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As new to world of helo models...few Q`s

When assigning the VTol  RCS   components how crucial is placement...also how do you go about deciding where to place them.?

looked at some helo data,s and models in mues lod viewer....(btw...in mues viewer  some reason  seakings dont show a lod...though it thinks its there)

I know how to fake ailerons etc and dummy items...just the VTOL commands (RCS) has me stumped...


Before anyone gets too excited lol....this IS an FSX model,one I had bought ages ago...I hoped it was in the Aphasim freeware bundle ,but after I started to convert it,discovered it isnt.......so,Ive contacted Virtavia,who ARE more or less Alphasim....to get permission to convert it to a freeware model....I informed them it would be in SF2 LOD format and probably not so easy to pirate lol...

anyways,if they refuse...I will "clone it"....as ive already replaced some parts anyways..some new parts,some texture work,new Spec and Bumps etc......about 10%.....I am hopeful they will agree,dont see why not as its now an old model...if they refuse I might suggest I charge for it...$2.00 lol...and give them half....anyways...we`ll see what happens...no matter what,we will still get a version....Ive probably put in 6 hours work on it...all need now is the data..doing...(will use the one from the KA-29 one we have at CA....all points etc (co-ords,coll points etc)

Hopefully the green light will be good as ive a few items in pipeline...:biggrin:









Edited by russouk2004
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i'm puting rcs roll and pitch somewhere on end of cross created by wings disc and COG.  on height of wing discus also. 


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cheers Yak...thought might be so.....acting like airplane control surfaces to imitate the cyclic etc...thnx buddy

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Sent emails about the Helo to Virtavia etc and not a dickie bird...if by end of month no reply I guess they arent around...so......we`ll see.meanwhile...doing data.ini...and added parked main LOD...will have 2 other LOD`s...for distance etc. also pic of the real thing (TM)    as kev adds  lol




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Yakarov.....ive set the rcs as you indicated...would you agree I set them (looking from side) midway between top and bottom rotor sets.....?

also didnt add yaw rcs as the kamov has rudders....this you think ok ?

cheers bud...lot to learn with helo models lol

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believe it is worth of trying..can result in interesting behavior...you can also experiment with puting them in 3/4 of that distance...but it also depends on COG and reference area of a model.  

if rudder will be enough to make a hard turn on low-speed then maybe rcs on yaw is not important.

trial and error is my friend on helos...and moonshine.

cheers m8

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Ukraine Navy Version  slightly differs...no side blisters,and what looks like an extra fuel tank maybe..(red hose)...different antennaes for Sonar etc..(flag needs flipping yep)   didnt used to like the Kamov...but actually love this little helo...a lot




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Great work mate! :good:

Hope you´ll be able to release that bird!

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6 hours ago, Soulfreak said:

Great work mate! :good:

Hope you´ll be able to release that bird!

Well ive emailed Virtavia ,old alphasim, etc but not heard a dickie bird...looking at forums seems they might be defunct...I am still resending emails,and hope to get some response...if by mid feb no answer Im gonna release it....by then It might be a total rebuild any ways lol

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If you did 30% or more of changes on model it can be consider a new one. If not, make the credits and go on. It's a sort of "abandonware".

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If you did 30% or more of changes on model it can be consider a new one. If not, make the credits and go on. It's a sort of "abandonware".

That's absolutely ridiculous, I hope you are joking...  :lol:

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No. For Copywrite law if anything is 30% or more diferent from the original can be considered as a new. The hard part is estimate how 30% is changed.

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Don' t ask me where I read this but I can assure you I did.

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Wilches, what are you talking about?  There's no such thing as a "copywrite" law.  I assume you meant "copyright"; but besides almost all of these are subject to licensing agreements - LOL - these are different.  In almost all cases the licensing agreements declare and uphold protection of the copyright laws.  How do I know?  Because I was subject to software code and intellectual property piracy in the past both personally and professionally where lawyers had to get involved.  I'm not going to say anything more on this topic - good luck.

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Swambast, I think we are talking about different things. I agree with you about everything. Don´t take me wrong.:ok:

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Copywright is a sticky subject...I bought the FSX model so can do what I like with my property.........hmmm can I....

I buy a house from someone.....he built it...so am I not allowed to knock down walls and add new ones ?....hmmmmmm

anyways...I still have sent mail to Virtavia...no reply at all 3 times....

It will be released in 1 of 2 ways...

1,with consent or...

2,,total rebuild

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While still waiting for replt to loads of emails to Virtavia....

KA-32T Rokaf..

KA-27 PL (Helix-D)  Ukraine and Indian Navy

KA-27 PS (Helix-D) Sov Navy,\Russian Navy Vietnamese Navy and Yugoslav AF







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A skin idea...

Russian Ministry for emergencies...


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Hope you include the first russian skin of the page. Awesome!

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All shown will be included....



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ain't Mue's Lod Viewer a great tool???

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8 hours ago, Wrench said:

ain't Mue's Lod Viewer a great tool???

yeah saves firing max up....its quicker to use mues viewer for instant update to a skin etc

the templates for the helix are really good..(which are freeware btw)..had to change some stuff but still good....mapping is a tad stretched at joins but not bad.

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weird anomalie with skin....might be mesh needs xform reset...dunno....managed to get it to stay upright....helo expert im not...might need some help..from someone who knows heli models in game better...I understand the basics of the RCS positions for the roll pitch etc...the rest im lost lol...

anyways will stumble on and sort it...

dunno whats with the weird shadow and light areas...will check meshes...at least most of it is ok....pilot is black and is nearly sucked into intake lol...I know whats wrong...co pilot is fine...(both came with helo,and I created them seperate...)     western look Indian\Pakistani...and Chines \ Vietnames looking...Pilot with hands on controls...and co pilot sat watching lol










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Looking at this...Its using DDS which before have given probs...so back to jpegs...I think its alpha messing...as the originals had alpha layers I resaved as DTX1 No Alpha dds but I think remnants of alpha still linger...anyways back to hangar to fix...

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