnamSE work by copying it into terrain folder like it is?

i don't have the WOV version of the game. i use the 'DRV' and 'SEA' terrains in my SF1 installs.

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Understand you do not have WOV. That's ok because the work comrpnt presents should provide some great examples of various ground missions.

The DRV and SEA files should work in your current installs (its been a long time since I been in SF1) but you will need to make sure that the main file that references the TFD and HFD  points to the SF1 CAT file named Desert.CAT in the Terrain folder.

Not familiar with the VietnamSE but you would need to change the main VietnamSE file to read the SFP1 desert.CAT file (example below). Usually each terrain is tied to a specific series of the Strike Fighter's series of games but many terrains can be used in other versions SFP1, WoE, etc.


CatFie-..\VietnamSE\VietnamSE.CAT  <-------- Assuming this is the CAT file referenced you will need to adjust to the below if using SFP1

CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.cat  <------ This references the desert.CAT file.

In a user-made mission you can designate a specific ground target as in your example above, where you want to attack the 'FRIGATE'. You will have to choose the airfield to take off from, designate your way points, orbit points, ingress point, objective, egress point, and way points back to the airfield you started your mission. I have tried landing at other airfields but the game doesn't always like that. It could be something hardcoded in the game or maybe it's me.

Hope this helps.

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