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Strikefighters2 Israel Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music!

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Strikefighters2 Israel Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music!

SF2 Israel Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music! v5
By Viper 05/17/2020

Note: I removed all the nation sounds from this Menu packs for size reasons. If you intend to install the "VIPER63A HQ Menu Sounds" pack, please install that pack first. Installing the HQ Sound pack over the Menu pack may overwrite some of the menu specific music files. You can always re-install this menu pack to get the menu specific theme music back.

Special thanks to Homefies and Spectre8750 for their contributions that led me here...

This mod includes custom "Israeli" themed menu screens, pilots and music. I used the MENU INI files to reuse the music files for different menus. This reduces the size of the package as I don't have duplicates of the same music files for different menus. You should unzip the file and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are alternate screens I have in there that you might like better.

If you choose to install these screens, I recommend that you back up your FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this mod into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.

To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder.

My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win10 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...

C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2 Israel\



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      Wings Over World Menu Screens 
      January 13th, 2019 (1st Release)
      by Menrva

      >For Strike Fighters 2 games
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      -guyran, for the original custom missions he created for Wings Over Israel.
      -KJakker, for his interest and welcome support.

      This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
      Any changes to the package's files and/or any copy-and-paste attempts of their contents are NOT authorized if you plan to release them in other mods. But permission might be granted to those who request it to me at CombatACE.
      This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
      Submitter Menrva Submitted 01/13/2019 Category Menus  
    • By Menrva
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      January 13th, 2019 (1st Release)
      by Menrva

      >For Strike Fighters 2 games
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      -Briefing Screen has been reintroduced for eye-candy (it has a small string "bug" with certain missions, since ThirdWire's removal of the FAC mission type).
      -Added generic _briefing.ini files for all the stock SF2 terrains (terrains without a _briefing.ini file might cause CTDs when accessing the Briefing Screen).
      -Added Launch/Fly button in the Briefing, Loadout, Flight Roster and Planning Map screens.
      -Added the missing PILOTPIC25 bitmap which is available in the SF1 games.
      -Loading Screen shows a generic runway and a new, longer loading sound is used.
      -Mission Editor DLC is supported with a new screen in the same style of the other screens.
      -Campaign Customizer DLC is supported with a new screen in the same style of the other screens.
      -Disabled unnecessary functions of the the System Menu, such as accessing ThirdWire's online site for viewing the game manual.
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      -Disabled all the unuseful Labels when viewing the in-game map.
      -Disabled the arcade cones; lock your target and press F4 to visually track it.
      -Tweaked icons' colours so that they match the text's colours.
      -The in-game text background is less noticeable.
      -Text's font is now different, it is generally smaller and less obtrusive.
      -No more red and blue arcade squares when locking objects on; a faint yellow square is now used.
      -The white triangle showing the next waypoint is now a faint yellow, unlike the default strong white.
      -Disabled the radar box display; check the radar of your plane's cockpit, instead.

      >Credits (in no particular order):
      -ThirdWire, for the fantastic menu screens which are included in the stock SFP1 game.
      -kout, for the System Menu icon I have taken from his SF1 Grey Main Menu Replacement mod.
      -Camouflage, for the NACA Main Screen (still available at the archives of Checksix-fr.com), which I have reworked.
      -HomeFries, for the planning map enhancements available in his Semi-Transparent Map Icons package.
      -Viper63a, for the Loading sound, which I got from one of his menu mods.
      -paulopanz, for collecting and updating guyran's WOI custom missions properly to SF2 standards.
      -guyran, for the original custom missions he created for Wings Over Israel.
      -KJakker, for his interest and welcome support.

      This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
      Any changes to the package's files and/or any copy-and-paste attempts of their contents are NOT authorized if you plan to release them in other mods. But permission might be granted to those who request it to me at CombatACE.
      This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
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      all as historically accurate as currently possible
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      alternately you can use the F-15C_91 from this mod without having to hunt for it
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      Viper63                      templates for their F-15 skins
      daddyairplanes        research, skin improvements, tga work

      Thank you for downloading this mod and i hope you enjoy flying it as much as i did creating it
      Kevin Unruh
      aka daddyairplanes
      24 Dec 2023

      This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself.
      The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions.
      See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first.
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.
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      This skin pack is to represent the 36th FW with its 22nd and 53rd Fighter Squadrons during Bitburgs last two years of operations. During this time the 36th still deployed to Aviano AB  in support of Operation Deny Flight, the no fly zone over the former Yugoslavia.
      - 3 F-15C skins
      - 2 F-15D skins
      all as historically accurate as currently possible
      first get the F-15C_91 aircraft, commonly found here

      after you extract the F-15C_91 aircraft and put it into your aircraft folder
      alternately you can use the F-15C_91 from this mod without having to hunt for it
      unzip this mod. open "To Mods" Folder. place contents into your chosen mods folder and allow overwrites    

      Viper63                      templates for their F-15 skins
      daddyairplanes        research, skin improvements, tga work

      Thank you for downloading this mod and i hope you enjoy flying it as much as i did creating it
      Kevin Unruh
      aka daddyairplanes
      24 Dec 2023

      This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself.
      The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions.
      See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first.
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.
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      View File F-15CD USAF Templates (Viper63a Modded)
      F-15CD USAF Templates (Viper63a Modded)
      This is a folder dump of my F-15 C & D USAF Skin Templates...
      This is merely my addition to the already existing and excellent skins in CombatAce...
      Thank you, 
      The Mudhen Maintenance Team 2016
      Viper63a - Upgraded Skins, Decals, Cockpit and Menu Screens.
      Spudknocker - Upgraded Flight Model and Weapons Loadout.
      Fanatic Modder - Upgraded Flight Model and Engine Emitters.
      Crusader - Upgraded and added 2012 FM and Cockpits to pack!
      RavenClaw_007 - Freaking insane Weapons and Ejection Seats! 
      JAT81500 - For the excellent Florian Pilot upgrades!
      Hi Ho Silvers - AfterBurner Mod.
      Nengajyou Aki -JASDF Serial Decals.
      Stick - Beta testing and assistance with FM - THANK YOU!
      April 2016
      Salute to the 2010 F-15 Super Pack Team for the original
      F-15 Super Pack!
      TK - For the ThirdWire series of sims.
      The Mirage Factory - For the nice F-15D MSIP aircraft...in particular Flying Toaster, wpnssgt, and Dave for making the F-15 MAX files available for me to play with.
      Kei Nagase - For the awesome skins for the F-15 ACTIVE.
      AleDucat - For the nice ACES II ejection seat models.
      Deuces - For the F-15 Afterburner and weapon effects.
      Diego - For the Modern USAF Pilot skins.
      Fubar512 - For the FM work.
      JimmyBib - For the F-15C cockpit flight control textures.
      MoonJumper - Avionics work.
      Sundowner - Textures.
      USAFMTL/Dave - Decals.
      Wpnssgt - Models, Textures.
      Kesselburt - Original F-15C cockpit.
      Kout - Loading and Hanger Screens.
      Kct - Textures and decals for the F-15SG.
      Brain32 - Improved/new textures for F-15C cockpit.
      Mago - F-15E Cockpit.
      331KillerBee - SF2 Weapons Pack (basis for some of the weapons included).
      Lexx Luthor - Siberian Sky Experimental 3-D Rocket Exhaust
      JAT81500 - F-15E Cockpit avionics and HUD work.
      To my fellows at Combatace for helping me beta test and work out bugs.
      Any errors or mistakes are entirely mine.
      FastCargo - 12 Jan 10
      Thank you, 
      Submitter Viper63a Submitted 11/16/2023 Category Skin Templates  

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