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I'm on the hunt for a sci fi game ... here's what I found so far

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Hey guys,

DCS, and SF2 are great and I've been looking into some nice sci fi sims but can't find anything right now. Rebel Galaxy is awesome and Elite Dangerous looks pretty neat but MMOs are an immediate turn off for me. I'm so damn tired that everything falls into the Survival, Construction, MMO, or PvP type niche. Star Citizen looks nice but I hear it will never get finished. Space Bourne looks interesting but the devs are cutting some content they were to be making so I don't know. In my search I did get a free copy of Farming Simulator 19 tho. X-Rebirth and X3 sounded great but it's like I fly and interact with menus a lot. X-Reberth kind of ... well I don't see how it's possible to stand on top of a capital class ship, in open space, and have a conversation with no protective equipment on.

Space Bourne looks epic. Still in early access mode however dev is cutting capital ships and other features it seems. But you can build an army (but not a fleet I think)


Rebel Galaxy (My thing I love this game) slugging it out with dreadnaughts


X-rebirth mixed reviews, not so friendly community according to some reports, I haven't played it long enough honestly but first looks were super meh


Empryon ... to me it's like legos in Space. Looks awesome, can be very fun if survival things are for you, lot of promise and the devs are really active with the community.

And you can fly from the planets to space and vise versa so that's something that's neat.


Then I found Evorchron Legacy. Looks amazing and what's even more amazing it made a single developer. So kudos to that guy. 3 hour tutorial according to reports

but it's also said to be well worth it. You can build, trade, etc and explore.


So that's what I found so far. I'd like to have a game where you can get a carrier. Develop a highly trained, motivated, and skilled military to wreck some stuff and take sectors over.

And not just interacting with the world but being immersed with it to some degree. Anyway like I said that's what I found so far. What are some sci fi games you're into?

Oh and if you're into farming: Epic games has farming Simulator 19 for free ($25 USD value) ... yeah it's farming but I usually take offers on free games.

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Are you interested in some older ones? If so I can put together a list for you.

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Tie fighter is still up there, I war too.......but there are so many new ones, they all start to look the same, I cannot bring myself to buy Elite, so I have to say Evochron may need a litttle checking out as it does look pretty cool, still wish they did a half decent Babylon 5 that would be superb.

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1 hour ago, KJakker said:

Are you interested in some older ones? If so I can put together a list for you.

I still have my copy of StarLancer and Freelancer. Old school games are pretty cool too because they're so immersive

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Incoming! Incoming! Games list! Incoming!

Arc Savior
Babylon 5: I've Found Her - Danger and Opportunity (https://ivefoundher.forumotion.com/) (ModDB)
Battlestar Galactica: Deadlock GOG Link or Steam Link
Children of a Dead Earth + Official Forum
Dark Horizon (Amazon) (ModDB)
Darklight Conflict
Descent 2
Descent 3
Escape Velocity Nova
Endless Space
Endless Space 2
Fractuerd Space
Freespace 2 + Source Code Project links Hard-Light.net, Hard-Light Forums, Knossos MOD Manager for FS2.
FTL: Advanced Edition
Galaxy on Fire 2
Homworld:Remasterd Collection
House of the Dying Sun
Independence War Deluxe Edition
Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos
Into the Stars
Iron Sky Invasion
Line Wars II
Nexus: The Jupiter Incident
Privateer 2: The Darkening
Project Freedom
Rebel Galaxy
Renegade: The Battle of Jacob's Star + second link.
SOL Exodus
Space Interceptor: Project Freedom
Star Horizon
Starlight Inception
Starshatter: Gathering Storm
Star Wolves
Star Wolves 2
Star Wolves 3: Civil War
Stellaris GOG Link or Steam Link
Strike Suit Zero: Director's Cut
Tarr chronicles Amazon & ModDB
Wing Commander I+II
Wing Commander™ 3 Heart of the Tiger™
Wing Commander™ 4: The Price of Freedom
Wing Commander: Prophecy Gold includes the Secret Ops mission.
Wing Commander™: Academy
Wing Commander ®: Privateer ™
Wing Commander™: Armada
Star Wars: X-Wing
Star Wars:Tie Fighter
Star Wars:X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter
Star Wars:X-Wing Alliance + The X-Wing Alliance Upgrade Project
Tachyon: The Fringe
The Tommorrow War

Edited by KJakker
Added more games + Links for all titles.
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Star Wolves looks interesting

I have Rebel Galaxy love that game.

That's a solid list. Thank you for that!

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Which Rebel Galaxy ? The original one, or Rebel Galaxy Outlaw, which is a Privateer single-player spiritual successor.

It is currently an Epic Exclusive, which might eliminate it for some people, me included, but I've only heard good things about it, if you're willing to caution Epic's anti-consumer moves.

As for Star Citizen, it's taking its sweet time, a lot of problems come from developing two games at once and the Wing Commander, single player, successor taking all resources currently, but the whole project reached a point where the viability is not that much in question anymore (unless Squadron 42 flops hard that is), it's just that expecting a "1.0" release any sooner than in 5 years is... kinda optimistic at this point, there'll be a beta sooner than that, but yeah, only get into it if you're comfortable with the long game.

Currently Star Citizen is playable, if you like bugs and not having many things to do, but when it works, and for exploring environments... it's just gorgeous and sometimes magical. It's better when faffing around with friends than solo currently.

And expect bugs, lots of them, big, small... still not as bad as a Bethesda game and at least it doesn't look like trash, but still, bugs, bugs, bugs... Oh and if you get into Star Citizen, don't bother to buy anything beyond a starter package unless you're fine with "losing" that money, everything will be obtainable in game, you have rentals and in-game buys (reset each time a major patch hits, currently) and asking in general chat will often have some stranger willing to spawn almost any ship for you to try.

Edited by Gunrunner

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What's going on with Epic? I just got their service only because it has a free copy of Farming Simulator 19 yes I play that game to kill time when I don't feel like setting up my HOTAS. To answer question. Rebel Galaxy 1 is what I have, and love, and Rebel Galaxy 2 is something I'm wanting to purchase when I can because it looks awesome. Oh and I have  modded FS17 to have aircraft in it soo I still do some flying there anyway ... just not with the HOTAS.

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1 hour ago, Skyviper said:

What's going on with Epic? I just got their service only because it has a free copy of Farming Simulator 19 yes I play that game to kill time when I don't feel like setting up my HOTAS. To answer question. Rebel Galaxy 1 is what I have, and love, and Rebel Galaxy 2 is something I'm wanting to purchase when I can because it looks awesome. Oh and I have  modded FS17 to have aircraft in it soo I still do some flying there anyway ... just not with the HOTAS.

Mostly being stunningly incompetent* and bribing publishers to get exclusives from under Steam and crowd-funders, without regards for the consumer's or developer's best interest (despite crowing about how they're all about developers).

* I mean, it's 2020, they've had their store for more than a year now, and having a wishlist or a shopping cart to purchase more than one game at once are still considered as some futuristic tech they don't see implementing before at least 6 months... How incompetent can you be ?

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Might I ask if there are some demos of the games in the list. Perhaps  to try out before buying. !!!

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49 minutes ago, RUSTYMORLEY said:

Might I ask if there are some demos of the games in the list. Perhaps  to try out before buying. !!!

In my list I do not believe there are any demos. I've just been looking at gameplay footage on youtube for most of them.

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I edited my list above with some more games and added links to almost all of the titles. Also as of right now, Noon Eastern Time, Feb 2ed, 2020, the games Wing Commander 1 through 4 plus Prophecy are on sale for 75% off on GOG.

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